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The Wheel of Time


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Better than A Song of Ice and Fire. Fact.

So yeah, Zan unintentionally allowed me to rediscover my love for my favourite fantasy series, and I'm enjoying the hell out of rereading it, even if I haven't got that far back through it again, but at least it gave me an excuse to change my username again <_< Any other Wheel of Time fans on EWB? Other than Cat Alex, who presumably doesn't count?

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Finally a Wheel of Time thread on EWB! Not that I told him to open this or anything :shifty:

The series rocks. Perrin is clearly the best character in the book, he's such a badass what with the talking to wolves (He's buying it with Souness), and killing Whitecloaks. However Faile need to shut the fuck up and stop getting jealous, saying that though someone need to start fucking Berelain just so she has something useful to do.

I'd keep going to but I don't know about spoiling it for people

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What's the series like to read in comparison to, say, LOTR? I might be persuaded to get into this, is just it's huge size is quite daunting.

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Finally a Wheel of Time thread on EWB! Not that I told him to open this or anything :shifty:

The series rocks. Perrin is clearly the best character in the book, he's such a badass what with the talking to wolves (He's buying it with Souness), and killing Whitecloaks. However Faile need to shut the fuck up and stop getting jealous, saying that though someone need to start fucking Berelain just so she has something useful to do.

I'd keep going to but I don't know about spoiling it for people

God, is that ever true. If any woman ever need a slap and a 'Make me a sammich'... <_<

What's the series like to read in comparison to, say, LOTR? I might be persuaded to get into this, is just it's huge size is quite daunting.

Put it like this; I never finished LOTR and it's what, a quarter of the size of WoT?

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I enjoy the books, but I haven't finished them. I started the 10th book after rolling through the first 9, and I can't bring myself to finish it. It just seems like nothing exciting is happening. A lot of the minor characters I don't really care for. I'll finish it sometime though, and start on Knife of Dreams (is that out on paperback yet, by the way?) I have New Spring too...haven't read that either.

Edited by Thatz
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I enjoy the books, but I haven't finished them. I started the 10th book after rolling through the first 9, and I can't bring myself to finish it. It just seems like nothing exciting is happening. A lot of the minor characters I don't really care for. I'll finish it sometime though, and start on Knife of Dreams (is that out on paperback yet, by the way?) I have New Spring too...haven't read that either.

Book 10 seriously is the worst. Not to spoil it, but nothing exciting does happen >_> You're best off getting through it as quickly as possible and moving on to Knife of Dreams, when things pick up again a bit.

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I enjoy the books, but I haven't finished them. I started the 10th book after rolling through the first 9, and I can't bring myself to finish it. It just seems like nothing exciting is happening. A lot of the minor characters I don't really care for. I'll finish it sometime though, and start on Knife of Dreams (is that out on paperback yet, by the way?) I have New Spring too...haven't read that either.

Book 10 seriously is the worst. Not to spoil it, but nothing exciting does happen >_> You're best off getting through it as quickly as possible and moving on to Knife of Dreams, when things pick up again a bit.

It was like Jordan was happy to keep going at that pace for a while then his illness gave him a kick in the arse to get the story moving again.

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Never heard of it before. Just looked it up on Wikipedia, the length of each book and the combined length is scary. Like 9000 pages.

But I do like fantasy. But I still need to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy series before I start a different fantasy novel/series.

This sucks, I'm not a fast reader (average novel takes me around 10-14 days), and in my house are around 20 books I plan to read. My friend has around 10 books I plan to borrow over time. But eventually I can see myself getting into the series if I ever find one of the books.

Questions, do you need to read the books in order?

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*sigh*, the following is brought to you by the girlfriend of Mr. Stokerino...

Your so right about Perrin, He's totally badass. But my favourite has to be Matt. Hes such a cad and he's based on Odin!! For those who havn't read the series the first few books are brilliant, theres a huge lag in the middle but its worth trudging through the minor characters and minimal plot development just to understand and get to knife of dreams. I was worried he'd lost the knack for a while there but he came up spades in Knife of Dreams. Brilliant. Absolutely amasing!! I'd recomend picking up the audio books for those who have trouble with some of the later books.

As a person who's obsessed with stupidly long and convoluted epic fantasy this is one of the best, don't miss it.

Also for those who like wheel of time you should check out thw 'sword of truth' series by Terry Goodkind or the 'View from the mirror' series by Ian Irvine ^_^ Nice to finally post on here after months of trying.

See, I just tend to faze out whenever she starts talking at length on things like this. Now, back in your cage. ¬_¬

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Never heard of it before. Just looked it up on Wikipedia, the length of each book and the combined length is scary. Like 9000 pages.

But I do like fantasy. But I still need to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy series before I start a different fantasy novel/series.

This sucks, I'm not a fast reader (average novel takes me around 10-14 days), and in my house are around 20 books I plan to read. My friend has around 10 books I plan to borrow over time. But eventually I can see myself getting into the series if I ever find one of the books.

Questions, do you need to read the books in order?

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*sigh*, the following is brought to you by the girlfriend of Mr. Stokerino...

Your so right about Perrin, He's totally badass. But my favourite has to be Matt. Hes such a cad and he's based on Odin!! For those who havn't read the series the first few books are brilliant, theres a huge lag in the middle but its worth trudging through the minor characters and minimal plot development just to understand and get to knife of dreams. I was worried he'd lost the knack for a while there but he came up spades in Knife of Dreams. Brilliant. Absolutely amasing!! I'd recomend picking up the audio books for those who have trouble with some of the later books.

As a person who's obsessed with stupidly long and convoluted epic fantasy this is one of the best, don't miss it.

Also for those who like wheel of time you should check out thw 'sword of truth' series by Terry Goodkind or the 'View from the mirror' series by Ian Irvine ^_^ Nice to finally post on here after months of trying.

See, I just tend to faze out whenever she starts talking at length on things like this. Now, back in your cage. ¬_¬

Can't get a much higher recommendation than Stok's girlfriend, of all people. Of course, her opinions are generally flawed, such as the idea that Mat being based on Odin (and, indeed, all the other characters who are obviously based on Norse myths, of which there are too many) is a good thing, or indeed this assertion that the good guys in general are anything more than a bunch of pussies since the real badasses of the series are the bad guys... but then, maybe that's just me, I guess I just have an affinity for evil >_> Still, I guess the spirit is there.

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Got to be Taim, no contest. He's the proverbial badass motherfucker of the series. I mean, he hardly appears for the first five books, and then turns up and instantly starts kicking butt. Can't argue with that. I'm still hoping he gets properly revealed as being a mini-Forsaken of sorts in book twelve, because book eleven's ending was too ambiguous for me.

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I tend to stick to the given pronunciations, basically because most of the time they sound better. Ta-eem was particularly useful in the days of the Taimendred theory.

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Stok: Why do I seem to be reading the same books as your girlfriend? Not that there's anything between me and Stok :shifty:

Actually there are significant portions of her library that I wouldn't see any of you touching with a barge pole, so you can safely discount that one.

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