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Bands that surprised you


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After seeing Ozzfest on Sunday, I'm in the mood to talk about music and this seems to be a good topic, as I was surprised by bands at Ozzfest.

One band that really surprised me, I mean surprised the fuck out of me, was Walls of Jericho. I hadn't heard much from them before Ozzfest so I was slightly skeptical, but they proved me wrong and put on a great live show and the crowd was moving the entire time.

Another band that impressed me was A Life Once Lost, who I had thought was decent, but their live show is amazing.

That being said, I was also surprised by how well Ozzy played considering his age. He was decent last year on the main stage with Sabbath, but you could tell that he wasn't in the greatest of shape to be playing, but this year on the second stage, you could tell that he was enjoying himself and was having a great time and was just an overall better show than he was last year.

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Did it disturb you how good they were live?

I was hella impressed with Billy Idol at Download a while back. I thought he'd be lacking in energy and it'd just be a dull run-through given his age and that, but he fucking kicked arse. Funeral For A Friend really impressed me when I saw them supporting Iron Maiden a few years ago. I wasn't impressed by the couple of tracks they'd put out, but still, gave them a chance. Toughest crowd ever for them to play, a bunch of drunk, rowdy, welsh-hating Maidenheads, but they handled it well and played great.

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Avenged Sevenfold surprised the hell out of me. Before the concert I was iffy about them as a band, thinking the vocals sucked but the guitar work was good, and after the concert I thought the band kicked ass. Espically the gutarist. The show I was at, he did a 6 minute solo that was insane. Coheed also impressed me at that same show. They did an extended version of Welcome Home that went on for like 15 minutes. He played with his teeth and behind his back, which was kickass.

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Avenged Sevenfold surprised the hell out of me. Before the concert I was iffy about them as a band, thinking the vocals sucked but the guitar work was good, and after the concert I thought the band kicked ass. Espically the gutarist. The show I was at, he did a 6 minute solo that was insane. Coheed also impressed me at that same show. They did an extended version of Welcome Home that went on for like 15 minutes. He played with his teeth and behind his back, which was kickass.

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