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Film Four Free

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So, from Sunday Film Four goes free onto freeview in the UK and I must say, after watching the onrunning trailer on their reserved freeview channel - I'm proper excited.

It's gonan be the only free devoted film channel around and for a LONG time I've loved the concept of Film Four and the films they play, but never had the cash, or technology to watch it.

Got a freeview box last week though in order to watch Tour de France and from Sunday...It's gonna be great!

It starts on Sunday with Lost in Translation (which I don't like) followed by Sexy Beast and then Infernal Affairs (brilliant).

Monday is the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup, followed by Strictly Ballroom (surprisingly good), Fifth Element, Ghost World, The Mambo Kings.

Tuesday is Explorers, Elizabeth, Thirteen Conversations About One Thing and Voyage To Italy.

Every day they run from 3pm to 3am, in the afternoon it's classic films, then in the evenings 9pm is the "main film" and then after that it's cult films and foreign films:

WEDNESDAY: The coolest British films (including clips for Dead Man's Shoes)

TWO DAYS A WEEK: Two films that have something in common (clips for Shawshank and Green Mile)

FRIDAY: "Films to see before you die" (including clips for Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Trainspotting)

SATURDAY: "Thrills and frights" (including clips for 28 Days Later and Wolf Creek)

SUNDAY: "Guilty pleasures" (mostly clips of Carry On films - BRILLIANCE!)

There's a Marx Brothers Season, an Anime Season, an Italian film Season....

It's gonna be an incredible channel.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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This is pretty much the best movie news I've had in a long time.

A lot of the Film Four movies tend to be films that I've always wanted to see, or enjoyed when I've seen them once or twice, but the newer ones especially are the sorts of films I wouldn't generally go to see at the cinema. They're more cerebral, intelligent, etc etc, whereas a lot of the time when I go to the movies I just want escapism and blockbuster-ish fun.

I wouldn't have enjoyed, say, The Usual Suspects half as much at the movies as I do in the comfort of my own home, so yeah.

Free Film Four = free awesome movies.


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They're doing a Marx Brothers season? Holy shit, I can't miss this. It works on Sky Digital, right? :(

Marx Brothers were the funniest films in the world when I was a kid, I'd kill to see them again. I'd go as far as a flesh wound for Infernal Affairs too, I've heard that thats pretty good. God, I miss having Sky Movies, Film Four'll be a welcome addition after all this time.

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Just got next week's TV listings and other films on Film Four next week include Zoolander, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, Apocalypse Now, Road to Perdition, Festival, The African Queen, Double Indemnity.....

Watch it, tis tres awesome

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Just got next week's TV listings and other films on Film Four next week include Zoolander, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, Apocalypse Now, Road to Perdition, Festival, The African Queen, Double Indemnity.....

Watch it, tis tres awesome

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When I read this, I thought it was only free on freeview, but apparently, its free on Sky (and everywhere else) too. This pleases me a lot, as now I will have even less reasons to leave the house.

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Just got next week's TV listings and other films on Film Four next week include Zoolander, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, Apocalypse Now, Road to Perdition, Festival, The African Queen, Double Indemnity.....

Watch it, tis tres awesome

What's it about?

It is about Forrest Whittaker and him being an urban Samurai and living life the way how Samurai's do, basically. It is all about morality and loyalty, and has some killing and stuff in it. Really good, under-rated film.

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