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NFL 06/07 Talk

Guest Mighty Mighty Bosstown

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The whole reason that rules were changed was because the Patriots were committing pass interference on every play but the referee's wouldn't call it. I agree that they shouldn't have called it every time, but it was obvious that the Colts should have gotten at least a few calls for pass interference. The new rules were more in favor of the Patriots, because after that game was reviewed and everyone had a chance to see everything, it would've forced the Patriots to completely change their style rather then alter it.
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There were others complaining and if you listen to any of the people on TV the Patriots were committing pass interference, but because it wasn't as bad as some it usually wasn't called. After if got so much publicity, the referees would have been under pressure to make the close calls pass interference, but now that have a 5-yard option that they can use that won't be nearly as costly.

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I'd throw in a rule modification that says if the penalty was not detrimental to the play, it gets waved off. I mean seriously, a running back 25 yards down field doesn't deserve to get that run taken back because the tackle back 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage is holding somebody. Passes to the left side of the field do not deserve to become first downs thanks to pass interference on the right, as last I checked a ball thrown to the left side of the field was uncatchable to a receiver on the right side <_<

Oh, and delay of game doesn't need to be called, just blow the whistle, move the ball back five yards and blow the whistle again with a new 40-second clock; it always bothered me that stopping play, throwing the flag, setting up, making the call, announcing the yardage penalty and signifying that the down hadn't changed was 3x more of a delay of game than the actual fucking penalty was.

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All well and good oldskool, but how do you determine if it is detrimental or not? That tackle holding the guy 5 yards behind the line, while holding did he force him that five yards? Or without the hold would that lineman have tackled the RB, or even forced him into a different route that maybe he picks up 20 yards instead of the TD? That Pass Interference, maybe that was the QB's choice of throw, but because of the PI he chose a different reciever? There is absolutely NO WAY to determine any of that in real game speed.

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Am I the only one thinking the refs favoring the Pats deal is really much overblown than it should be?

I would buy it against every team in the NFL other than the Colts. I mean this is the same team the NFL referees basically tried to give the Divisional Playoff game to last year against the Steelers.

Manning is the NFL's golden boy and they'll do what they can to try and help him get in.

Oh, shush. You're talking about it like it's fixed.

Of course he is. It's always fixed if the Steelers are the ones getting hosed, but when the referees gave them last year's superbowl, it was a flawlessly officiated game and the referees called it right down the middle.

Edited by SeanDMan
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The field is fucking atrocious. I had to stop watching because it became pretty obvious it's going to be slow dribbling all day, lots of fumbles, and not a lot of passing.

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I predicted a Saints win pre-game. Bears defense has been hurt and not playing well (until the last couple drives against Seattle). I had a feeling Horn would make an appearence at some point, but maybe he won't.... either way they can spread the field and distribute the ball around to mis-matches.

First half was good for the defense until the last drive, looked like they did down the stretch. Grossman... ugh. Gotta establish field position and make NO work for their scores. With the momentum shift, and halftime adjustments, I'd expect New Orleans to explode in the 2nd half.

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If NO keep hold of the ball and start to establish something of a run game at least, I think they can, as you say Biggz, explode in the second and take the win.

Sean Payton is a great coach, I think he has what it takes to take NO to the superbowl and win it.

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