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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Eh, it'd be one thing if the Aloha Stadium were filled for the event, and it drew great ratings. Fact of the matter is though, that the Pro Bowl is just an "extra" awarded at the end of the season for those that played well enough. So Brady and Moss (who have been there before) don't want to play ? So freakin what ? I'd rather see guys like FRED FUCKIN TAYLOR play in it anyway.

If the fans actually did want to SEE these players in the game, they'd watch. They don't though.

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I totally understand why Brady and Moss aren't playing. I mean, the game doesn't really mean anything and you run the risk of injuring yourself. I can still remember Robert Edwards getting his career destroyed at the pro bowl, but look at last year, Drew Brees broke his arm at the game. Whats the point really when you can get a jump on preparing for next season?

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To honour the fans who have picked you as one of the best players in the league? You should be honoured to play in the Pro Bowl, dropping out just disrespects the voters and diminishes the game itself. Sure there's a risk of injury, but there's an injury risk in each of the 16 games you play each season, and after this one you get a few months to heal up anyway.

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I think Patriot fans have more to worry about, meaning myself. We need to sign Moss, sign Gaffney, figure out what to do with Stallworth, figure out what to do about Samuel, hoping our coach is not suspended for a long period of time, determining what we are going to do about our linebacker, corner, safety, and offensive line positions. I think we need to increase our pass-rushing abilities and speed on offensive line. Maybe a versatile tight end who can be packaged in against a pass rush to protect Brady. We need a scary linebacker. Sure, we have a lot of smart, versatile guys, but nobody who really scares you. Colvin used to, Thomas should but hasn't, and Vrabel is not really intimidating. We need a freak off the edge who can bring it to opposing teams. In the secondary, well we need a whole lot. A shutdown corner, a nickelback, another new safety.

Most importantly, we need to shed this bad aura around our team. How do we do that? Encourage that all of the truth come out, whether it has or has not, and come to terms with it. Make it about winning again, not vendettas and hate towards the league. Our team is too good to not turn the corner here and concentrate on the game itself.

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Stallworth's gone, they won't pay him the $6 million he's due. They'll tag Moss I should think. There's nothing really wrong with the O-Line, I wish people would stop saying this. Look at the job they did all season protecting Brady. They were beaten by an a quick, persistent, highly-talented pass rush is all, any line would have struggled. Samuel wants to stay, but I doubt he'll be offering a hometown discount, so that could be interesting. They definitely need to get younger at linebacker. I shouldn't think Bruschi would want to leave, and Seau I see more likely as retiring, or possibly playing another year (in which case I doubt he'd want to move). Vrabel needs to be dealt with too. Several swift kicks in the balls from a bunch of 5 year old girls followed by an intimate encounter with some of Mike Vick's puppies should do the trick.

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Samuel's gone. It's either him or Moss and I think they'll stick with Moss simply because Belicheck thinks he can create another star in the secondary. But I agree that Stallworth's gone as well. I could see the 49ers going after him if Berrian's not on the market.

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There is something wrong with the offensive line. They got demolished. Sure, they might have been the best offensive line over the season, but they had a scheme used against them that destroyed them. I am not saying they need to be completely re-worked, as they are all very talented and signed to longer deals, but maybe adding some help on the right side in particular. Third, fourth-round draft pick or low level free agency is all.

Edited by BB11
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But will Moss want to stay or do yinz thing he'll want to try the free agent market to try to get another big payday. I'd think he's on his last contract, or at least he's close to his last contract if he signs a short-term contract.

I understand that being franchised means he'd have no choice, but do you think he'd be the Randy Moss he was this past season, or the Randy Moss of old if he's franchised?

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He has nothing to gain?

So you're telling me that if he sits by and is content with being franchised and makes an average of the top 5 WRs in the league, it's not as good as if he refuses to play if franchised and demands either a large, long-term contract or to be allowed to test free agency?

I'm not saying he'll do that, but it's in his best interests to not be franchised and either... A.) Sign a large money, long-term deal with New England. Or B.) Become a free agent and be open to the highest bidder.

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