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Workout songs?


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I find that working out music can often be the same as listening to music on a journey, you have to put something on that lasts for a while and not get bored of otherwise you'll be switching and skipping hundreds of different songs on shuffle or something.

Slow and long songs, such as those by Pink Floyd, whilst great to listen to in silence are often distorted by the sound of the machines. Yet sometimes really fast and frantic songs can have the reverse effect, you seem to want to go faster or something like that to keep in time.

My personal playlist for a gym includes:

  • The Hypnotize album by SOAD

  • Random Pantera songs (heavy but slower)

  • Guns N' Roses... more or less everything

  • Motorhead (heavy and fast... but not thrash fast)

  • Rage Against The Machine (i dispise hip hop etc. but love the beats and guitar in this)

  • RHCP (more or less everything from Calafornication, BTW and Stadium Arcadia)

  • Foo Fighters (The new albums pretty good, but only disk one for the gym)

  • The Darkness (fun and easy to listen to songs)

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The hours approaching, just give it your best

You got to reach your prime.

That’s when you need to put yourself to the test,

And show us a passage of time,

Were going to need a montage (montage)

Oh it takes a montage (montage)

Sure a lot of things happing at once,

With mind, everyone what’s going on (what’s going on?)

And when every shot you show a little improvement

Just Show it or it will take to long

that’s called a montage (montage)

Oh we want montage (montage)

And anything that we want to know, from just a beginner to a pro,

You want a montage (montage)

even rocky had a montage (montage)


Anything that we want to know, from just a beginner to a pro,

You need a montage (montage)

Oh it takes a montage (montage)

Always fade out in a montage,

If you fade out, it seem like more time

Has passed in a montage,


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