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Yes. Brilliant television from every angle. God, the networks are really on fire this year. I can't think of a year where so much network TV has actually piqued my interest. I just gotta hope it doesn't get canned, because this looks like it'll be an amazing series to watch week in and week out.

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It's nothing special. It's thinly written, excruciatingly slow paced and so far the only character I can be even moderately intrigued by is Virginia Madsen's seemingly ex-con housewife. It was fun enough to watch next week, but about the time "Chaiyya Chaiyya" came on I was reminded of a much better heist project, Spike Lee's "Inside Man", and I realised that movies definitely do crime better than TV.

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I have to agree with Beatnik here. This show is alright. Nothing special about it at all. At times I felt bored. At times I felt like it could be good. But so far it has nothing that makes it "must see." I'll give it more chances. It's watchable, at least.

Thief, on FX, was a better heist show.

Edited by Fitzy
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Second episode was very "filler" in my opinion. The ones who are trying to solve the case seem so out of place. If they cast Pacino, I'll totally go crazy.

Bobby with his money problems, The wife starting to snoop around. That strange sexual tension between Jeff and Annie at the end. Other than that, nothing really stood out but it's the only the second episode and you can't show all your cards at once.

*hopes for Pacino*

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Smith is going to have a lot of fillers because, to be honest, you can't have big job after big job after big job because...

A) It's unrealistic considering they'd be caught in no time.

B) It's overkill.

The episode, of course, was no comparison to the pilot, but it helps transition the series along. I can't wait for the next big job.

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Guest The Ringy Complex

LL's got the good idea. This was still fun though. I just loved how Jeff randomly got into a motorcycle chase and Dirpty Pretty Things accompanied the chase.

I'm also curious as to what will go on with the wife. She clearly knows and something's gonna go down.

And Amy Smart is really fucking hot. She shouldn't smile though.

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I actually liked that episode more so than the pilot. The pilot dragged for me. This seemed better. Maybe it was because it was like 10 minutes shorter than the pilot. I liked the motorcycle chase. That was cool. And Amy Smart's character having her own group is interesting, especially considering she is the only one they have an ID on so I am sure it'll lead to her getting caught. She is running her own plus being part of Bobby's crew. Not smart. Bobby's wife knowing what's going on is going to lead to some interesting stuff, too.

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I figure Bobby's wife knows something about Bobby's past that has to do with this and I think Bobby swore to stop it, but now, she's getting suspicious that he's doing it again.

Meanwhile, Bobby is really trying to quit so that he at least can quench his guilt over all of this.

All of this intrigues me. WOO! Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Ringo and LL won't enjoy this news: Smith looks to be done as of right now on CBS.

Effective immediately, CBS has removed the star-studded, critically admired, presumably expensive drama "Smith" from its Tuesday night schedule, making it the season's first true casualty.

In other damning news, NBC has sent its similarly star-studded, critically admired, presumably expensive serial "Kidnapped" off to the programming wasteland of Saturday night, the final step before that show exits the air.

Over the next three weeks, CBS will replace "Smith" repeats of "CSI" and "Criminal Minds," before figuring out a new strategy at the end of October. Although its star-studded cast included Ray Liotta, Virginia Madsen and Amy Smart, "Smith" never found traction against competition that included "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" and "Boston Legal." In its most recent airing, the third for the John Well-produced cops-n-robbers drama, "Smith" drew only 8.4 million viewers.

It's possible that CBS may opt to burn off unseen episodes of "Smith" on a future date, but the network has given no indication of when that might be.

"Smith" could, incidentally, lose its first-to-be-pulled status if FOX opts not to bring "Happy Hour" back. The low-rated comedy went on baseball-hiatus one week early, but in a November schedule announced by the network on Thursday, "Happy Hour" still appears to have a home.

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