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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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I don't know, it was a good episode, but I didn't see the point of killing Eko so early in the season, it sucks, I liked his characer alot. But Locke is awesome this season!!

I think this whole "surgery" is just another test, but if it's not, they could be grooming Jack as the next leader of the others which would be interesting. Finally a Locke vs Jack maybe...I don't know, that would be awesome.

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I don't know, it was a good episode, but I didn't see the point of killing Eko so early in the season, it sucks, I liked his characer alot. But Locke is awesome this season!!

I think this whole "surgery" is just another test, but if it's not, they could be grooming Jack as the next leader of the others which would be interesting. Finally a Locke vs Jack maybe...I don't know, that would be awesome.

Edited by Thatz
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Just got round to watching The Cost Of Living, and here be my thoughts on it.

I loved the whole 'Jesus' thing of moving the rocks to Yemi's 'tomb' only to find he is not there.

I don't know why they wear white gowns for a funeral, but Lostpedia people's inform me that it goes along with DHARMA's way of doing things, Chinese-esque or something, I forget.

I think Jack will do the surgery, and because he wants to fix people, blah, blah, blah, he will try and save Ben, but fail, not on purpose though.

Finally, we learn what Locke saw when he saw the Monster, but why did it kill Eko?

The Monster seems to judge good and bad, and appeared as a brilliant white light to Locke, but appeared as a dark black smoke monster to Eko and Charlie (earlier in Season 2) because of the bad things they have done.

Locke doesn't appear to have done anything as bad as Charlie or Eko.

Small piece of trivia too - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje's character was originally meant to be called Emeka, but the actor suggested Mr. Eko and the producers agreed.

Also, how does Nikki know that there are six stations? The Orientation film never ever says the word 'six'. I think that she may know more than she lets on...

It appears that Yemi has been The Monster all along, and if suspected The Monster is the Security System of which the Blast Door Map speaks, then it needed the button in The Swan to be pushed for some reason, and may have been responsible for depositing the people in the Failsafe outside, in order to kill them later, but obviously Eko was dragged off by a polar bear, disrupting it's plans.

Also, The Monster seemed to give Eko that one last chance to repent, by posing as Yemi, and seeing if he asked for forgiveness, but as he didn't it went after him.

Also, on what happened in the Pearl, it seems we have finally found the owner of the glass eye found in The Arrow by the Tailies, but where is the new station? Is it The Flame, mentioned on the blast door map too, or the as of yet undiscovered station?

Wow, that was a lot of also's...Well, expect a big rant for I Do too.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btEW-xd7kwo - I Do Trailer

It has been confirmed that a secondary character will be killed in this episode. I suspect that it will be (as much as it pains me) the amazingly hot Alexandra Rosseau (the French woman's daughter).

Please note: The only Others that count as secondary characters are - Bea, Jason and possibly Tom. Ben will not die in this episode.

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On Eko's death, blame Nikki & Paulo, not the arrest -

"That's what's great about Lost," he [Damon Lindelof] said. "One of our regular characters can go out on an expedition with two people you haven't seen, then the regular gets killed, the other two come back and now they're regulars, so we certainly want to keep the audience guessing. There is a reason that in addition to the 14 regulars there are 33 other characters who survived the crash. They're not just monster food."

Source: http://www.lost-tv.com/exclusives/damon081804.html

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So I think Ben might die and then we find out Juliet is in fact worse than him and is more ruthless.

EDIT: And if Ben does in fact live which I hope he does I think the person who dies will be Pickett.

Edited by CKN
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Eko left because he'll be directing movie pretty soon about his life and his upbringing. He never committed to a long term deal and it was supposedly his idea to be written out during the six episode arc and not later in the season.

I'm betting on Pickett dying. He's shown tied up in the promo and IIRC Juliette says he's going to kill Sawyer so I'm thinking Juliette kills Pickett or something to gain Kate or Sawyer's trust. Although with recent teasers I don't see how this'll work now.

I doubt it's Ben. Michael Emerson is credited as being a regular and is not a secondary character.

Edited by Enter LBTN
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According to Lostpedia, the following count as secondary characters (that are still alive and are not Aaron and are still on the island):

- Vincent

- Nikki

- Paulo

- Rosseau

- Cindy (assuming she is still alive)

And then most of The Others count too, though I still think it will be Alexandra who is killed.

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I liked this episode and liked the Kate backstory. The only part I didn't really like was how the "Others" were willing to believe Jack. Especially Ben after Jack told him "I'll even let you live." Yeah, and he is not suspose to expect he won't try something? I guess he can figure that either way he can die, so why not try it, but seriously, the others should have figured something was bound to happen, especially the one who hates Sawyer. Oh well, I liked the Sawyer and Kate part of the show as that was good stuff. But Jack taking control over the Others like that and telling Kate to get an hours head start was a good way to end the episode. But she already knows that she has no where to go.

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Other than the fact that the big cliffhanger was nowhere near as awesome as the last before a 3 month break should be, it was a decent episode. I wish they'd come up with something more awesome for Nathan Fillion, but Sawyer was all sorts of bad ass this week. Jack's little ultimatum was sort of lame, considering the other awesome directions they could have taken it in. But hey, I suppose if it was some huge cliffhanger I'd probably be pissed off that they were making us watch Groundhog Day the Series for 3 months. >_>

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It has been confirmed that a secondary character will be killed in this episode. I suspect that it will be (as much as it pains me) the amazingly hot Alexandra Rosseau (the French woman's daughter).

Please note: The only Others that count as secondary characters are - Bea, Jason and possibly Tom. Ben will not die in this episode.

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It has been confirmed that a secondary character will be killed in this episode. I suspect that it will be (as much as it pains me) the amazingly hot Alexandra Rosseau (the French woman's daughter).

Please note: The only Others that count as secondary characters are - Bea, Jason and possibly Tom. Ben will not die in this episode.

GG haxxer >_>

Also, did they say "Jacob never had him on the list"? Meaning, there could be someone higher in authority then Ben?

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Instinctively I suspect that Jacob's eye-patch man, but I also like the possibility that there's another spy in the Losties camp. We haven't had flashbacks for Paolo yet, but if it's him that's just horribly crude writing. If a more-established character was revealed to be a complete liar, that would be awesome. I'm hoping there's a significant escalation in the conflict between the beach Losties and the Others before we finally find out the latter's agenda, so this could certainly play into that idea.

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  • 2 months later...

So yeah... bumped the wrong topic:

Lost was good. Nothing mindblowing by Lost standards, but still really watchable.


Mac from "It's Always Sunny From Philadelphia" appearing in a cameo was awesome, and I don't even like that show. "By the way, I'm Tom." laugh.gif None of the other island gang this week which is disappointing, but next week looks to be cool. Still waiting for something on the Arctic guys though. :@


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Rob McElhenney making an appearance was nice. He is great and I hope him being part of the cast (which LL said he read might happen) doesn't affect him on It's Alway Sunny in Philadelphia. And Ed getting run over by a bus? Awesome. I liked Danny so him dying sucked. And Ethan being in Juliet's flashback was good. I was telling Beatnik earlier that I didn't like Juliet in the first couple of episodes, but for some reason this episode of all her was good. Very good episode to kick start this part of the season.

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Well, I really enjoyed that episode. It really seems like they're beginning to explain the status of the Others' camp, and their relationship with the outside world. I definitely started paying attention at the part where Carl was being conditioned - that in combination with Juliet's ability to impregnate a male lab mouse.

I wonder whether there might be some issues relating to the sexes. I got that vibe from the conditioning video, and the idea of a male mother is something else to throw in that direction.

I still can't quite buy the entire surgery/hostage scenario. I'm not sure if it's just heavy-handed writing from Lost or indicative of another layer of plot that we'll get to in time. I was also irritated by the scene where Kate had the walkie-talkie miraculously shot from her hand when the pursuing group wasn't even in sight. Still, there was a lot of revelation in regards the Others in that episode, and Juliet's become very interesting even if I don't particularly like her any more.

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