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The Office - Season Three

Guest Ringmaster

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One of my biggest complaints about this show (and I don't have many), is that for all its relentless humour and exploitation of human discomfort, there is a definite lack of sympathetic characters. Michael could be if he wasn't so often the cause of the discomfort, Dwight is a tool, Jim is a bully and the rest of the cast are varying shades of neurotic. It's actual the big reason I hope they move the program to 9 to pair with 30 Rock and let Earl lead in to Scrubs. However I will say this: Toby and Pam were both great last night. Toby plays the sad-sack character as well as just about anyone, and Pam's forthright moment was about as unexpected as anything to happen on the show thus far. Great episode; this Thursday sitcom block is probably the closest thing to "Must See TV" NBC has had in years.

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One of my biggest complaints about this show (and I don't have many), is that for all its relentless humour and exploitation of human discomfort, there is a definite lack of sympathetic characters. Michael could be if he wasn't so often the cause of the discomfort, Dwight is a tool, Jim is a bully and the rest of the cast are varying shades of neurotic. It's actual the big reason I hope they move the program to 9 to pair with 30 Rock and let Earl lead in to Scrubs. However I will say this: Toby and Pam were both great last night. Toby plays the sad-sack character as well as just about anyone, and Pam's forthright moment was about as unexpected as anything to happen on the show thus far. Great episode; this Thursday sitcom block is probably the closest thing to "Must See TV" NBC has had in years.
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Michael is at best sympathetic but unrelatable, at worst completely ignorant and two-faced. Jim incessantly bullies a person whose only fault is taking his job too seriously. All the characters have moments of redemption but my complaint is that they come too rarely, at least to be paired with shows like Scrubs or My Name Is Earl, which are practically bursting with heart. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, the show's great and I'm not saying that they all have to be sympathetic, but it definitely makes for a rough marketing sell. If they'd move the show to 9 I think it'd be fine.

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I agree with Beatnik.

This show has turned unbelievable. Not unfunny, mind you, but unbelievable. The characters portrayed by everyone started out as nods to people that you interact with in your everyday life. Now in season three(sometimes in season two even) all of the characters have turned into caricatures of themselves. While one of the more consistent characters on the show, Michael is not even close to the same as David Brent was on the UK Office.

Brent was obsessed with receiving attention and building himself up in the eyes of everyone. Every time he spoke, it was like a cry for help. It eventually got to the point where you(and the other characters) felt sorry for him. It hasn't(and probably won't) happened with Carell's character because he comes across as a dork who doesn't know any better.

The only way this show can turn around in a big way is if he gets fired. It has to happen sooner or later, because that's one of the things that they haven't done yet from the UK show.

The show should've been done at the end of season two. That was it's moment of greatness.

Edited by Numbahs
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Killer finale. Dwight, Andy and Pam made a great secretive team. I almost wish Michael had gotten the job so as to give us a bit more of that. I'm a little surprised that they had such an understated resolution to the Pam/Jim situation. Don't get me wrong it was very sweet, but this came after a week of NBC promoting The Office as the show that always has "the most shocking finales". Pam is still awesome; they should keep writing her with this added gusto. Creed's blog was hilarious. Ditto for Kevin comparing Pam to Karen. Little surprised as to Karen not getting the job (given her recent pilot pickup), but I suppose there's more than one way of dealing with that. Didn't find anything particularly interesting about the Michael/Jan situation, but then again I rarely do. Another in a line of awesome NBC Thursday finales. Except for ER, which I don't watch. But who does anymore?

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The Office star Jenna Fischer has fractured her back in four places after falling down a set of stairs in a New York bar on Tuesday. The actress, who plays Pam Beesly in the Emmy Award-winning U.S. comedy, was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan after the fall at Buddakan. Her representative tells the New York Daily News, "She avoided anything scary near the spine and she'll make a full recovery in time to shoot season four of The Office this summer."
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Definitely loved the finale. The ending was great, but wasn't as good as the Season 2 finale. Ryan getting the job was definitely a great ending, and him immediately breaking up with Kelly was awesome. Not a big fan of Jim's new haircut, it doesn't really look good on him. But that doesn't really matter. It was great to see Pam so happy in her last scene. Dwight/Andy/Pam did a great job with their secret alliance, and Dwight repeatedly yelling "Zip your lid!" was great. And Stanley gets perhaps the line of the night with "Same as the ratio of Unicorns to Leprechauns."

I definitely agree with Numbahs with the fact that many characters have basically become caricatures of their Season 1 selves. Dwight thinking that it was the real Ben Franklin was too over the top, and believing that his future self was sending messages was obviously unbelievable. But at least Pam and Jim (to an extent) seem to be fairly realistic characters.

Hopefully next season The Office can keep up the level of comedy they've maintained so far.

Edited by Big Tuna
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Good, funny finale last night. Creed's comments on women and his blog was awesome. Dwight/Andy always work well together and this was no exception. Just great stuff there. Kevin talking to Jim about who is hotter, Pam or Karen, was great, especially when he was sitting in the kitchen taking down notes on Pam. And the ending with Ryan getting the job instead of anyone else and then quickly saying he and Kelly are done, was a good ending. The only thing that I didn't like was we got nothing from Toby, though, which sucks, as he is awesome.

Now when the way Karen left Jim to go to a party and how Jim rushed back to Scranton to be with Pam, probably means Karen won't be back. She said that if either of them gets the job, the other should move to New York as well. So with neither getting the job, but JIm going back to Pam, I think Karen won't return.

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They now have Creed Thoughts on the NBC website. It is only the one entry that he was working on in the finale, though.

"Then a woman I have literally never seen before in my entire life started talking very loudly about something involving Halpert. She was agitated, I’d say. From what I could guess, she was definitely on drugs of some kind, perhaps cocaine, or maybe ‘drines. Also, she is a knock-out. She reminds me of a young Daphne Du Maurier."

Creed is awesome. He never seems to remember anyone in the office at all, even though one episode he stood at Pam's desk and just starred at her.

Edited by Fitzy
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I agree with Beatnik.

This show has turned unbelievable. Not unfunny, mind you, but unbelievable. The characters portrayed by everyone started out as nods to people that you interact with in your everyday life. Now in season three(sometimes in season two even) all of the characters have turned into caricatures of themselves.

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Of all the fake blogs created for TV shows, this has the potential to be the best.

Then a woman I have literally never seen before in my entire life started talking very loudly about something involving Halpert. :lmao:

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I agree with Beatnik.

This show has turned unbelievable. Not unfunny, mind you, but unbelievable. The characters portrayed by everyone started out as nods to people that you interact with in your everyday life. Now in season three(sometimes in season two even) all of the characters have turned into caricatures of themselves.

I'm pretty sure you and I were seperated at birth. Anytime I think that I tell myself to shut up and remember it's a tv show trying to be more entertaining.

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