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Scarface: The Worlds is Yours


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Got it yesterday. Tried it out a bit and I must say it's the most unintentionally funny game ever. It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously (much like some parts from the movies) and it's game that you just can have fun with.

So far, it's pretty much a tweaked Vice City which I have no problem with.

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The only thing that matters is whether or not you can do lines of coke or not.

When you fill up your balls meter and get Blind Rage going it's pretty much a given that you're on coke.

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Got it yesterday. Tried it out a bit and I must say it's the most unintentionally funny game ever. It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously (much like some parts from the movies) and it's game that you just can have fun with.

So far, it's pretty much a tweaked Vice City which I have no problem with.

Some of the conversations are awesome.

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Got it yesterday. Tried it out a bit and I must say it's the most unintentionally funny game ever. It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously (much like some parts from the movies) and it's game that you just can have fun with.

So far, it's pretty much a tweaked Vice City which I have no problem with.

Some of the conversations are awesome.

I agree so much.

"I just figured chu a freak since chu don't like ice cream."

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I have played up to the part where you get your mansion back. It sucks to use the keyboard/mouse since my stupid PS2 controller to USB adapter is not recognized by the game. I do found a program that allows me to use it, but it costs $20 and I am not going to spend on that right now(even when it is a good investment since it allows you to use controllers on games that dont support them by emulating the keyboard buttons used in those games in the controller)

But the game rocks so far. Even after 30 or so minutes to install it, even by spending a lot of time trying to get used to the controls, it ROCKS! It feels like Grand Theft Auto with Tony Montana and the conversations are hilarious like "Hey Girl, Nice tatas you have there", "I dont think my boyfriend would like you telling me things like that", "Boyfriend? Fuck him, he can watch if he likes". Or my absolute favorite: Rich model "Kiss my million dollar ass", "I think chu are mistaken, last I heard the rate for ass in Miami is $50" PWNED!

So yeah, I love it thus far. And I also love the fact that it doesnt pull any punches with the language or the drug talk.

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Played some more today and it just plays like GTA. You go around doing missions and such to expand your empire. At least the gunplay is enjoyable, not like in GTA with it's horrendous targeting system. Here it is just second nature to shoot someone's head off.

Or their left nut.

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I ran into a strange glitch and I am wondering if it has happened to other people. In the mission for the second front, Cabana Cigars, that requires you to chase someone in a boat, whenever I get my gun out, Tony starts shooting. I am not trying to shoot or anything, he just shoots and shoots and shoots non-stop until I conceal the weapon again, burning ammo.

It doesnt ruin the mission, since you only need to pull out the gun when you are close to the boat to minimize ammo waste, but still...If I could fix it I would be a happy camper.

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Guest Tequilla Rockin' Bird

Is this game worth buying then? There seems to be a trend building of making games of old(ish) films. The Warriors was good but Reservoir Dogs was shit and repetetive.

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Not really, you just need to make sure to fill your balls. And after you kill the first guy with a gun, take it and shoot people, then grab an AK-47 and chase the mother fucker in the car. It was quite fun. Just use the targeting reticle and move it like a maniac to earn extra "dismember" points. That fills your balls pretty quickly and you should have them filled by the time you reach the guys with guns. If you are low on health then, activate your Rage Mode to take them out and recover your health. Once that is done, get the guns and the car and follow Alfonso. Simple.

I completed the entire Little Havana turf, but I have not done anymore missions since I am having fun doing the side objectives to earn cash and buy crap. Having so many cars and boats to choose from....I just love it.

*and if you hate having the chainsaw, there is a future mission where you start UNARMED and have to fist fight and run until you have the opportunity to grab a gun*

I would say buy. I love the game, but some aspects can be repetitive, much like GTA. So be warned.

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So, I get my paycheck next week. Is this like GTA in the vein that it's an open world and you don't have to do the main mission, or is it like any other game where you can only follow the main mission/storyline?

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