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Camden Crawl 2007.


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Some of the Camden Crawl 2007 line up was announced in the last few days. It's gonna rock pretty hard. I was there last year and it was awesome. This year it's been upped to a two day event.

For those not in the know, you get a wristband and a timetable and walk around Camden, every pub/club/bar has a band playing and you can go see whoever you want.

This is the line up so far.



I'm really looking forward to it.

Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip

Foreign Beggars


Hot Club De Paris

Killa Kella

Yourcodenameis: Milo

Zico Chain

All very much on my list to see (Or see again), and maybe Roll Deep if I'm feeling Grimy >_>

But they'll be secret bands and suprises and the like. Last year The Futureheads turned up out of no-where and did it a set. Was quality.

Last year there were a load of bands that no-one had heard of, but are now world famous.

The Automatic, Dirty Pretty Things, Forward Russia, The Fratellis, Howling Bells, Klaxons, Wolfmother, Shit Disco, Young Knives, etc.

It's gonna rock. Get tickets, go!

And yeah whatever I'm still metal as fuck, prove I'm not.

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It's an indie thing mostly. (Hot Club De Paris, I Am Kloot etc) But there's a lot of stuff.

Scroobius Pip is a slam poet, Foreign Beggars are a hip-hop group, Killa Kella is a beat boxer, Vincent Vincent and the Villains are rock and roll

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Nah, it's almost all 'rock'. Last year there was only a handful of hip-hop stuff (Lethal Bizzle). There's a little more this year, but there are more than enougn venues to go to if you want to avoid it.

I should probably warn people that since there are about fifteen venues, there is a lot of clashing with the artists, more so than most festivals with only two or three stages. However according to the line-up, a lot of bands are playing both days.. so they'll be a second chance to catch anyone you missed. which is awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going on the Friday with a mate who's on placement and living in Camden and his housemates. Should be a really good all-dayer. A few bigger bands have been announced now, no one I'm hugely excited about seeing though. Amy Winehouse is playing the Thursday which strangely I'd like to see, if only because she'll probably be smacked up off her tits.

Not sure which bands I'll be going to see, haven't really heard of any of them so I'll probably just go with what my mates say. After listening to the weird stylings of Hadouken! I'd quite like to see them.

Edited by lafunky xxvii
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Definetly check out Kila Kela if you get the chance, when I was working stage crew at Uni we had him play a number of times (As he's from Leicester or lives round there, something like that) and he is phenomenal, even if you don't like that sort of music you can only be impressed by his talent.

Edited by Natural Born Thrilla
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