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Ling Tong rules. I have great success even with his heavy weapons. His weapon speed is still rather fast.

Also, I like both Qiao's. The legend mode scenario with the husbands and wives is a bitch to complete though.

Edited by Magus978
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Ling Tong was just a Wu guy, much like Gan Ning, but not as good. Since Gan Ning controlled fleets of naval ships and Ling Tong just sort of, was there :P

Fuck that, I don't know how you can know Gan Ning without knowing Ling Tong. Ning wasn't a Wu guy until he killed Ling Tong's father on the battlefield and switched sides after feeling mistreated by Dong Zhou. They then spent the next years with Tong trying to take out Ning on the battlefield to the point where Ning would go out of the way to stay away from him. Eventually though, Ning saved the life of Ling Tong when Cao Xiu shot him from behind with an arrow. Seeing this, Yue Jin, who Tong was battling came with him at a spear but Ning shot him in the face with an arrow (THE FACE!) and after that Tong and Ning were friends.

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So I was still right to be fair, they were both known for being with Wu more than anything.

I knew Ning had killed Tong's father as well, but he was more asking who Ling Tong was - guess it should have been added. I assumed he knew who Ning was and therefore there was no need to explain that side of it.

Just stating that while Gan Ning was truly bad ass, Ling Tong doesn't really compare to him - at least in the way I interpret it all. Then again, Gan Ning was a hero.

Besides, from what I know, other than Ling Tong's dad being killed by Gan Ning, and then Ning joining Wu and being forgiven, there wasn't really a great deal else to them was there? Wasn't Ling Tong mainly just a loyal officer to Sun Quan than anything else?

Gan Ning was a hero when it came to arrows, I remember on DW4 one of the missions he's owning everyone as the ships dock and he just takes everyone out.

Edited by IAceI
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You realise that pretty much all of the biographies end with Sun Quan or Jian weeping when one of the officers have died?

He was an important officer, yes, but compared to most of the others such as Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Huang Gai etc. his story is less interesting, in fact Zu Mao's story I find more interesting than Ling Tong's - and oh so much more heroic.

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Well trying to take on one of the greatest warriors ever in Hua Xiong wasn't exactly his smartest idea, but he did give his life for Jian.

To be fair though, all of the officers and generals are unique in their own way, that's why they are what they are - and most can be deemed heroic in some form and people like certain ones and dislike others - for example I love Lu Xun etc. but we agree to disagree I suppose. We need our own Three Kingdoms thread, this isn't good enough.

Can we agree that Yuan Shu is a total cunt?

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The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a historical novel by Luo Guanzhong, was a romanticization of the events that occurred before and during the Three Kingdoms period. In the book, Xiahou Dun was said to be a cousin of Cao Cao, while his loss of an eye was also made much more dramatic than it probably was


But still badass, yes.

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And get the proper, pingyin translation, with names like Cao Cao as opposed to the Yale version with names like T'sao T'sao. I hate it when people insist it's pronounced as the latter.

For the record, it's Chow Chow. Not Cow Cow either, like what the games suggests. Actually, the first and the second names are pronouced slightly different too, but lets not get into that.

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