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WWE: The Saviour

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I'm not on the show, my name is not David, I just decided to put that character in one tryout match, then he will be going to OVW after about a month to shape up. Opener is not a big push lol. David Saviour's overness is 5. Triple H and Rey Mysterio did appear in the Main Event as they are Main Eventers, I used Rey in 3 segments, so dont complain. I had to fire half the roster because I am not going to use them. I get a maximum of 12 segments and over 100 superstars on the roster, so of course I need to make some cuts.

WWE.com News

Tuesday 22nd August 2006

WDW signed CM Punk, Chris Sabin, Chicano, Sonny Siaki, Petey Williams, Jody Fleisch, Damian 666, Perro Aguayo Jr., Chaparriti, Tajiri, Abismo Negro, Sabu, Mikey Whipwreck, La Parka, Ricky Banderas, Steve Bradley, La Parka II, Eric Young, Brian Lawler, Devon Storm, Dr. Wagner Jr., Manami Toyota, Cibernetico, Chase Stevens, Johnny Parisi, Eddie Colon, Matt Stryker, Shark Boy, Jay Lethal and Cody Hawk to a written contract

WWE have released more unneeded superstars, JBL, Orlando Jordan, Shelton Benjamin and The Undertaker.

Chris Benoit won the United States Championship from JBL in a special Live Event in Atlanta, Georgia.

WWE have confirmed a Test debut for the 16/06/2006 edition of Smackdown.

Batista will return at Bad Blood.

David Saviour will hit the OVW camp in 2 weeks and will be in the camp for atleast a year

The Cruiserweight Cup will continue with the winner facing Gregory Helms at Bad Blood.

Note: I need to post show half way finished so that nobody complains about waiting too long for a show. I am not stupid in the way I do my diary, I'm just Unique.

Edited by Notorious K.E.V.
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To make it more realistic, you should job to Torrie Wilson!

Scratch that. Most people would want to job to Torrie Wilson.

To make it more realistic, you should to Victoria!

Thats better.

Edited by Mattman
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Guest Ultimo_Bear_06

I sound like an ass and i'm sorry but this is the worse diary i've ever read and i only hope you heed what i say as advice and don't just ignore it.

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  • Admin

Note: I need to post show half way finished so that nobody complains about waiting too long for a show. I am not stuoid in the way I do my diary, I'm just Unique.

No, you need to post your shows as just one post, or I'll warn you for postwhoring. Clear?

And trust me, I don't think anyone is going to be upset if you take a long time posting shows.

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9th June 2006

Chris Benoit won the United States Championship off of JBL at a House Show this past week, will he be able to keep that title as he takes part in a Title Unification match against RVD.

Kurt Angle has a few choice words about the returning former World Heavyweight Champion Batista

The Cruiserweight Cup will continue on Smackdown

Big Show explains why he attacked The Mexicools, Friday night.

After an impressive victory over Funaki last week, what will the "Saviour" of professional wrestling have in store for the Smackdown audience next week.

Two titles will be on the line in a Double Main Event back-to-back as John Cena defends the WWE Championship against Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the King of Kings.

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9th June 2006

Hosted by Michael Cole & Tazz

“Rise Up” by Drowning Pool hits the P.A. as the crowd go wild as Smackdown superstar videos are shown on the Titantron. The Smackdown logo shows and then the pyros hit as the fans cheer even louder and hold up signs such as “The Diarrhoea of Professional Wrestling”, “Toothless Aggression”, “The King of Kings goes back on his throne, June 11th” The camera shows the announce table

Michael Cole: Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown

Tazz: What a great night we have in store, I’m Tazz, he’s a pussy, lets get on with the show.

Michael Cole laughs as Gunner Scott’s music hits.


Gunner Scott vs David Saviour (w/ Vince McMahon)

Gunner Scott comes out from the back to a huge pop. Gunner Scott raises his arms and walks down the ramp.

Tony Chimel: The following is your opening contest on Smackdown on UPN!, introducing first, making his way to the ring, weighing 245lbs, Gunner Scott

Gunner Scott climbs into the ring.

Michael Cole: This man, Gunner Scott is currently on a roll

Tazz: He is a definetley a force not to be missed with

Michael Cole: If you fans at home don’t know how impressive he’s been, he debuted on Smackdown with a victory over Booker T and 2 weeks ago, he pinned Booker T in a Tag Team Match.

Gunner Scott’s music stops and “No Chance in Hell” gets played over the P.A. as David Saviour walks out from the back followed by Vince McMahon

Tazz: And, here comes the “Saviour” of Professional Wrestling

The crowd boo as David Saviour and Vince McMahon walk down the ramp

Tony Chimel: And the opponent, being lead to the ring by Mr. McMahon, now residing in Madison, New York, weighing in at 130lbs, David Saviour.

David Saviour jumps over the top rope and climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms. He climbs down as the bell rings. Saviour and Scott grapple up. Gunner uses his superior Technical ability to get Saviour down on the ground with a Hammerlock, he then applies a Front Facelock as the crowd chant Gunner…Gunner…Gunner. Gunner Scott applies more pressure but Saviour gets back up to his knees and then onto his feet. Gunner knees Saviour in the gut and then hits a DDT and covers




Gunner Scott picks Saviour back up and jabs him in the jaw. Gunner then follows up with a Suplex, Gunner waits for Saviour to get to his feet and bounces off the ropes and connects with a Flying Forearm. Gunner gets to his feet and so does Saviour. Gunner hits a Hat-trick of German Suplexes on Saviour. Gunner then waits for Saviour to get back to his feet and runs for a Clothesline but Saviour ducks it. Gunner turns around and gets hit with a Dropkick. Both men get to their feet and Gunner hits a Dropkick on Saviour and covers…




Gunner begins to get frustrated and lifts Saviour back up. Saviour breaks free and starts attacking Gunner with right hands and kicks Gunner in the gut. Saviour hits a Sunset Flip and then holds the ropes as the referee counts and he doesn’t see it




The bell rings and David Saviour escapes from the ring and runs up the ramp with Vince McMahon. Gunner Scott watches from the ring in frustration.

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, David Saviour

Michael Cole: What an upset on Gunner Scott.

Rating: 37%


Booker T vs Lashley

Gunner Scott gets to his feet and is about to leave the ring when Booker T comes out from the crowd and attacks Gunner Scott from behind. Booker T beats down Gunner Scott and goes for a Book End but Lashley runs out and makes the save by fighting off Booker, the crowd go wild. Gunner Scott slides out of the ring and a referee runs down the ramp and rings the bell.

Michael Cole: What the? This isn’t a match

Tazz: Well it is now

Booker T gets to his feet and goes for a Fly Kick but Lashley grabs his leg and flips Booker over.

Michael Cole: Look at the strength of Lashley.

Tazz: I’ve never seen anyone do that to Booker T

Booker T gets to his feet and Lashley connects with a devastating Spear as the crowd go wild. Lashley motions for the end as Booker T gets to his feet. Lashley hits the Dominator and pins Booker T…




Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, Lashley

Lashley celebrates for a bit in the ring until William Regal runs out from the back and goes after Lashley. Lashley escapes from the ring and walks up the ramp with a smirk on his face. William Regal helps Booker T to his feet. Lashley picks up a microphone and puts it to his lips.

Lashley: If that’s the way, you wanna play, Booker, we’ll just see what you can do in Tag Team action at Bad Blood

Michael Cole: Wow Tazz, Booker T & William Regal will team up to face Lashley & Gunner Scott at Bad Blood

Rating: 76%


A music video plays and shows clips from Chris Benoit’s match with JBL for the United States Championship at a House Show.

Rating: 79%

Michael Cole: Well, later tonight we will see if Chris Benoit can keep his United States Championship as he takes part in a Title Unification Match against Rob Van Dam.

Tazz: If Benoit wins, he won’t only have retained his U.S. title, he would have won the Intercontinental Championship


The camera shows Kurt Angle backstage and he gets the loudest pop of the night.

Kurt Angle: I heard that an “Animal” is returning to Smackdown this Sunday at Bad Blood.

Crowd cheer and chant Batista…Batista…Batista

Kurt Angle: Batista thinks he’s the Animal, well I’m the only vicious animal in the WWE, I took out Mark Henry after he proclaimed he was an Animal.

Crowd go wild

Kurt Angle: I think the fans need to see the Battle of the Beasts. At Bad Blood, I demand a match against Batista and I’ll put him back on the injured list.

Crowd give mixed reactions as Kurt Angle walks off

Rating: 100%


Brian Kendrick vs Billy Kidman

The camera turns back to ringside where Billy Kidman’s music hits and the crowd cheer.

Michael Cole: Kurt Angle will take on Batista this Sunday at Bad Blood, but now its time for the Cruiserweight Cup.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Cruiserweight Cup Semi-Final Match scheduled for one fall, introducing first now residing in Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 195lbs, Billy Kidman

Billy Kidman walked down the ramp as the crowd cheered. Kidman climbed into the ring as his music stopped and Brian Kendrick’s music hit. Brian Kendrick jumped out from the back.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 185lbs, Brian Kendrick

Brian Kendrick runs down the ramp and slides into the ring as the crowd go wild. He climbs the turnbuckle and does a backflip off. The bell rings and Kidman and Kendrick grapple up. One half of the fans chant, Let’s Go Kendrick and the other half follow with Come on Kidman. Billy Kidman locks Kendrick in a Hammerlock and Kendrick escapes and locks Kidman in a Hammerlock. Kidman sits down and hits a Snapmare and locks in the Reverse Chin Lock. Kendrick blacks out as the referee counts his hand down twice but he manages to keep it up the third time. Kendrick rushes to his feet and elbows Kidman in the gut twice and bounces off the ropes and hits a Clothesline. The crowd get pumped up as Kendrick builds momentum. Kendrick throws Kidman off the ropes and Kidman holds on as Kendrick goes for a missed Dropkick. Kidman picks Kendrick to his feet and hits a Dropkick he covers…




Kidman begins to get frustrated. Kidman picks Kendrick to his feet but Kendrick starts fighting back and bounces off the ropes and goes for a Clothesline but Kidman goes for a BK Bomb but Kendrick reverses it into the Head Scissors. Kendrick picks Kidman up and goes for the Sliced Bread but Kidman pushes Kendrick into the turnbuckle and he bounces back. Kidman hits a Spin-Out Powerbomb and climbs to the top rope. Kidman goes for the Shooting Star Press but Kendrick gets his knees up. Kendrick covers Kidman




Kendrick & Kidman continue with impressive high flying moves until Kendrick goes for a Standing Moonsault but Kidman rolls him over and pins




Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, Billy Kidman!

Billy Kidman’s music hits and he slides out of the ring quickly. He walks up the ramp smiling.

Michael Cole: Kidman advances in the Cruiserweight Cup

Tazz: Kidman’s in the finals.

Rating: 76%


Akio vs Paul London

The camera returns from a commercial and shows Michael Cole & Tazz at ring-side

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Smackdown, still to come, we will see if either the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship will change hands as two separate main event matches will have the championships defended,

Tazz: I’d love to see that one, but the thing I’d most like to see is Chris Benoit get out of a sticky situation and get a victory over the Show Stealer Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental and United States Championships

Michael Cole: All of that is still to come tonight, but right now it’s time for a Cruiserweight Cup match, and this great Cruiserweight action is exclusive to World Wrestling Entertainment.

Akio’s music hits as the crowd give mixed reactions and Akio walks out from the back.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Cruiserweight Cup Semi-Final match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Japan, weighing in at 180lbs, Akio

Akio walks down the ramp and slides into the ring as his music cuts. Paul London’s music hits and he runs down and slides into the ring

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Aust…

Paul London immediately attacks Akio as the crowd go wild and the referee rings the bell.

Michael Cole: Paul London never even got introduced.

Tazz: Isn’t it obvious Cole, Tony Chimel can’t do his job

Paul London chops Akio repeatedly in the corner but Akio reverses it and starts chopping London as the crowd boo. Akio lifts London onto the second rope, he walks to the turnbuckles opposite and runs at London but Paul London jumps and hits a Mushroom Stomp and Akio’s face hits the second turnbuckle. Paul London runs and dropkicks Akio who is sitting in the corner as the crowd go wild. Akio gets to his feet and Paul London hits a DDT, he bounces off the ropes and does a Standing SSP and covers




The bell rings and the crowd cheer.

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, Paul London.

Michael Cole: Paul London will meet Billy Kidman in the finals of the Cruiserweight Cup at Bad Blood.

Rating: 77%


The camera goes back to ringside after a Commercial for Bad Blood Live on Pay-Per-View, this Sunday. The camera shows Michael Cole & Tazz sitting at ring-side.

Michael Cole: Let’s take a little look at the Line-Up for a great PPV with both RAW and Smackdown superstars. Billy Kidman and Paul London have had bad blood for the past 2 years. Kidman and London are former Tag Team Champions who split up after Kidman put Chavo Guerrero out of action with a Shooting Star Press, 2 years ago. At No Mercy 2004, Kidman and London stepped into the ring for a brutal match in which Kidman put out London with a Shooting Star Press while he was strapped to a backboard, they haven’t faced each other in a fierce and fair match since and this Sunday, they will step into the ring and it won’t only be hatred on the line, it will be the Cruiserweight Cup Finals.

Tazz: Booker T & William Regal will team up to take on the immense and impressive team of Gunner Scott and Lashley. Gunner has had two pinfalls over Booker T since Wrestlemania and is there a third victory on the way? We’ll find out at Bad Blood

Michael Cole: It is now confirmed that the winner of the Cruiserweight Cup will get their title shot against Gregory Helms on the same night. Will Gregory Helms be able to defeat the powerful force in both Kidman & London.

Tazz: Here’s my favourite Cole, the new and improved MNM will defend their Undisputed Tag Team Championship belts against The Spirit Squad in a Rematch.

Michael Cole: RVD & Benoit will have yet another match in which whoever holds the I.C. and U.S. titles will put both on the line. Who will come out on top?

Tazz: Big Show attacked The Mexicools last week on Smackdown and now The Mexicools demand retribution as they will take on Big Show in a Handicap.

Michael Cole: How could we forget about this one, The Animal Batista returns to take on The Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle. Who is the true Animal of Sports Entertainment? We will find out Sunday.

Tazz: The best main event you could possibly think of, the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships will get unified as John Cena and Rey Mysterio defend the titles in a 4-Way against Triple H and Randy Orton.

Michael Cole: Catch Bad Blood, this Sunday live 8pm, only on Pay-Per-View. For up to the minute information on Bad Blood catch, WWE Bottom Line, this Sunday live at 7pm on UPN!


The camera shows backstage where Big Show is sitting in his locker room and the crowd boo.

Big Show: I know what all of you are thinking, Why did I attack The Mexicools?

Crowd boo

Big Show: The answer is simple, I attacked them because the Cruiserweights stole my spotlight. They stole the show week in and week out on Smackdown and I could only watch because I was on the RAW Brand.

Crowd boo

Big Show: But now, with the brand split abolished, I can stop these Cruiserweights from stealing my fame from under my size 20 feet.

Crowd boo

Big Show: And I’ll show them that size matters.

Big Show laughs and walks off.

Rating: 89%


Big Show vs Kane

The pyros go off and Kane’s music hits as the crowd cheer and the camera shows a sign which reads “The Big Blue Machine” referring to Smackdown’s colour is blue. Kane walks out from the back as the crowd quieten down

Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, making his debut as part of the Smackdown Roster, weighing 326lbs, Kane

Kane walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring over the top rope. Kane raises his arms and drops them and all the pyros in the ring go off. Kane’s music stops and the lights return to normal. Big Show’s music hits and the stage pyros go off and Big Show walks out to thunderous boos. He looks down the ramp to his former tag team partner. Big Show then walks down the ramp

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, weighing 480lbs, Big Show

Big Show climbs into the ring the same way as Kane.

Michael Cole: Lately on RAW, Kane has been in freak mode and 2 weeks ago a mirror image of Kane came out and chokeslammed him.

Tazz: But now that he’s on Smackdown, Kane looks ready to go.

The bell rings and Kane and Big Show grapple up and Big Show starts off with the upper hand because of his size advantage. The match remains quite technical. Kane builds momentum after a Big Boot and motions for a Chokeslam but his mask shows up on the titantron and he goes on the ground in fear. Big Show hits a Chokeslam on the freaked out Kane but before he can go for a cover. The Mexicools music hits and the lights turn to normal and Psicosis comes out from the back on a lawnmower and Big Show gets distracted and challenges Psicosis to come into the ring. Psicosis drives down the ramp and then switches off the engine and sits. Big Show turns back around and gets Missile Dropkicked by Super Crazy but he doesn’t budge. Super Crazy gets back up and goes for a Springboard Moonsault but Big Show catches him and throws him out of the ring. Psicosis comes into the ring and starts attacking Big Show, but Big Show hits a Chokeslam and kicks Psicosis out of the ring afterwards. He raises his arm and his music hits.

Rating: 82%


Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit

Rob Van Dam’s music hits as Big Show walks up the ramp. Rob Van Dam walks out onto the stage and walks by Big Show who glares at RVD. Big Show motions that he wants the belt. Rob Van Dam just keeps walking down the ramp.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Title Unification Match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Battle Creek, Michigan, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Rob Van Dam

RVD walks up to the ring and slides in he jumps in a circle in the ring holding up his Intercontinental Championship. His music cuts and Chris Benoit’s music hits to a large ovation. Chris Benoit walks out from the back and looks into the crowd for a while and then walks down to the ring.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, he is the United States Champion, Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit climbs into the ring and lifts the United States Championship above his head to a big pop. The crowd chant Benoit…Benoit…Benoit.

The bell rings and the match begins, most of the match remains technical and Benoit keeps Rob Van Dam on the ground for 8 minutes of the match. Rob Van Dam managed to fight out of a Rear Naked Chin Lock and got to his feet as the crowd stamped their feet to cheer him on. Rob Van Dam hit a Spinning Kick which knocked Benoit down. He ran up and hit a Split Legged Moonsault off the top turnbuckle and covered…




RVD picked Chris Benoit back up and hit a Spinning Wheel Kick which knocked Benoit down again. RVD went to pick Benoit up again but Benoit started fighting back and hit a Hat-tirck of German Suplexes. Benoit then followed up with the Diving Headbutt. Benoit went for the Sharpshooter but RVD escaped and kicked Benoit in the gut. RVD rolled Benoit over and held onto the ropes as the crowd booed…



Impressive KO

Benoit managed to escape just in time. Chris Benoit locked in the Crippler Crossface and RVD tried to fight out for a minute before tapping out to the superior technical ability of Benoit. The crowd went wild as the bell rang.

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner and the new Intercontinental Champion and still United States Champion, Chris Benoit.

Chris Benoit leaves the ring as Rob Van Dam is upset in losing his Intercontinental Championship.

Rating: 85%


John Cena vs Randy Orton

The scene comes back from a commercial and shows Michael Cole & Jim Ross sitting at the announce position.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Smackdown, and joining me for the Double Main Event is none other than the legendary announcer J.R.

J.R.: Well, let’s get to the action.

The crowd boo as Randy Orton’s music hits and Randy Orton walks out in a brand new attire, he wore a Priest shirt with trousers. Randy Orton walks down the ramp.

Howard Finkle: The following contest is the first of a Double Main Event and it is scheduled for one fall for the WWE Championship, introducing first, the challenger, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 245lbs, Randy Orton

Randy Orton climbs into the ring and gets handed in a microphone.

J.R.: Looks like we’re going to here from Randy Orton

Randy Orton: I’m BAAAACKKKKK

Crowd boo

Randy Orton: Better than that, after being suspended from WWE for “unprofessional conduct”, I had an epithany, for the last 2 months, I’ve been training, I haven’t been training for wrestling, no, I’ve been in practice of becoming a priest.

Crowd boo

Randy Orton: Yeah, that’s right, reject the sin.

Crowd boo as Randy Orton laughs.

Randy Orton: This Sunday, You sinners, better show up for mass, Bottom Line, 7pm. I am Father Hardcore, Hallowed be THY name

Crowd boo.

J.R.: That is ridiculous, Randy Orton saying mass this Sunday on Bottom Line.

John Cena’s music hits and the crowd give mixed reactions. John Cena walks out raising the WWE Championship.

Howard Finkle: And his opponent, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, he is the reigning and defending WWE Champion, John Ceeeena

John Cena walks down the ramp and slides into the ring and immediately gets attacked by Randy Orton as the crowd boo. The bell rings and Randy Orton raises Cena to his feet and he fights back. Cena bounces off the ropes and hits a Clothesline. Orton gets to his feet quickly and Cena throws him off the ropes and hits a Hip Toss. Cena waits for Orton to get to his feet and then hits a Spin-Out Powerbomb. Cena motions You Can’t See Me in Orton’s face, he bounces off the ropes and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Orton gets to his feet slowly but is hit with an FU. John Cena pins Orton




Howard Finkle: Here is your winner and still WWE Champion, John Cena

J.R.: That match was the quickest WWE Championship match, I have ever seen

Michael Cole: Father Hardcore’s in-ring return wasn’t as good as he thought it would be.

John Cena looks onto the ring from the stage holding up his WWE Championship before walking to the back. Randy Orton slowly gets up and receives an ovation. Orton slides out of the ring.

Rating: 84%


Rey Mysterio vs Triple H

“Father Hardcore” Randy Orton walks up the ramp but then Triple H’s King of Kings music hits and Triple H walks out onto the stage. Triple H stands for about a minute and stares at Randy Orton. Triple H then spits out the water into the camera and then Triple H walks up to Randy Orton.

Triple H: I’ll show you how it’s done

Triple H walks down the ramp as Randy Orton walks into the back. Triple H drinks more water and climbs onto the apron. He spits the water into the air and then into the camera and enters the ring.

Michael Cole: This man pinned Rey Mysterio last week in a Tag Team Match. Tonight, Triple H is looking to do it again and win the World Heavyweight Championship.

“Booyaka 619” hits the arena and the crowd go wild. Rey Mysterio jumps up from beneath the stage and walks down the ramp.

Howard Finkle: The following contest is your final Main Event of Smackdown on UPN!, introducing first from San Diego, California, weighing in at 170lbs, he is the reigning and defending Heavyweight Champion of the World, Rey Mysteeeerio

Rey Mysterio climbs onto the apron and jumps into the ring.

Howard Finkle: And his opponent, in the ring from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265lbs, “The King of Kings” Triple H.

The bell rings and Rey Mysterio and Triple H grapple up. The match is hard and intense for the whole way through, Mysterio uses his speed to get the advantage on multiple occasions, Triple H uses his strength to get the advantage over Mysterio’s speed on many occasions. The ending comes after Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Rey Mysterio trips him up and he falls onto the second rope. Rey Mysterio hits the 619 and Triple H gets knocked back up to his feet. Rey Mysterio goes for the Seated Senton but Triple H kicks Mysterio in the stomach and finishes him off with a Pedigree as the crowd go wild. Triple H covers…




Howard Finkle: Here is your winner and the NEW Heavyweight Champion of the World, Triple H

Michael Cole: Wow, Triple H has beaten Rey Mysterio and is now the 11 time World Heavyweight Champion.

J.R.: They said it wouldn’t be done but Triple H has held the World Heavyweight Championship 11 times.

Triple H puts his head against the Championship and treasures it.

Michael Cole: Thanks for joining us, I’m Michael Cole, he’s Jim Ross, we’ll see you Sunday Night for Bad Blood.

Rating: 81%



David Saviour def. Gunner Scott

Lashley def. Booker T

Billy Kidman def. Brian Kendrick (Cruiserweight Cup)

Paul London def. Akio (Cruiserweight Cup)

Big Show vs Kane (No Contest)

United States Champion Chris Benoit def. Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam (Unification)

WWE Champion John Cena def. Randy Orton

Triple H def. World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio (New Champ)

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WWE.com News

10th June 2006

WWE recieved a 5.73 rating for Smackdown

Gunner Scott has been pushed to Lower Midcard

WWE House Show Results:

Edmonton, Alberta, CA

5th June 2006

Chris Benoit def. United States Champion JBL (Non-Title)

Lashley def. Booker T

Tag Team Champions MNM def. Kenny\Mikey and Johnny\Nicky

Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam def. Charlie Haas

Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms def. Chavo Guerrero

Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

Kid Kash & Jamie Noble def. The Mexicools

WWE Champion John Cena def. Edge

World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio def. Kurt Angle

Atlanta, Georgia

7th June 2006

Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam def. Lance Cade

David Saviour def. Trevor Murdoch

Booker T def. Gunner Scott

Chris Benoit def. United States Champion JBL (New Champ)

Paul London, Brian Kendrick & Mexicools def. Gregory Helms, Billy Kidman, Akio & Kid Kash

Paul Burchill def. William Regal

John Cena & Rey Mysterio def. Triple H & Edge

Kurt Angle def. Lashley


11th June 2006

The monthly Live PPV Hype show, hosted by Todd Grisham & The Coach, live from the WWE Studios in New York City, includes all the news and exclusive interviews for the ppv.

Also shows Recaps from Smackdown and in the Main Event, there will be a live Pre-PPV exclusive match live from the Hammerstein Ballroom.

For up to the minute information on Bad Blood watch Bottom Line this Sunday at 7pm or visit WWE.com to watch the show live online.

WWE Bad Blood sponsored by Sony Playstation 2

All rights reserved

Edited by Notorious K.E.V.
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WWE.com News

11th June 2006

With Bad Blood tonight, the WWE would like to give the fans a chance on a little competition with the winner booking one feud for the next pay-per-view (PM me for details)

All you have to do is score the most points by playing WWE Fantasy

Confirmed Matches:

Paul London vs Billy Kidman (Cruiserweight Cup Final)

- Who wins? (1)

- How does the match end? (1)

- What happens after the match? (1)

Booker T & William Regal vs Lashley & Gunner Scott

- Which team win? (1)

- Who gets the pin? (1)

- Who gets pinned? (1)

Gregory Helms vs Cruiserweight Cup Winner

- Who wins? (1)

- How does he win? (1)

- Which Cruiserweight attacks both competitors after the match? (1)

Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit (I.C. and U.S. titles)

- Who wins? (1)

- Which title does the winner scrap? (1)

MNM vs The Spirit Squad (Tag Titles)

- Which team wins? (1)

- Which two members of the Spirit Squad take part? (1)

- Who gets the pin? (1)

- Who gets pinned? (1)

Big Show vs The Mexicools

- Which side wins? (1)

- Who gets pinned? (1)

- What is the finishing move? (1)

Kurt Angle vs Batista

- Who wins? (1)

- What happens after the match? (1)

WWE Undisputed Championship Fatal 4-Way

Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena vs Rey Mysterio

- Who gets the pin? (1)

- Who gets pinned? (1)

- Which title does the champion scrap as a result? (1)

Edited by Notorious K.E.V.
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Paul London vs Billy Kidman (Cruiserweight Cup Final)

- winner: Paul London

- Paul hits a Shooting Star Press

- Kidman attacks Paul untill Kendrick makes the save.

Booker T & William Regal vs Lashley & Gunner Scott

- Lashly & Gunner Scott

- Lashly

- William Regal

Gregory Helms vs Cruiserweight Cup Winner

- Gregory Helms

- Kidman distracts London

- Kid Kash

Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit (I.C. and U.S. titles)

- Rob Van Dam

- US title.

MNM vs The Spirit Squad (Tag Titles)


-Kenny & Mikey

- Mercury

- Kenny

Big Show vs The Mexicools

- The Mexicools

- Big Show

- a moonsault/legdrop combo

Kurt Angle vs Batista

- Kurt Angle

- A crew of ECW guys come out and beat up Batista

WWE Undisputed Championship Fatal 4-Way

Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena vs Rey Mysterio

- Rey Mysterio

- John Cena

- The WWE title (RAW one)

Edited by The Saint
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Thanks for the advice, I'll request a banner and I put reason why the brand split got abolished. WWE ran low on money when WDW came around. I've read diaries before, this is just my first attempt at writing one, my TNA diary sucked but now I'm actually trying to make my shows half-decent. Thanks for pointing out my sig needs updated.

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11th June 2006

Hosted by Todd Grisham & Jonathan Coachman

Tropical music hits as the fans at WWE Studios in New York City go wild. (Tropical Music = TNAWrestling.com’s Apolo music) The camera goes through all the fans and then goes to the stage where Todd Grisham & The Coach are standing.

Todd Grisham: Hello everybody and welcome to Bottom Line

The Coach: We are just 1 hour away from a spectacular ppv known as Bad Blood

Todd Grisham: Throughout the show we will be showing clips leading up to Bad Blood and on the large screen behind us here in New York, the fans will be able to see all the action from the Hammerstein, Ballroom Live.

The Coach: First of all, let’s talk about this past week’s Smackdown, Rob Van Dam, Chris Benoit, a brilliant title unification, hell, I can’t even describe it, just roll the tape.


Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit

Rob Van Dam’s music hits as Big Show walks up the ramp. Rob Van Dam walks out onto the stage and walks by Big Show who glares at RVD. Big Show motions that he wants the belt. Rob Van Dam just keeps walking down the ramp.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Title Unification Match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Battle Creek, Michigan, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Rob Van Dam

RVD walks up to the ring and slides in he jumps in a circle in the ring holding up his Intercontinental Championship. His music cuts and Chris Benoit’s music hits to a large ovation. Chris Benoit walks out from the back and looks into the crowd for a while and then walks down to the ring.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, he is the United States Champion, Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit climbs into the ring and lifts the United States Championship above his head to a big pop. The crowd chant Benoit…Benoit…Benoit.

The bell rings and the match begins, most of the match remains technical and Benoit keeps Rob Van Dam on the ground for 8 minutes of the match. Rob Van Dam managed to fight out of a Rear Naked Chin Lock and got to his feet as the crowd stamped their feet to cheer him on. Rob Van Dam hit a Spinning Kick which knocked Benoit down. He ran up and hit a Split Legged Moonsault off the top turnbuckle and covered…




RVD picked Chris Benoit back up and hit a Spinning Wheel Kick which knocked Benoit down again. RVD went to pick Benoit up again but Benoit started fighting back and hit a Hat-tirck of German Suplexes. Benoit then followed up with the Diving Headbutt. Benoit went for the Sharpshooter but RVD escaped and kicked Benoit in the gut. RVD rolled Benoit over and held onto the ropes as the crowd booed…



Impressive KO

Benoit managed to escape just in time. Chris Benoit locked in the Crippler Crossface and RVD tried to fight out for a minute before tapping out to the superior technical ability of Benoit. The crowd went wild as the bell rang.

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner and the new Intercontinental Champion and still United States Champion, Chris Benoit.

Chris Benoit leaves the ring as Rob Van Dam is upset in losing his Intercontinental Championship.

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11th June 2006

Hosted by Michael Cole & Joey Styles

“Bodies” by Drowning Pool hits the arena and the crowd go wild.

Narrator: And now, RAW and Smackdown present, BAD BLOOD!!!!

The pyros hit the entire arena and the fans go wild. The Bad Blood graphic gets played on the widescreen specially-designed titantron. The camera shows the announce table where Michael Cole is sitting with Joey Styles.

Michael Cole: Hello everybody and welcome to Bad Blood, Live on Pay-Per-View, I’m Michael Cole and here with me, returning to World Wrestling Entertainment, it is Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: Thanks Cole, we have loads of action tonight, the finals of the Cruiserweight Cup, a Fatal 4-Way for the Undisputed Championship and my personal favourite, Kurt Angle and Batista go one-on-one.

Michael Cole: Let’s take a listen into our Spanish colleagues, Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera

The camera moves along to the second announce table where the Spanish Announce Team are consulting

Hugo Savinovich: Hola los ventiladores, mala sangre van a ser espectaculares esta noche

Carlos Cabrera: Sí, Juan Cena defiende el aswell del campeonato de WWE como campeonato triple de Heavyweight del mundo de H que defiende en un fósforo de cuatro hombres para determinar a un campeón de Undisputed


Billy Kidman vs Paul London

Paul London’s music hits and the crowd go wild. Paul London jumps out onto the stage and calls the Hammerstein Ballroom fans to their feet.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Cruiserweight Cup, introducing first, from Austin, Texas weighing in at 205lbs, Paul London

Paul London runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and does a back flip off as the crowd go wild.

Joey Styles: I feel right at home here in the Hammerstein Ballroom, the home of my former employees Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Billy Kidman’s music hits to a shower of boos.

Michael Cole: Let’s take you back to WWE Unlimited from just before Bad Blood came on the air.

WWE.com Unlimited

Billy Kidman Interview

Billy Kidman: Me and Paul London go way back 2 years ago, this match is 2 years in the making and just like last time, I’m going to put Paul London where he belongs in a hospital bed.

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WWE.com News

12th June 2006

Test is scheduled to debut This Friday on Smackdown 9pm

Fantasy Results:

The Saint:

Paul London vs Billy Kidman (Cruiserweight Cup Final)

- Who wins? - Paul London (1)

- How does the match end? - Shooting Star Press (0) 450 Splash

- What happens after the match? - Kidman attacks London till Kendrick makes the save (0) Handshake

Booker T & William Regal vs Lashley & Gunner Scott

- Which team win? - Lashley\Gunner (1)

- Who gets the pin? - Lashley (0) Gunner Scott

- Who gets pinned? - Regal (0) Booker T

Gregory Helms vs Cruiserweight Cup Winner

- Who wins? - Gregory Helms (0) No Contest

- How does he win? - Kidman distracts London (0) Sneak Attack

- Which Cruiserweight attacks both competitors after the match? - Kid Kash (0) - Chavo Guerrero

Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit (I.C. and U.S. titles)

- Who wins? - Rob Van Dam (1)

- Which title does the winner scrap - U.S. title (1)

MNM vs The Spirit Squad (Tag Titles)

- Which team wins? - MNM (1)

- Which two members of the Spirit Squad take part? - Kenny & Mikey (0) Johnny & Nicky

- Who gets the pin? - Mercury (0) Nitro

- Who gets pinned? - Kenny (0) Johnny

Big Show vs The Mexicools

- Which side wins? - The Mexicools (0) Big Show

- Who gets pinned? - Big Show (0) Both members of The Mexicools

- What is the finishing move? - Moonsault/Legdrop Combo (0) - Double Chokeslam

Kurt Angle vs Batista

- Who wins? - Kurt Angle (1)

- What happens after the match? - ECW guys attack Batista (0) Referee reverses decision

WWE Undisputed Championship Fatal 4-Way

Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena vs Rey Mysterio

- Who gets the pin? - Rey (0) Orton

- Who gets pinned? John Cena (0) Rey

- Which title does the champion scrap as a result? - WWE Championship (1)

Total: 7 / 24

PPV buyrate 1.68

18687 people attended Bad Blood

$5,321,220 was made from this event

Chris Benoit will be taking 2-4 weeks off to nurse a minor neck injury

WWE Power 10

10. Chris Benoit (NE)

Chris Benoit makes it into the Power 10 after winning the U.S. title at a House Show and following up with winnig the I.C. title on Smackdown, his loss at Bad Blood and neck injury pulls him down though.

9. Edge (4)

The Rated R Superstar is not currently appearing in storylines due to an off camera injury he suffered while training. He will be out for atleast 6 weeks.

8. Kane (NE)

Kane made his way onto the Top 10 thanks to an impressive match with Big Show, but the mind games in his head continued as his past is haunting him

7. Vince McMahon (6)

Mr. McMahon has recently been training the 15 year old David Saviour and so quit his job as booker of Smackdown.

6. Shawn Michaels (9)

HBK raises in the ranks as he is scheduled to return to Smackdown this week

5. Randy Orton (8)

Debuted his new Father Hardcore gimmick on Smackdown and won the Undisputed Championship at Bad Blood

4. John Cena (7)

Impressive victory over Randy Orton to retain his WWE Championship on Smackdown but lost his title to Randy Orton at Bad Blood

3. Triple H (2)

Triple H won the World Heavyweight Championship from Rey Mysterio on Smackdown but lost it 2 nights later at Bad Blood

2. Batista (5)

Returned at Bad Blood and got a DQ victory over Kurt Angle but has now been put back on the shelf indefinetley

1. Kurt Angle (-)

Showed a vicious side when he destroyed Batista at Bad Blood and put him on the injured list

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