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Eli Manning's gonna SHOCK THE WORLD~! The Giants will win the Super Bowl 38-35 on a last second drive by the gritty, gutty, aw shucks leader of the team :shifty:

Seriously though, it's so refreshing to watch the "lowly" Giants win 3 games on the road and have fans of those teams continue to bitch and complain that they aren't good enough. They were good enough to end your season, which is good enough for me.

Yeah, you've completely missed the issue. The Giants are good, but they're not good enough to win the Super Bowl.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Okay, but unlike the Packers (and 14 other teams), they are good enough to win the NFC.

But that doesn't change the fact that they're not good enough to win the Super Bowl. Patriots (even Colts) > NFC.

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The same Colts that couldn't beat the Chargers with their 3 best players hobbling around the field while at home with the refs helping out on just about every play? If anything, a healthy Chargers team would have won in Foxboro today, and they'd be the type of team that would have completely embarassed the Giants since LT would end up with at least 150 on the ground and Gates would murder them up the middle. That game would have been 38-10 with Eli getting run ragged by the Charger's front 7 and Cromartie high stepping a TD the other way.

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Yeah, its the big rematch of the game that turned around the Giants season. They were a whole different team thanks to that game, now they're playing great and Eli's been perfect. No, he's perfectly poised to fail in the biggest stage of his career. I didn't think the Packers would be beating the Patriots, but I KNOW the Giants won't be doing it, and I fully expect there to be a complete and total Eli Manning Meltdown in the process.

If he wins, then I'll shut up, but I just don't think there's any way the Giants will remain close against the Pats for a second time. This is going to be the full force juggernaught Patriots team. Pats have been playing fairly conservative in the past two games, not trying to risk too much or get anyone hurt, just going out there and doing what needs to be done to win. I figure they're going to go balls to wall in the Superbowl and I'm not going to be suprised if its the kind of beating they put on Redskins earlier this year. I've seen the Giants secondary get obliterated alot this year, what do you think Randy Moss is going to do to them when he's trying to get a Superbowl ring?

For the Giants to win, which won't happen, they'd need to not only play the perfect game, but they'd need the Pats to play the worst game they've played all year. Not going to happen. Game will probably be decided by half time.

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I think the Giants could hang with New England(See: Their last regular season game) but it will probably be one of those 'it looks close, but it really wasn't' games. I mean I hope it isn't, I don't like the Patriots and would really like to see a thrilling Super Bowl, but if you asked me to bet on it I would have to take the Pats by 10(ish)

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Maxx, this was going to be full force juggernaut Pats REGARDLESS of who they played. If they go 18-1 they're the biggest chokers in the history of American professional sports. Again, let's be mindful of the fact that the Giants just beat Dallas and Green Bay in their own buildings with a depleted secondary and Eli Manning under center. If those teams couldn't beat the Giants they would have taken it without lube in the Super Bowl too. Does it really matter if one of those teams would have lost by 13 and the Giants might lose by 20+? The Pats are going to finish what they started in similar fashion to how they started the season. The other team is just there to fill out half of the field. Unless Brady goes down on the first play, no one realistically had a shot at winning that game.

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Thank you for establishing that point naiwf, because I clearly missed it entirely, what with my prediction of the Pats going 19-0, and claiming that the Packers wouldn't have beaten them either.

I'm saying its going to be a particularly nasty massacre. Do I think the same would have happened with the Packers? No, I honestly don't. The fact that the Giants beat the Packers doesn't matter to me, I still think Packers/Pats would have been alot closer than Pats/Giants round 2 is going to be. Much in the way Colts/Patriots would have been closer and better than Patriots/Chargers.

Why do I think this? Because its the Giants, the Pats have seen the best they can do, and have beaten them. With the Giants, they've got one style of football, and it won't play well at all against the Pats. The Packers could have at least adapted and had a shoot out with the Patriots. But the Packers, much like the Cowboys are really good when they're good, and really bad when they're bad. Giants have proven to be a more consistent team, but its that consistency that will be their undoing, as when the Pats really start pouring it on, they won't be able to match it.

You're running the really horrible child like logic of X beat Y and Y beat Z, so Z would get crushed by X. Not true, never true.

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Eli Manning's gonna SHOCK THE WORLD~! The Giants will win the Super Bowl 38-35 on a last second drive by the gritty, gutty, aw shucks leader of the team :shifty:

Seriously though, it's so refreshing to watch the "lowly" Giants win 3 games on the road and have fans of those teams continue to bitch and complain that they aren't good enough. They were good enough to end your season, which is good enough for me.

Yeah, you've completely missed the issue. The Giants are good, but they're not good enough to win the Super Bowl.

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I'm actually liking this Super Bowl match. The Giants showed that they can play their smashmouth ball against the Pats and have it work. Eli is playing up to his potential and there is no reason to think he'd all of a sudden flop. He's NOT doing things now that used to be his undoing, and IS doing things now that are keeping him from throwing games away (literally). The Giants might be a bit more one dimensional than the Pats, but they showed that that one dimension is good enough to get things done against New England. Eli has only improved since that meeting in the season finale. With the chance to wreck the most storybook season in NFL history, I like the smashmouth Giants in this game. Do I think they'll win ? Hard to pick them after it has been made painfully clear that New England is the "destiny" team. Besides the fact that their unGodly good, they've been unGodly lucky (see Baltimore game).

I think New England caps off the greatest season ever .... but the G-men more than show up, and more than put up a good fight. In no way will this be like the NY team that got slaughtered by Baltimore in 2000.

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I'm actually liking this Super Bowl match. The Giants showed that they can play their smashmouth ball against the Pats and have it work. Eli is playing up to his potential and there is no reason to think he'd all of a sudden flop. He's NOT doing things now that used to be his undoing, and IS doing things now that are keeping him from throwing games away (literally). The Giants might be a bit more one dimensional than the Pats, but they showed that that one dimension is good enough to get things done against New England. Eli has only improved since that meeting in the season finale. With the chance to wreck the most storybook season in NFL history, I like the smashmouth Giants in this game. Do I think they'll win ? Hard to pick them after it has been made painfully clear that New England is the "destiny" team. Besides the fact that their unGodly good, they've been unGodly lucky (see Baltimore game).

I think New England caps off the greatest season ever .... but the G-men more than show up, and more than put up a good fight. In no way will this be like the NY team that got slaughtered by Baltimore in 2000.

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Lets establish this, we all agree the Giants will lose.

We're arguing over how horrible said loss will be.

Think about that.

Pepsi prediction please

Edited by Maxx
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Well let's put it this way. It's a dome stadium so weather will not be an issue which means The Patriots can go back to a solely passing attack which we know The Giants are weak against.

The only way the Giants are winning this game is if they outscore The Patriots which I just don't see happening, especially in perfect conditions like those that will exist.

Final Score 35-17

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Lets establish this, we all agree the Giants will lose.

We're arguing over how horrible said loss will be.

Think about that.

Pepsi prediction please

Had Dallas won the NFC Championship, all of the non Cowboys fans would have agreed that the Cowboys would lose. Substitute Packers as well. Supposedly Dallas "played New England close" but ultimately lost by 21 at home, and yet people assume they would have been more competitive in a rematch than the Giants will be based on what exactly?

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I would like the think that both teams will play great in the Superbowl. This is great for the development of Eli, win or lose. I think the Giants will come out as the underdogs and feed off that, while the pressure to be perfect will help the Patriots play better (as pressure has never seemed to make them worse before).

This is the second trip to the Superbowl for the Giants in this decade, isn't it?

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