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Guest muddatrucker

Just finished watching derailed, I don't usually like it when a non-serious actor is thrown into a supposedly serious movie (See: Jennifer Aniston), but it came out well, in a way the movie made me angry but I wanted to watch it till the end and now its over I can say I enjoyed it. 7/10

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Guest muddatrucker

The Break-Up


Being broke and single I have to find my own entertainment and beyond masturbating and eating prepacked microwave food I don't have much of a hobby at the minute, so I decided to watch a film for the 2nd night in a row. I like Vince Vaughn, so I downloaded this his latest movie, it wasn't bad, not hilariously funny but was ok to watch, but due to the ending sucking pure ass (the sighs in the bg of the pirate copy can only prove my point) and the whole film falling into some gay romantic drivel it can only score 5.5/10, I've rated shitter films higher, but right now I can show no remorse.

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Tango and Cash - 5/10

This 1989 actioner starring Sly Stallone and Kurt Russell is the type of movie that comes off as entertaining but never ever distinguishes itself as being any good. I'll give some props for some good in-jokes and Teri Hatcher's hotness, but it's still a generic as hell action movie, and I can't say I ever was a fan of the ultraviolent actioners of the 80s anyway (barring Lethal Weapon).

Edited by just ROC...
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The Godfather: 10/10

The Godfather II: 10/10

I usually don't like mob movies, but these ones are masterpieces.

Beetlejuice: 8/10

Best Tim Burton movie ever. Best Michael Keaton movie ever.

Girl With A Pearl Earring: 6/10

Watchable. Only watched it because of school, though. Not really my cup of tea.

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Superman - 9/10

A fucking brilliant movie that I liked more then I could have ever thought I would have. Bryan Singer is God. Only thing I didn't like was the ending, but even that was the perfect way to set up the sequels.

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