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Official 2006 College Football Season Thread.


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I for one, think that game would suck a second time around.

I understand, and can't really argue with how it'd come to be, but it would suck. You'd possibly end up crowning a team champion that 'evened the score' - which doesn't make them national champions. Or, you'd have a national champion that beats a team for a second time to 'prove' that they're national champs, and that doesn't work either. Having that game in itself is a pitfall for the BCS.

Should that scenario arise, then what about a possible one loss UF, Ark, WVU, UL, Rut, ND, Tex ... the list goes on.

If two teams have already played, then there is no way that they should play each other again to determine a National Title. In no way can you convince me that the team that loses 'the one that counts' should have losing the national title their penalty ESPECIALLY if they beat the team they just lost too already.

The only way that's fair is in a playoff, not a one game computerized crap shoot.

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I for one, think that game would suck a second time around.

I understand, and can't really argue with how it'd come to be, but it would suck. You'd possibly end up crowning a team champion that 'evened the score' - which doesn't make them national champions. Or, you'd have a national champion that beats a team for a second time to 'prove' that they're national champs, and that doesn't work either. Having that game in itself is a pitfall for the BCS.

Should that scenario arise, then what about a possible one loss UF, Ark, WVU, UL, Rut, ND, Tex ... the list goes on.

If two teams have already played, then there is no way that they should play each other again to determine a National Title. In no way can you convince me that the team that loses 'the one that counts' should have losing the national title their penalty ESPECIALLY if they beat the team they just lost too already.

The only way that's fair is in a playoff, not a one game computerized crap shoot.

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OSU/UM wont play again unless all SEC teams have 2 losses.

2004, OU/USC/Auburn Undefeated - others 1 loss, .1 lead.... OSU/UM as of right now have a .2 lead on everyone. That is a HUGE BCS lead at this point in time. So as long as that game is 14 and under, and UL is knocked off, it should be OSU/UM II, barring any catastrophic dropoff.

Heck last year USC/UT didn't have a tenth lead over PSU.

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OSU/UM wont play again unless all SEC teams have 2 losses.

2004, OU/USC/Auburn Undefeated - others 1 loss, .1 lead.... OSU/UM as of right now have a .2 lead on everyone. That is a HUGE BCS lead at this point in time. So as long as that game is 14 and under, and UL is knocked off, it should be OSU/UM II, barring any catastrophic dropoff.

Heck last year USC/UT didn't have a tenth lead over PSU.

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Btw, when I said Notre Dame as better than Florida, I accidentally left off the shifty smiley, showing sarcasm. I have a serious dislike for ND, even more so than I dislike Florida, because I think ND gets preferential treatment due to being Notre Dame. I am not an idiot.

Schools I can't stand:

Notre Dame - explanation why above

Alabama - when i say `BAMA SUX' in the EWB Hardcore title thread over in the Games forum, I mean it. Alabama is a joke; their m.o. is to get in trouble with the NCAA for infractions, report themselves when they are about to get caught and punish themselves, then either blame someone else for it or try to accuse someone else of committing violations (*cough*Phil Fulmer*cough*), stay out of trouble for a few years, then start the cycle all over again. Plus, `Bama plays dirty. (I legitimately HATE the Crimson Tide) When the Price scandal broke, there was an article in the paper here about it where he was afraid it would turn UA into a laughing stock; got news for him: they already were a laughing stock long before that happened.

Florida (sort of; read) - No personal experience, but everyone I know who has been to game down there says they are quite possibly the most disrespectful fans they've ever met. No real problem with the Gators, just their fans. Aside from the year when the Gators won when the ball bounced off Jabar Gaffney's chest and the ref called it a touchdown (and the ref admitted after he saw a replay that he fucked up, but it was over an hour after the game meaning it was too late), I enjoy watching Tennessee-Florida play, no matter which team wins, because its guaranteed to be a good game.

I think pre-season rankings should go out the window, for several reasons:

I think there is a case of bias and some schools get ranked more due to how prestigous they are or what conference they are in more than anything else. (I definitely think Notre Dame gets ranked higher than they deserve to in pre-season rankings more often than not)

You can't accurately rank a team before the season start and expect the ranking to be legit even if there is no bias in how the ranking is determined, because the team that is ranked is not always the team that takes the field: sometimes you have players who are unable to play due to injury or academic ineligibility or who transfer to another school or who are kicked off the team for infractions or legal problems.

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It's not fair in a playoff. OSU/UM go through a season unscathed and then they could end up losing any number of ways and they'd be eliminated with one loss on the season.

I don't doubt your views on OSU/UM II, but being from Ohio I'd love to see it just because of the rivalry, I could care less who wins or loses. Playoffs do more harm than good, they always have and will (MLB, NBA, NHL, etc being exceptions because those are series' not a one off). The economic impact alone harms more people.

I'll always contend that a playoff is MORE FAIR than a one off that is determined by pretty much everthing BUT the teams on the field.

My stance being that if you look at every single major sport in every country has a playoff to determine a champion. Major college football is the ONLY one that doesn't involve a playoff. Money is why, and a damn good reason, but I'll get back to that. As far as for what it SHOULD be about, why would it be unfair to either disband all conference championship games and take the top two teams from each conference OR, give all conferences a title game and then use that to determine 1-2 seeding in a playoff ? Why is it that a team that didn't even win it's conference (see OK) getting a shot at the National Title is MORE FAIR than an undefeated team not even getting a shot (see Tulane/Marshall/Auburn) ? You can't justify that. Sure there are arguments to do so, however if the point is to see who is best on the field, why not have that happen ?

Sure, there are plenty of teams that were better than the undefeated Tulane and Marshall teams, but the BCS says that it's FAIR to give them the 'shutthefuckuphereissomemoneyquityourbitchingyouwouldgetmanhandledbyarealteam' Bowl rather than have them prove whether or not they really were that good.

Playoffs are merely a series of one-shots anyway, and that's what the BCS does, create a one-shot. A playoff however, decides who a better team is. You have to be a better team in order to win 2-3 games in a playoff, NOT to win ONE GAME, 30-40 days after your season is over.

As for the economics of it .... I can't find it to save my life, but at one time had found a model that comprises a playoff system USING the current bowls and their 'levels' of prestige. Your current BCS bowl games were rotated among the semi-finals and finals just as they are used rotatingly so at the moment. As far as your fans and traveling and such, just look at Division 3 football for your regional playoff format. It works.

Besides, why would the BCS be contemplating a final *cough* play-off game after the BCS games are played if infact the BCS determined the best teams ?

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I think pre-season rankings should go out the window, for several reasons:

I think there is a case of bias and some schools get ranked more due to how prestigous they are or what conference they are in more than anything else. (I definitely think Notre Dame gets ranked higher than they deserve to in pre-season rankings more often than not)

You can't accurately rank a team before the season start and expect the ranking to be legit even if there is no bias in how the ranking is determined, because the team that is ranked is not always the team that takes the field: sometimes you have players who are unable to play due to injury or academic ineligibility or who transfer to another school or who are kicked off the team for infractions or legal problems.

I can't agree, or disagree with this.

I'd love to see a study over say .... the last decade in which all of the top 10 pre-season teams were tracked to see where they actually ended up. That would probably show us how 'off' they are. Hell, I'll probably do that here in a minute.

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I only feel a +1 System is fair and right. If 1 team is undefeated, top 2 play.... if 2, same... 3 or 4 then +1 System. Year by Year basis. But giving potentially 7 or so teams a chance to win something they didn't earn in the regular season ticks me off.

Edited by ACCBiggz
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Do you people really think Louisville will lose again this season?

I think they are going to smoke Rutgers, and will put up a good game against Ohio State/Michigan (Probably OSU, since they will be home) and personally I think that could be a great game. Plus it'll be nice to see some new blood in the National Title scene.

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Typo, obviously.

To divert the topic a little, does anyone here think Boise State will be able to get into a BCS game? I am fairly sure they will be undefeated (Although San Jose State has been suprising this year) but will it be enough? The previously mentioned San Jose State will help a little should they win, as does Oregon State's defeat of USC. I would love to see them in it, since they have looked really good in the games I have seen, but can they really pull it off?

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