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Something So Awesome It Deserves It's Own Post

Farmer Reil

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It's fucking horrible, though, isn't it? I mean, the team are shit and their fans are cunts, but jesus... make an effort.

Ironic that it holds 20,000+ fans though. Espescially when they only get a crowd of 4 every week. All related. And not just by marriage.

Althogether now:

"Your Uncle is your brother,

Your sister is your mother,

You like to fuck each other,

the City family..."

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It's fucking horrible, though, isn't it? I mean, the team are shit and their fans are cunts, but jesus... make an effort.

Ironic that it holds 20,000+ fans though. Espescially when they only get a crowd of 4 every week. All related. And not just by marriage.

Althogether now:

"Your Uncle is your brother,

Your sister is your mother,

You like to fuck each other,

the City family..."


How can you even talk about the City fans being the cunts? I don't think I've ever met a Rovers fan who wasn't an arrogant twat, and you really have to rack your brains to find a reason for it.

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Fuck you :P

As long as you stay the fuck away from St Paul's and Hartcliffe. And don't drive a car, or expect to park it, or get anywhere within Bristol promptly in it ¬_¬.

Bristol has better nightlife, more AND better bridges ¬_¬, it's generally "prettier" and less full of shit, you can actually go there without breathing apparatus to mask the smell... As for Plymouth's city centre being decent... er... sure. If you're a middle aged mother of six (which you will be if you live in Plymouth. That's not including all the kids you had to eat when you ran out of pot noodles) and need cheap clothes for the kids. Or need a computer game (how many GAME's and Gamestations does one shithole need ffs?)

And the greatest advantage Bristol has over Plymouth?

They didn't build THIS in Bristol:




(Yes, that last one really is the "finished" building)

Anyway, this thread is getting way off topic now... Which is quite apt really, given what the topic actually is :P


Birmingham > every other weird architecture...

Having seen that building up close, I quite like it....the weird bobbly one I mean.

Holloway's column is cool and whoever said earlier that Nolan's is shit they are bang on the money its crap he say's nothing of interest.

Nolan's column is what it is supposed to be....just through the eyes of a Prem player. Nothing more, nothing less really. It's ok for a read.

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