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Old NES Game


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I was trying to remember what game this was for the NES. It was like a side scroller almost with a guy in like a red shirt with black hair and a gun. You had to like jump onto these buildings or something like that. I was trying to remember what it was but I really can't remember it other than that. Anybody have any ideas on what it is?

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It was that one guy with a gun, you had to somewhat shoot these other guys off. I remember you having to jump onto these block type buildings and thats really all of the details I can remember. That and the guy with the red shirt, maybe jeans I think, and then the jet black hair.

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Karnov is the only game I remember having those exact specifications so, pretty sure you hit the nail on the head, Robots.

I'm also looking for a game. It's a top-down shooting game and your character is always going in the up direction. I'm pretty sure you could drive small tanks or something too and you could save women who are tied up. I always loved that game but, I could never remember the name as the last time I played it I was, like, five.

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I'm also looking for a game. It's a top-down shooting game and your character is always going in the up direction. I'm pretty sure you could drive small tanks or something too and you could save women who are tied up. I always loved that game but, I could never remember the name as the last time I played it I was, like, five.
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Here's a strange one for NES, it's a side scroller, but you start from the right as opposed to the left. You're in this haunted house with rats, and other strange creatures. Your weapon is a knife and you can climb up a ladder to an upper portion of the house. At random, these big monster looking things appear, sometimes blue or pink looking. I can barely remember the details, but the advertisement for the game had a picture of a guy with a knife in his bloody hand. Good luck with this.

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Karnov is the only game I remember having those exact specifications so, pretty sure you hit the nail on the head, Robots.

I'm also looking for a game. It's a top-down shooting game and your character is always going in the up direction. I'm pretty sure you could drive small tanks or something too and you could save women who are tied up. I always loved that game but, I could never remember the name as the last time I played it I was, like, five.

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