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Horror Movies


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just wanted to know if there are any good horror movies out that would be worth lookin' into seeing, I've seen my fair share of films.

one film I'm interested in learning more about is Evil Dead, could someone explain if those are any good films to see.

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Evil Dead is good. But most people prefer the sequel (which is basically just a remake). I prefer the first.

And uh, you're going to have to be more specific. Are you wanting vintage horror films, like Vincent Price stuff? Or do you want more modern stuff? Are you wanting stuff that's more psychologically driven or is just violence followed by violence with some violence on the side? Any particular niché you like (zombies, vampires, etc.)? Things like that.

You could always check out Masters of Horror on Showtime (the new season is soon-ish, right?) if you want violent, modern stuff from a decent enough variety of Horror directors. Or TCM Underground on Turner Classic Movies if you want older, campy stuff. And it has Rob Zombie. And uh, the Sci-Fi channel recently started airing Tales From The Darkside on television for the first time in a few years, and it's good to check out. Romero (and Stephen King?) were behind it.

Edited by The Rated-R Superstar
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kinda the problem, I've seen a lot of films...some of the older ones are still good though. Old Freddy movies, etc. There really aren't that many movies that just scare the hell of you. I think I might check out the Evil Dead movies. My favorite would have to be ones that invovle zombies, but I've seen just about every zombie movie made. Horror movies I haven't really seen, or seen a long time ago that I don't remember anymore would probably be Hellraiser, Wishmaster, or Candyman...Freddy & Jason movies I've pretty much seen. The Exorcist was a movie that for me, just was more funny and cheese then anything.

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You could try Frailty. It's not a zombie movie at all, but it gets props as one of very few movies to actually creep me out. The basic plot is that this guy thinks he's been chosen by God to hunt demons that are walking the earth in disguise as humans. He keeps having dreams that end with him getting lists of several names of the demons, and he (with his children) sets about killing these supposed demons. It's really good, even if my description of it sounds stupid.

If you want some stuff that's just disturbing (and thus frightening, which in 2006 is hard to come by), Hostel and Cabin Fever (both directed by Eli Roth) are good places to start. Cabin Fever's about a flesh eating disease and Hostel's about this underground industry in Europe where you can pay money to torture American travelers. Both are things that could actually happen and, aside from the heavy violence (especially in Hostel), that's the most frightening part.

And if you want stuff that's much more disturbing, you could look into Takashi Miike. I've only saw Audition and I'd suggest it.

As for zombie flicks, I'm not a big fan and you've obviously saw the Romero stuff, but uh, you could try 28 Days Later if you haven't. Or, if you want something less scary than just really uh, brutal and funny, you could try Dead Alive. It's directed by Peter Jackson of LotR/King Kong fame, but Dead Alive couldn't be more contrasting to those films.

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Feast just came out, and it looks pretty good. it was the winner of the last season of Project greenlight, and has been given good reviews from Horror movie analysts... so... yeah... check it out.

Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are musts though.

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I saw Feast just last night, it was pretty decent movie. The beginning of the movie started out well, and I got really into it, but the movie seemed to get more and more comical. Gotta love the movie with Krista Allen in it, I'm also a big fan of the project greenlight series.

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I don't understand people preferring Evil Dead 2, really, I find it the weakest part of the trilogy. For starters, too much of is just Ash by himself, and the strength of the character is in the dialogue, which there isn't nearly enough of, but more importantly it just doesn't seem to have decided whether it wants to stick to the legitimate horror style of Evil Dead or go the more slapstick route of Army Of Darkness, and it ends up pretty much failing at both and just coming across a bit tacky.

It's still a great film (the Ash/hand fight is pure genius), but I vastly prefer Army Of Darkness, even if it isn't *really* a horror movie, per sé.

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I don't understand people preferring Evil Dead 2, really, I find it the weakest part of the trilogy. For starters, too much of is just Ash by himself, and the strength of the character is in the dialogue, which there isn't nearly enough of, but more importantly it just doesn't seem to have decided whether it wants to stick to the legitimate horror style of Evil Dead or go the more slapstick route of Army Of Darkness, and it ends up pretty much failing at both and just coming across a bit tacky.

It's still a great film (the Ash/hand fight is pure genius), but I vastly prefer Army Of Darkness, even if it isn't *really* a horror movie, per sé.

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I don't understand people preferring Evil Dead 2, really, I find it the weakest part of the trilogy. For starters, too much of is just Ash by himself, and the strength of the character is in the dialogue, which there isn't nearly enough of, but more importantly it just doesn't seem to have decided whether it wants to stick to the legitimate horror style of Evil Dead or go the more slapstick route of Army Of Darkness, and it ends up pretty much failing at both and just coming across a bit tacky.

Edited by The Z-Man
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My only problem with the bits with Ash by himself is that it can drag on...I understand it's essential to the plot, as you're effectively watching him lose his mind, but the high point of Ash's character in AoD is very much in the dialogue, and obviously by himself you lose out on a lot of that.

And, also, I don't hate the movie by any stretch of the imagination, it's still a fantastic film, and I'm one of the biggest Bruce Campbell marks you'll ever meet. I just find it not quite as good as the other two. And I do like the idea of mixing horror with slapstick comedy, but the way they went about it just makes it seem like they couldn't completely make up their mind, so it either comes across as a campy satire of the original film, or a predominantly un-funny horror spoof. It's not scary enough to be a legitimate horor film, so it's not as good as the original in that respect, and it's not funny enough to hold up as a comedy in it's own right, unlike Army Of Darkness.

Don't get me wrong, as I said, I still adore the film, and I could probably spend just as long, if not longer, listing the good points of the film as I have listing the negatives, but I just find it to be the worst part of the trilogy.

Edited by Skumfrog
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