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ECW: "A New Breed Unleashed"


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"This is all fake!"

A few words before we get all "in character" and stuff. I'm using the Split Scenario thing done by High Voltage where RAW, SmackDown! And ECW are separated with Shane the head of ECW, Vince on RAW and Linda running SmackDown! Development Workers were given open contracts on all three brands. I'd like to have a crack at the new ECW without having to run Raw and Smackdown and this is the easiest way. So it’s all still one company, I'm just going to fill you all in on what’s happening with ECW. Also, Rene Dupree, Matt Striker and Bob Holly are not on my ECW roster and since I've already completed a week or so, I wont be going back to start again. I might sign one of them up though, if they become available so who knows.

I'm looking to keep it as realistic as possible. Shane McMahon being the "final say" as far as ECW goes is about as unrealistic as I'm looking to get for now. Because lets face it, not many would believe Vince would ever let anybody else have full control of one of his shows. Even if it’s his son, Shane. Soooo... I don't intend to go hiring AJ Styles from TNA anytime soon, there won’t be a sudden influx of ROH guys like Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong and ECW won’t be having PPVs every month. That’s not about to happen in real life so it won’t happen here. Having said that, I'll build and build and build so hopefully things (such as monthly PPVs for each brand) won’t seem so far fetched. WWE are having an all-ECW PPV in December though so I will be too. I'll be writing the shows in the style of an internet reporter, reviewing the shows.




As everyone kind of expected, ECW Version II was a huge let-down for traditional ECW fans. However, ratings were decent and the shows weren't all that bad. After all, they were slightly different to the junk RAW and Smackdown was dishing up but it still had something missing. We, the Smarks, felt we needed more ECW-style mayhem, less of the WWE steroid society (IE: Test & Knox) and more of guys like CM Punk and hell, maybe even Justin Credible. After all, this is supposedly the new breed of ECW, not the new breed of Velocity and guys who couldn't get over 5 years ago. But Vince being Vince thought it was the lack of McMahon’s that was the missing ingredient. Some things never change.

So Vince, totally missing the point, tells Paul Heyman that Shane O-Mac will now be over-seeing everything he does. (As opposed to Vince over-seeing things because, even though he’d like to, Vince can’t fully control THREE shows a week). The once out-of-favour Son who was working on the DVD releases is put in charge of overseeing the ECW brand. Hey, maybe it’s not all bad. After all, Shane was supposedly a big ECW fan back in the day so maybe Shane having the final say will be better than Vince having the final say.

No matter who Vince gives power to, he is still ultimately the Chairman of the Board. So although it may look like Shane is running the show with Heyman as his "Creative Genious", its no doubt just Shane reporting to Pops about Heyman’s antics. So Heyman will have to get his ideas past TWO McMahon's to get his ideas across. Great. Obviously Heyman will end up being the guy to break the news to the likes of CM Punk that he'll be jobbing every week to Test. SMELL THE RATINGS! Ok so I'm not at all optimistic over the new set-up. Only the clinically insane or blindingly stupid would be. But I'll still watch because, like most of you, this is my addiction.


- Al Snow

- Ariel

- Balls Mahoney

- Big Show

- Christopher W. Anderson

- CM Punk

- Danny Doring

- Francine

- Jazz

- Joey Styles

- Justin Credible

- Kelly Kelly

- Kevin Thorn

- Kurt Angle

- Little Guido

- Mike Knox

- Paul Heyman

- Rob Van Dam

- Sabu

- Sandman

- Stevie Richards

- Tazz

- Terry Funk

- Test

- Tommy Dreamer

- Tony Mamaluke

- Trinity

Edited by KaiserJoe
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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

5th September '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz. By the way, Kevin Thorn (AKA: The Vampire) was busted for drugs over the weekend and wont be on the show. For the foreseeable future. Nobody mentions it of course but had this been true ECW, they probably would have. Still, 60 minutes left, there's time.


- So this is Shannon Moore's big ECW Debut. After weeks of vignettes we get Little Guido doing the job in what’ll probably no doubt be a quick squash. I actually like Moore's outrageous make-up and outfit. His offence is still pretty much the same though but he's getting a few cheers at least. Kicks in the corner from Moore, Guido fires back with a slap to the face and Moore returns the favour. Bulldog out the corner for two by Moore. Guido goes to the floor and doesn't see a baseball slide coming. Moore then hits a moonsault off the apron, taking out Guido and landing on his feet. I guess this is ECW's Cruiserweight Division. Moonsaults off the apron are as extreme as it gets, baby! To hell with Dragon Gate, we’ve got Shannon Moore! Back in and Moore hits a springboard tornado DDT, covers and picks up the win. The crowd are easily impressed with the springboard move, I'm not but it’s a start. Afterwards, Sabu appears as if from nowhere and assaults both men with a steel chair before officials come out to escort him away. He looks to be in full lunatic mode tonight but Moore being beaten down three seconds after he’s put over? Hmm. *1/2


Stevie Richards is walking backstage and he meets up with Paul Heyman who apparently requested his attention. Stevie, looking real goofy and idiotic tonight, grins like an idiot as Heyman starts telling him something inaudible as the Riot Squad stand by. Heyman's up to something. Probably telling Richards he's being jobbed to Kelly Kelly next week.


- Man is this feud EVER going to end? Tommy Dreamer is still busting his ass for ECW, even though its pretty much Velocity Mark II right now. Knox is still bland but Kelly Kelly is at ringside so at least this match isn't totally unwatchable. She gets involved a couple of times and Dreamer then catches her coming in for a low blow. He threatens to give her a piledriver but Knox nails him from behind. Big heel beat down in the corner by Knox. Dreamer fights back, goes for the DVD, countered, Kelly then trips Knox by mistake as he's reversed into the ropes. Ironic cheers from the crowd. Dreamer hits the "Dreamer Driver" but Kelly distracts the ref. Stevie Richards then slides in and nails Dreamer with a not-too-shabby Stevie Kick for Knox to crawl over and pick up the win. Total WWE-style match but then ECW always had outside interference so I can't say much. At least Stevie's doing something productive and thus this MIGHT just be the end of the Knox/Dreamer/Sandman/Test crap. At least for one week. 1/2*


Role model to all, CM Punk, is on promo duty again. He informs us all that next week the competition is stiffer than ever as he faces off against Test in one-on-one action.

ECW World Champion, The Big Show, starts telling us how unstoppable he is and how he'll go through yet another ECW Legend tonight when he defeats The Sandman.



- Can anybody say car crash? Its not so bad actually, at least it’s booked as a car wreck and not an unintentional one. Sandman cane's Big Show's head a couple of times but he shrugs it off and pushes Sandman to the floor. They brawl around ringside; Show gets caned a few more times. Sandman sets up a table on the outside; I guess he's got reservations for one before this match is over. Back inside, they tease a double suplex spot over onto the table but Sandman can't get the big man over. Nobody can (Smark joke). Show gets his hands on the Singapore Cane and gives Sandman some of his own medicine but Sandman goes low and takes Show down with a White Russian Leg Sweep(?). Sandman gets a two count. He starts caning Big Show's head in again but Show just gets to his feet and tries to shake it off but he's staggering. Sandman goes up top, about reading to his Show with the mother of all Cane shots off the top but Show falls into the ropes and Sandman is crotched. Show pulls himself together, steps out onto the apron and press slams Sandman off the top to the floor, through the table. Sandman's drunkenness helps him sell a lot better. Show rolls him in, grabs a chair and Chokeslams him on it for the 3 count. All a bit of a mess really. *


Joey Styles closes the show asking if anybody can stop The Big Show and informs us that we'll have a huge eight man tag next week. Big Show, Stevie Richards & Heyman's Security taking on RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu & Balls Mahoney.


Shannon Moore def. Little Guido

Mike Knox def. Tommy Dreamer

Big Show def. The Sandman

VERDICT: Moore debuted finally, Stevie Richards now has a storyline and there was no time wasted on a striptease. Otherwise, not much change. Maybe this IS Paul Heyman's booking after all and Vince never did a whole lot of interfering in the first place. Either that or Shane McMahon is pressing for exactly the same things as Vince was when Heyman had to pass everything through him. Who knows? One thing is for sure, when Shannon Moore is in the match of the night, you KNOW it’s a bad show.

Edited by KaiserJoe
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Um, just wondering, who exactly are you to the company? I mean, you know a lot about what's going on, so I'll assume your a fan? A WWE employee? A wrestling website moderator? Captain Jack Sparrow?

Other than that, you got a nice format going.

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Guest Preston

Um, just wondering, who exactly are you to the company? I mean, you know a lot about what's going on, so I'll assume your a fan? A WWE employee? A wrestling website moderator? Captain Jack Sparrow?

Other than that, you got a nice format going.

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Um, just wondering, who exactly are you to the company? I mean, you know a lot about what's going on, so I'll assume your a fan? A WWE employee? A wrestling website moderator? Captain Jack Sparrow?

Other than that, you got a nice format going.

yeah but you havent told us who you are so we dont know. i like the style though as its very clean looking and this could be good, just hope you keep it up.

I'm just saying, the fact that he left who the hell he is and how he's associated to the company, he might as well be. Or maybe he's Kelly Kelly. Hmm...

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Doring & Roadkill back together?!? (Y) I love tag team wrestling so if you think of putting together a tag division I shall be pleased.

I like the look of this diary so I shall be reading. It's very clean, clear and concise. I like the way you are doing it so hopefully it will be a good read, however don't be afraid to put your own stamp on things.

I know that you want to keep it life-like and just how it's happening on TV, but I could just watch ECW to do that. I'm not having a go at you, I just think you may need to think outside the box and offer something different.

Edited by Flat_Doughnut
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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

The Paul Heyman/Tommy Dreamer relationship can be traced back to the first day Paul Heyman took charge of Extreme Championship Wrestling. Few would argue that Dreamer was the MVP of the company; from the moment he first laced up his boots and entered the ring for the first time to the last ECW show in 2001. 5th September 2006, ECW is back, Paul Heyman is at the helm and Tommy Dreamer is once again busting his ass for the good of the company. But somehow things got a little… problematic. Somehow, Paul Heyman and Tommy Dreamer have gone their separate ways. Dreamer continues to be the MVP of a company he’s been in love with since he first laid eyes on it but Paul Heyman, it seems, is hell bent on making his life a misery. Dreamer, and he’s not alone with his thoughts, believes Heyman “sold out”. He sold Rob Van Dam down the river, costing him the ECW Heavyweight Championship. He’s aligned himself with the Big Show, perhaps the most dominant ECW Champion of all time. Turning his back on the guys who helped make the ECW name famous. Tommy Dreamers, RVD, Sabu. Guys who were the flagship of ECW for many years. But last week it was taken a step further when Paul Heyman enlisted the help of the naïve Stevie Richards to do his dirty week. To cost Tommy Dreamer the match against Mike Knox. Richards and Dreamer are no strangers to each other and have crossed paths before in ECW, could this be the reason Heyman selected Stevie Richards to pick away at Tommy Dreamer?

Tommy Dreamer has the chance to exact some revenge on not only Stevie Richards but Paul Heyman’s personal Riot Squad next week as he teams up with fellow ECW originals: Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Balls Mahoney. But perhaps the bigger story here is the RVD/Sabu combination. Just last month the two beat the hell out of each other in a Ladder Match to determine the #1 Contender. They’ve been enemies and tag partners in the past and this week they’ll be partners again but will they be able to work together? With they re-ignite the spark they had when they once dominated the tag ranks in ECW?

Also this week, one of the bright young stars of the new ECW will be unleashed once again, this time to go one-on-one with another young stud - Test. Punk already has victories over Justin Credible and Christopher W. Anderson but Test will be another step up as Punk looks to climb the ranks here in ECW.

Confirmed Matches

CM Punk versus. Test

Big Show, Stevie Richards & The Riot Squad versus. RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu & Balls Mahoney

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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

12th September '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz. We immediately cut to the back where Stevie Richards is sitting in some room, looking a little anxious. Don't tell me someone's found his stash of "vitamin" tablets. A lot of that going around lately. Paul Heyman then walks in with his personal security (who he refers to as his "Riot Squad"). Heyman thanks Richards for helping him out with his little "problem" last week and that he wants Tommy Dreamer taken out for good by the end of the month. Of all people, you wouldn’t turn to Stevie Richards to get the job done. Heyman must’ve totally lost the plot.

We then cut to a hallway. We're apparently taking a full tour of the backstage area tonight. Rob Van Dam is trying to talk some sense into Sabu who has been acting even stranger than normal last week. I guess that’s the story behind his run-in last week. Sabu just paces up and down as RVD tries to talk to him about tonight's match. See, it’s the first time they'll be teaming in ages and Van Dam thinks it'll be mega cool. Sabu doesn't seem to give a shit and walks off. At least they didn’t have Sabu engage in a fully-blown conversation this week.


- Well gee, Moore beat the most over guy of the entire F.B.I stable (which isn't saying a lot) last week so I wonder who'll win this one. Speaking of the F.B.I, are they ever going to use Big Guido again? Guido accompanies Mamaluke to ringside. Moore starts out looking very aggressive. Mamaluke is bumping like a lunatic tonight. He uses some nice submission holds but they don’t last long as Moore simple busts out of them (having no sold the lot) and fires back with some punches. How extreme. Mamaluke gets sent to the floor and Moore follows him out, throwing him head-long across the announce table. Moore stands up on the announce table, looking out at the fans with a weird look on his face. Moore then leaps off the table, nailing Mamaluke with a closeline. Back in and Moore climbs up but gets crotched as Mamaluke pushes the ref into the ropes. Mamaluke goes up top but gets nailed with a head butt and falls off. Moore gets his balance as Mamaluke gets back up and he jumps off the top, nailing Mamaluke with a Tornado DDT off the top. Mamaluke again sells brilliantly and it’s all over with the 3 count. Actually better than Moore’s debut last week but mostly due to Mamaluke’s selling. Total squash, though. **


An old school ECW-type promo with Test! They stick RVD and Sabu in the WWE-like hallway setting and we have TEST doing a promo just standing in front of a screen. Ala ECW. What's the world coming to? Test doesn't say anything much of interest. Just that CM Punk is just another kid who thinks he can pass the Test but... can't. Yeah. MR. CHARISMA, BABY!

CM PUNK versus. TEST

- Punk comes out to a nice pop once again and the amount of Punk banners in the crowd seems to be increasing steadily. Test still isn't over. Test tries to overpower Punk early on and it seems to be working. Punk turns to his quickness as a way to gain the advantage. Stiff kicks in the corner by Punk and then a running knee. Springboard dropkick by Punk gets two. Test with a thumb to the eye but Punk counters the TKO with an inverted DDT for two. Some innovation! In a Test match! Test fights back with a couple of right hands but Punk nails him with a stiff kick to the side of the head. Both men trade forearm shots and Rene Dupree comes sliding into the ring, BLATENTLY low-blowing Punk to get Test disqualified. Although it doesn’t look like it was done to piss Test off, more to attack Punk for some unclear reason. Test is understandable irate and nails Dupree with a Big Boot, sending him to the floor. Dupree staggers out of harms way and both Test and Punk looks annoyed with the DQ finish. They’re not the only ones! When they use DQs like this, I'm 100% against not having every match under "ECW Rules". I don’t mind because non-stop chairs can get quite boring but when they use bullshit endings like this… meh. *


Al Snow cuts a promo (with Head) about his opponent tonight (Justin Credible) and how Justin might not be such a miserable guy if he had more Head. Just like Al. Geez. They're really scraping the barrel here. Snow is so sure of victory; he claims that if he loses he'll give Credible Head after the match. Ok, that does it. Snow loses and I never watch this show ever again. I shit you not.


- Hey, two "ECW" guys in the same match. With no WWE guys. Let’s see if we get a WWE finish. Very much a comedy match. Snow stalls as much as possible to make up for the lack of a move set. Credible doesn't and instead busts out the same five moves he's been doing the past 10 years. Snow hits a swinging DDT and then a leg drop from the second rope. Cover, two count. Credible gets sent into the turnbuckle but instead hits the deck and is crotched against the ring post. That's still funny, even though he does it every week. Referee gets bumped; Snow nails Credible with Head (which actually gets a cheer) and covers for the victory. It was short, very short and thus it was actually quite entertaining. *1/2


Kelly Kelly is shown in a rather revealing outfit. She promises to strip next week. I thought we'd got past this?

We see Tommy Dreamer taping up his fists in preparation for drilling Stevie Richards in the teeth. Up next!


- This is NOT Extreme Rules so rather than complete chaos (which would actually been quite cool) we've got normal tag format (which will suck until the match breaks down). The faces seem to have the better of the heels but whenever they're in trouble, they just take in the Big Show who kicks the ass of whoever is in the ring at the time. They tease a Dreamer/Richards confrontation (not that the WWE fans care that much) but Richards keeps running every time they're in the ring together. Funny stuff. For the record, the Riot Squad (The Bashams) are dressed all in black but without the masks and protective gear, obviously. Well hey; at least they're not trying to hide their blandness. YES! Match finally breaks down and we get RVD diving to the floor onto the Big Show. Show catches him only for Sabu to jump off Dreamer's back, onto the top rope, onto Show and he finally goes down. Dreamer gets a-hold of Richards by the balls (the referee is busy with the mess on the floor) but the Riot Squad then does a number on Dreamer. Balls comes in with a chair and takes care of them as the ref tried to sort out Show and RVD (the legal men) on the floor. Balls and Dreamer fight with the Riot Squad into the crowd and Richards runs away like a pussy. Show gets royally double-teamed by Sabu and Van Dam inside the ring until Show fights back and literally tosses Sabu to the floor. Van Dam takes Show off his feet with a leg sweep and then a backflip. Up top for the 5* but Show rolls out of the way. Back come the Riot Squad with batons and here comes Heyman. Paul E. is yelling at the ref while the Riot Squad does a number on RVD and Sabu with the batons. KURT FREAKIN' ANGLE comes out and demolishes the Riot Squad with German Suplexes. He grabs one of the batons and cracks it over Show's skull before hitting the Angle Slam. Dreamer is back and he chases Heyman away, Van Dam up top for the 5* Frog Splash, 1-2-3!! Big Show is pinned by RVD. A great example of how all the over-booked craziness actually works well. There were stories and plotlines all over this match. Dreamer and Richards, Heyman and Richards, the RVD and Sabu partnership. Big Show being a dominant Champion. Kurt Angle's big return (even though he's still injured) to be the man to finally cost Show a match in the new ECW. Shame it wasn't a little longer but a surprisingly good main event. ***



Shannon Moore def. Tony Mamaluke

CM Punk def. Test via DQ

Al Snow def. Justin Credible

RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu & Balls Mahoney def. Big Show, Stevie Richards and the Riot Squad

VERDICT: Better show than last week. In fact, it was much more entertaining. Main event was good; Snow/Credible was fun even though the pre-match promo was atrocious. The booking in some places still sucks (like the Punk match) but at least there’s more storyline progression going on. Still nothing like the old ECW but it’s getting better. Slowly. Everything seemed to rush along tonight and with 4 matches in an hour, it has to. But it worked for the better whereas other weeks it’s just been going at a snails pace.

Edited by KaiserJoe
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I'm really enjoying the diary. There just aren't enough diaries from a smark's point of view. Now all we need is a diary or two done from a mark's point of view, and we'll have the ultimate thrill! Very logical booking which, IMO, is what makes or breaks a diary. I hope this one gets continued for a very long time.

Great chaotic main event with numerous interference and cheating. Al Snow's promo got a good laugh out of me. Dupree/Punk has a hell of a lot of potential in it and I never even considered if the two faced off. Looking forward to the next show, keep it up :)

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Kurt Angle will apparently to return to the ECW tapings fulltime soon, maybe as early as this week. Kurt suffered a groin injury several weeks ago at a house show but he was used at the last taping for a run-in. There have been reports that Angle may take more time off to rest several nagging injuries but he’s declared himself fit for work and he’s apparently had a long chat with Vince McMahon about his curren situation. At the moment, however, Angle is not scheduled to appear at any of ECW’s House Shows.

Vince McMahon, who put Shane in charge of “Okaying” Paul Heyman’s booking, has requested CM Punk work some tag matches. It’s not known the reason for this, it could just be to see how Punk performs as part of a team so Vince may be looking to pair him up with somebody or it could be that Vince isn’t all that comfortable having Punk work one-on-one matches.

The Riot Squad (formerly the Basham Brothers) are set to become a regular tag team in ECW. It’s understood that Heyman is trying to get more of a tag division going as both Raw and Smackdown seem to be lacking decent tag matches. It would also allow for ECW originals, Doring/Roadkill and the FBI, to get more airtime. Test and Mike Knox may also become a regular tag team although there’s been no word yet on the long-term plans for either man.ECW HOUSE SHOW REPORT - 17/9

Test & Mike Knox def. F.B.I

Shannon Moore def. Al Snow

Balls Mahoney def. Danny Doring

Tommy Dreamer & CM Punk def. The Riot Squad

The Sandman def. Justin Credible

Big Show def. Sabu & RVD in a Triple Threat Match to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title
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Guest Preston

a better second show, and glad you clarified who you were for readers in your first post. btw you forgot to add the snow/credible match into the quick results at the bottom, just thought i'd tell ya. i like that your keeping the angle thing realistic, but hopefully you dont fire him. and good point on the tag teams. maybe this will be the one unique thing ECW has over RAW and smackdown...

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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

It was possibly the most significant moment since the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi. Last week, the dominant ECW Champion, the Big Show, was finally defeated. Albeit in tag team competition and with outside interference from Kurt Angle but nevertheless, Rob Van Dam now holds a victory over the Champion. The same Rob Van Dam who Paul Heyman screwed out of the ECW Championship to begin with and then refused to give him a rematch. With a win over the Champion, you can bet Rob Van Dam will be knocking on Heyman’s door once again, demanding for his rematch. A rematch which he has no earned with a victory over the Champion. Will he get his match this week Tuesday on Sci-Fi? Or will Heyman still insist that RVD work his way back up the ladder?

One thing we know for sure this week is that Kelly Kelly is looking to make good on her promise to strip for the ECW fans. Thus far her boyfriend, Mike Knox, has been putting a stop to her exhibitionism but Kelly promises that this week she’ll finally reveal all.

Tommy Dreamer is currently an unpopular man in ECW, at least if you listen to Paul Heyman and his cronies. He wants Dreamer out of the way and got rid of for good by the end of the month and he’s given his lackey, Stevie Richards, the task of getting it done. So far however, Stevie has been a little hesitant to stand toe-to-toe with Dreamer up till now but if he doesn’t want to feel the wrath of his mentor then Dreamer will have to be taken out. Dreamer will no doubt put up a good fight, providing he sees it coming of course, and he’s as tough as they come but just why is Paul Heyman so hell bent on getting rid of Tommy Dreamer? Maybe this week on Sci-Fi we’ll finally get some answers as to what’s going on in the mind of Paul Heyman.

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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

19th September '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz. We start off today with Kelly Kelly telling us she's got a brand new bikini she wants to show off to everybody. But it’s a little tight so she's removing it, as promised, once she dances for us all. Oh joy. She starts to take off her robe when Francine comes out and 99% of the fans have no idea who she is. Well this is her Sci-Fi debut I suppose.The booking might not be any better in the Hammerstein Ballroom but the crowd adds a lot to the enjoyment of the show. DAMN THESE WWE ARENAS! She stresses that she is the “Queen Vixen” when it comes to Bikini's. They both show off their... stuff… and as Kelly is about to take it all off, out comes Mike Knox. Again. He tells Francine to go back to the crack house (EXTREME!) because Kelly isn't that kind of girl. Balls Mahoney's music hits and he comes charging out with a chair. The ladies scatter and we have our first match of the night. No explanation as to why Balls wants to beat the shit out of Knox but I guess its "ugly-guy-wants-to-see-chick-get-naked” again.


Balls loses the chair early on and it’s a straight up match, none of the plunder involved so the referee discards it. Balls busts out his right hands/windup combo only for Knox to come back with a thumb to the eye. Kelly Kelly and Francine are still at ringside. Knox with the series of shoulders in the corner and he sends him to the opposite side. Francine climbs up onto the apron and gives Knox an earful. He grabs her by the hair which allows Balls to get a near fall with a roll-up. Knox comes firing back with a vicious lariat and he starts bad mouthing Francine. Kelly Kelly looks on nervously, not wanting to get involved in anything it seems. Balls with a flurry of rights and lefts and he sends Knox into the turnbuckle. Balls charges, Knox moves and Balls hits the steel post. He then turns and walks right into a bicycle kick from Knox for the three count. Bleh. And the point of this way? Still, it beats actually seeing the guy getting pushed in a feud. 1/2*


- Backstage, we’ve got RVD strolling into Paul Heyman’s office as high as a kite. Or is it “as cool as a breeze”? I’m confused. Heyman’s personal “Riot Squad” stands between the two until Rob Van Dam protests he’s here for peace. Heyman says he’ll hear him out but he’s got 30 seconds. RVD points out that he’s the only guy to hold a victory over the Big Show in ages. The current ECW Champion. Heyman knows what he’s getting it. He states that the victory wasn’t a clean one so he won’t be getting his title shot. RVD states that it’ll simply be a rematch, the rematch he never got after losing the belt. Heyman again refuses and Van Dam comes back with the argument that the old ECW had run-ins at every turn and nobody gave a damn. RVD starts to go off on one about how Heyman has changed, how he’s sold out and Paul E. has a sudden change of heart and grants him a title shot for tonight. Well I’ll be damned. RVD can’t believe his luck and I can’t believe they’d be stupid enough to book a match like this unadvertised. I guess it means Show is going over again. Heyman says that maybe he has been a little unfair and, after all, it’s not like Van Dam came in making any threats or anything. RVD looks a little confused and a little cautious as he walks off.

- We cut to Tommy Dreamer and he’s sitting down, looking rather pissed as he beats his open hand with his fist. He says how Stevie changed once he got out of the original ECW. How he actually became a better person after leaving. He says that he actually became tolerant of Stevie after ECW but he’s no reverted back to the Stevie of old. (Only this time he’s Paul Heyman’s lackey instead of Raven’s). Which reminds Dreamer that he’s not finished with Heyman either, not by a long shot. Dreamer finishes off by saying he thought Stevie was one of the guys who, like him, was ECW through and through. He regrets that he was wrong and its Stevie’s fault and for that he’s gonna pay.


Stevie Richards comes out wearing an ECW cap with a fake ponytail coming out the back. What an idiot. Who on Earth would try to look like Paul Heyman? Punk comes out and we get a recap of last week and his match with Test. Dupree’s interference and all. Match starts but Stevie is busy moaning at a few people in front row and Punk rolls him up for a near fall. Stevie complains to the ref about not being ready. He’s actual quite entertaining. Lockup, Punk takes control and after a stiff kick to the thigh, Stevie bails out and hops around ringside, clutching at his leg. After what seems like forever, he finally rolls back in and returns the favour with a kick to Punk’s leg. Punk no sells it and starts beating the hell out of Stevie with forearms, kicks, slaps and a backhand shot. Stevie staggers back and is dazed as he falls down in the corner. Punk wants to follow up but the ref backs him up and goes to check on Stevie. Rene Dupree then comes jogging down to the ring and jumps up onto the apron but Punk sees him coming and knocks him off the apron with a standing kick to the side of the head. Stevie comes charging out of the corner and runs into a Uranage followed by the Anaconda Vice for the submission victory. After the match, Punk looks at Rene Dupree, asking him what the hell his problem is. Stevie Richards finally gets up and Tommy Dreamer comes out, looking to get his hands on him but Richards gets on his bike again and runs off through the crowd. Styles points out that Dreamer is actually a nice guy and had the common courtesy to interfere after the match, unlike Dupree. They suggest Dupree seems to have a problem with CM Punk. No shit. **


- Kurt Angle is backstage, looking pretty intense. He blames the Big Show for his “time off” because Heyman can’t see past his wide-load in order to see who should really be champion. He says that Heyman is once again throwing all his eggs in one basket by standing behind Big Show and crapping on the rest of the locker room. Angle admits to not being an ECW original but he’s damn more “ECW” than the Big Show and he’s gonna prove it. Oh it’s DAMN true! Mega intense promo by Kurt Angle and its nice to see they’re not trying to hide the fact that these guys are really WWE cast-offs who are not true “ECW” even though they could’ve fit in well in the old ECW. Get it? Good.



- We get the big fight introductions. RVD starts off by irritating Big Show with a series of quick kicks but Show simply head butts him and its enough to floor the former Champion. Big Slow uses his 2mph offence of doom to dominate RVD. Thankfully the challenger is over like hell so the crowd gets behind him. Van Dam starts to fight back with more kicks and he springboards off the ropes and nails Show in the face with a kick. Show staggers back, RVD takes him down with a leg sweep and then a standing moonsault for a two count. RVD decides it’ll be easier with some weaponry and it looks like he’s got the right idea. He stands on the apron, tosses the chair to the Big Show and springboards in but Show throws the chair back at him and RVD gets nailed mid-air. Show looks pissed. He pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside. Van Dam comes back with the chair, nailing Show in the head and he falls out to the apron. Attempted sunset flip to the floor by RVD but Show’s just too FAT. Show just kicks RVD in the head and follows him to the floor. RVD with a few more kicks and a springboard moonsault off the security wall. Show catches him but RVD turns it into a tornado DDT on the floor. Cool spot. Show looks to be tiring and the fans are actually buying into this match. He won’t win people, grow a brain. Geez. Oh and look. Perfect timing. With Show down and RVD making his way up onto the apron, the Riot Squad make their way out. Van Dam vaults off the ropes and twists around to catch both of the Bashams (shh! Don’t call them that!) coming in with a cross body. Another cool spot. At least RVD is on fire tonight. Show is back up and he nails RVD with a kick and dumps him back into the ring with ease. RVD gets nailed with a big boot but it’s only enough for 2. Show says enough’s enough and slams the chair down on the mat, signalling for a chokeslam. Van Dam goes low and hits Show with a DDT on the chair, 1…2… Show kicks out. In come the Riot Squad and they do an OVW-bound beatdown on RVD and the crowd HATES it. So do I but c’mon, it was obviously coming. After a viciously assault with batons, Show says he’s got everything in hand. He pulls RVD up and chokeslams him on the chair for the 3 count. BULL F’N SHIT! But it looks like the heels want Van Dam gone for good as the Riot Squad continue their assault. Joey Styles cries out for somebody to put a stop to it but there’s no sign of help coming anytime soon. Show then lifts Van Dam up again but this time dumps him over the top and through the table on the floor. Ouch. Show holds up the title proudly and with RVD completely fucked, Heyman decides its safe to come out and celebrate. Another bullshit finish in the main event but Big Show jobbed last week. C’mon, he was never gonna do it two weeks in a row. Still, it was at least watchable. **1/4



Mike Knox def. Balls Mahoney

CM Punk def. Stevie Richards

Big Show def. Rob Van Dam

VERDICT: Wow, long recap this week. More seems to be happening, they’re cramming more into the 1 hour show and it helps the flow a lot better. Really enjoying the Stevie/Dreamer/Heyman storyline right now, too bad we’ve still got screw job title matches. Test, Knox, the Riot Squad. Replace those guys with some guys who actually wrestle like they belong under an ECW banner it’ll be another step forward. I hear there’s talk of a 2 hour special being planned in October. I’ll believe it when I see it but the main thing this show needs is some fans, the WWE audience just don’t care for the likes of Dreamer, Richards and Sabu.

OOC: I did book and actually had the match written before I knew Stevie and Punk were on real-life ECW this week, not that anybody will believe me of course. No big deal, we all know who had the better show :w00t: I appreciate the time people have taken to read the diary and reply, I'm really enjoying it so far so here's to, hopefully, a long-ass diary. Although college is coming up soon so there might be a day or so where you here/see nothing and then a big update as opposed to something everyday. We'll see though, I don't plan to do much work this - my third year - at college.

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Guest Preston

still looking good and i never knew about the punk/richards thing happening in real life, but it makes sense here and in the real ECW. i like it though. great main event, you put a lot of detail into that and i bet you werent thinking it'd be that long, lol. but it was nice.

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Plenty of news this week with regards to new talent. Independent wrestler Xavier has been signed to a developmental deal. He’s a former Ring of Honor World Champion who has recently been impressing WWE officials with his work in NWA: Shockwave and Chaotic Wrestling.‘Sterling’ James Keenan has worked a couple of dark matches at the ECW house shows this past weekend. No deal has been made or offered as of yet.Chuck Palumbo may soon be making his ECW debut. Palumbo, last seen on WWE TV as one half of the tag team “Billy & Chuck”, has been working in OVW the past several months.Jimmy Yang is a name that has also been mentioned with regards to new ECW talent. Yang was re-signed a couple of months ago and was rumoured to have been heading back to Smackdown but talk emerged this week that he could be a part of a new Cruiserweight division in ECW. Sean Waltman was a name that has come up a lot with regard to new talent but an insider later squashed the rumour.Trinity will return to TV this week. She has fully recovered from her knee injury and wrestled at several house shows this past week.ECW HOUSE SHOW REPORT - 26/9

Balls Mahoney def. Rene Dupree

Test & Mike Knox def. Danny Doring & Roadkill

Jazz def. Trinity

Sabu def. Shannon Moore & Little Guido in a 3 Way Dance

The Sandman & CM Punk def. Justin Credible & Stevie Richards

Big Show def. RVD to retain the ECW Heavyweight Title
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