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Graphics Battle

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Description: The year is 2008, and Claudio Castangoli has been hired under a development deal. He has been given a massive role, as JBL's Swiss Banker, representing JBL in the ring. Create a SPLASH for this new group, containing one more wrestler currently in WWE. Also create a LOGO for this new group.

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KOUfee : I like the background you went with and choice of cuts/blends . The blending effect on JBL's face really distracts from the whole graphic imo. The logo is pretty damn good. something about the BJM looks iffy can't place it though. The layout is good and font choice is great as well.

Deep : The background and logo , I absolutely love but the graphic falls short to me when it comes to the cuts . they are too dark and the regal cut is iffy around the edges of the head. The bottom is too dark , if you could have kept the tone you had for the top half and applied it to the bottom half it would look great.

Both graphics have some very good elements and some parts that could use work. I'm voting KOUfee Crisp

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DFS: I like it, but agree with Doc in that the cuts are a bit dark. I like how it fades to black at the bottom but maybe a shorter fade so at least their heads/shoulders are brighter would look better.

Crisp: I'm not keen on the text or the drop shadow that goes with it. I like the BJM logo but the 'Black Jack Mafia' part of it seems blurred and just thrown together. And isn't the background just the No Mercy poster from a year or two ago with some sort of swirl on top?

I'm voting for deepfwiedsushi.

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I'm not really a fan of the placement of the cuts, or the choice in text on Koufee's, and DFS' looks to be overall the better graphic in my opinion. The cuts seem to go better together, even if they are a bit dark.

My Vote: DFS

Edited by Idolshizzle
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I really liked how KOUfee's cuts fit with the background. Even though I thought the text wasn't quite the right fit, it still looked good. DST's could've been a lot better without the dark at the bottom, although It seemed rather plain to me.

My Vote: KOUfee Crisp

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Not that it matters now or anything since the vote is over, but I had to comment on Deepfwiedsushi's. It's a good piece, but it's bland. I understand that sometimes the best design is a simple design, I'm going to school for graphic design so I get hammered with simplicity all the time, but some simplicity doesn't work, which is this. I can see what you were trying to do, but you just didn't pull it off completely. I can see what you tried to do with the gradient over the piece for the black on the bottom, but you may want to look into reducing the opacity or making the black spread not as high.

That being said, I still would've voted for him. KOUfee's entry showed some promise but the text brings it down a lot for me and it just seems odd to me for some reason. And really, it's just that not that eye-catching.

Seems that it was a good battle, as it was difficult to tell who should win.

Congrats KOUfee though.

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