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LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth II


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Yeah, so this is coming out soon. Anyone else looking forward to it as much as I am? I guess I could add this to the 'games you counted down the days to' thread.

My brother got the first one Christmas 2004 but we haven't actually been able to play it until December of last year when I got a new computer that could run it properly.

There are a million new great features. Including building your own castles, create-a-hero, three new races including dwarves goblins and elves. Quite a few new heroes, major one being Sauron. All in all it looks like a kickass game.

I've been keeping up with all the screenshots, movies and news here.

Plus, the demo is now out! It's 1.36gb and since I'm not a subscriber to gamespot I'm having to download from download.com. Which is taking an eternity.

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I'll have to play you online Aj. I got number one when it came out, and whilst it was good, heaps of things could have been improved. As long as this one has a semi-decent singeplayer mission mode (unlike the first where it was just destroy all the enemies in the area without much actual story to it, save the movie based missions), it should be a great game.

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I haven't played it as much as my brother has. I've only had one online battle and my team-mates quit on me and left me to fight 3 guys alone.

I'll give you a battle sometime though. That's if it's possible? You being all the way round the other side of the world and all.

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The demo has pissed me right off. I got 79% of it done and then it fucked up. 20 hours worth of downloading down the drain.

I was hoping someone would have put the demo up on limewire already but no-one has. It would've been far better to download from there than download.com through my web browser.

Yeah I'll battle you sometime but I can't remember your msn, downie something is it?

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Having finally downloaded the demo and played on it all evening. I have to say it's looking fucking awesome. I can barely bring myself to going back and playing on the first one now that I've had a taste of what's to come.

The new heroes are incredible and the formation commands are pretty nice. I like that they've added a new difficulty setting: 'Brutal' :blink: I dread to think.

Attached is a screenshot of me walloping the dwarves.



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I was really looking forward to the first one, but when I got it I thought it was a bit shit. I couldn't get on with the box in the bottom left (my trustly old bar down the right has gone from games like Red Alert) and the blocks for building on were incredibly limiting. I just couldn't get on with it. At all. I'll see what I think of this demo later. If it's good I'll look into getting it, so I can whoop AJ in multiplayer skirmish.


Looking at AJ's screenshot, I don't think I'll bother. It looks far too complicated for me to bother with it. Loads of things going on all over the screen, and billions of bars along the bottom to muck about with. Not for me.

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Well Marsh, in BFME II you can build anywhere, plus when you click on a builder. The buttons appear on the right handside. Is that good enough for you?

I'm used to the info being at the bottom though, plenty of time spent playing Warcraft II and AOE in years gone by.

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