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Band of Brothers


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I would say it is worth it for the documentary with the real Easy Company men. It is really good.

Anyone seen the new DVD coming out called Brothers in Arms: The Real Band of Brothers?

It is related to Easy Company, but not sure if it is the documentary on the BoB DVD or not.

Edited by Gooner27
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I don't think it's the documentary off the BoB DVD as it's made by a different company and I believe it follows the whole of the 101st Airborne.

Anyway, whilst on the subject of war documentaries I'd suggest buying the World at War DVD set narrated by Laurence Olivier which is 11 discs and contains all 32 one hour episodes. It was originally broadcast in 1973 and tt's the best war documentary ever made. I got it off Amazon a year or two ago for £79.99 and it's well worth the price.

Edited by The LBTN
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