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Guest muddatrucker

I watched about 3 Nathan Barley episodes in a row late at ni

ght and I just didn't get what they were trying to do, it was like they were trying to be different and funny and I was just sitting back thinking what?

Saying that, I never thought the IT crowd would be great, because I don't even know who Chris Morris and whoever else is, its just naff.

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Ugh. Mighty Boosh.


Seriously, the only people I know who like the Mighty Boosh I can tell are fans of it, as they are all the same (note: weird, "quirky").

EDIT: And Mudda, Chris Morris did Brass Eye and The Day Today, which are both worth checking out. If you watch the news, he got into a lot of shit for his Brass Ete special on paedophelia.

Edited by rvdwannabe
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Mighty Boosh is okay but in my mind Nathan Barley is far superior (though in itself nowhere near The Day Today).

Barley is well observed and although I don't particularly like Nathan Barley himself, the Dan Ashcroft character is great, hero-worshipped by Barley and his 'followers' but always try to expose Barley for the idiot he is.

The "Geek Pie" harcut and the whole "Preacher Man" episode were fantastic.

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Ugh. Mighty Boosh.


Seriously, the only people I know who like the Mighty Boosh I can tell are fans of it, as they are all the same (note: weird, "quirky").

EDIT: And Mudda, Chris Morris did Brass Eye and The Day Today, which are both worth checking out. If you watch the news, he got into a lot of shit for his Brass Ete special on paedophelia.

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Ugh. Mighty Boosh.


Seriously, the only people I know who like the Mighty Boosh I can tell are fans of it, as they are all the same (note: weird, "quirky").

EDIT: And Mudda, Chris Morris did Brass Eye and The Day Today, which are both worth checking out. If you watch the news, he got into a lot of shit for his Brass Ete special on paedophelia.

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I THINK "Bad Aids" was The Day Today.

I borrowed a video from a friend with a few episodes on and think it may have been on that - I'll check it again.

The only overrated part of The Day Today was that whole "Swimming Pool" expose...Boring and too long...

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I THINK "Bad Aids" was The Day Today.

I borrowed a video from a friend with a few episodes on and think it may have been on that - I'll check it again.

The only overrated part of The Day Today was that whole "Swimming Pool" expose...Boring and too long...

Bad AIDS was Brass Eye, actually, the Sex episode. The Swimming Pool part is dull, the only good bit being "SOMEONE DIED".

The Mighty Boosh is incredible, though. It's one of the most emminently quotable TV shows in quite some time, the radio show was excellent too.

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The swimming pool bit was shit. Other than the whole Steve Coogan bit...."Nobody died..."..."Somebody died..."..."There was an incident with a pigeon in the roof"...

Edited by YI-tzy McJewish
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The Queen and John Major having a punch up was amusing although king of Day Today was without doubt when they started a war between two countries just so that they could have the official war coverage....

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The horse race with Partridge is my favourite, just for the classic horse names like "Epileptic Fridge Boy', 'Small Town Gypsy Massacre', 'Alf Ramsays Porn Dungeon', 'Christ's Chin', 'Abba The Horse' and of course 'Sinead O'Connor' :D

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The horse race with Partridge is my favourite, just for the classic horse names like "Epileptic Fridge Boy', 'Small Town Gypsy Massacre', 'Alf Ramsays Porn Dungeon', 'Christ's Chin', 'Abba The Horse' and of course 'Sinead O'Connor' :D

Edited by YI-tzy McJewish
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