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Hilarious so far.

A guy makes loads of prank callsand records them for the programme.

On channel 4 right now.

Calling as an arab guy who called HMV "Hoomv" and DVD as "Doovde" was definitely a great prank call.

Anyone else watching?

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Dunno, if indeed it IS repeated at all as it was just a part of comedy lab.

For a couple of them he called as one of those dodgy African money con callers.

"Good afternoon, we are the bank cleaners and we need your account number please."

"I beg your pardon?"

"We are steam cleaning the bank vault and need to know how much money you have so we can move it to a communal vault so that the money does not get wet. Can you give us your bank account details please?"

"I'm sorry I think you've got the wrong person. I work for a bank and we don't steam clean vaults. Who are you?"

"We are contracted by the bank to clean vaults. What is your account details please?"


Very amusing.

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