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hey nbc have several excellent shows...well two anyway!

Heroes & The Office - essential weekly watching...! last weeks office was a classic...I LOL'd a lot!

heroes starts up again next week! 5 episodes left...!

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I was pretty impressed with this show last night, but aren't you kind of blowing your load with a 2 hour debut, followed up THE NEXT DAY by a new episode? Shows like this, Lost, and Prison Break can only go so far before you start to wonder how long this fucking race actually is.

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NBC is the best of the big three lately because they're trying new ideas. Of course, they're only trying new ideas because two years ago, they were completely in the shitter due to their incredibly weak line-up filled with cookie cutter programs. Then they tried a few different projects: Earl, Office, Heroes, they got behind Scrubs, etc. Heroes is a very different show for the major networks, you usually don't see anything too "Sci-Fi," but I guess we have the success of Lost to thank for that.

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I was pretty impressed with this show last night, but aren't you kind of blowing your load with a 2 hour debut, followed up THE NEXT DAY by a new episode? Shows like this, Lost, and Prison Break can only go so far before you start to wonder how long this fucking race actually is.
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There's another episode on in about 15 minutes. I really enjoyed the two hour premiere, definitely a very interesting concept and I hope that the twists don't get too ridiculous. A very good start to the series though.

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After watching the first three episodes, which were in fact better than I expected, and have given us characters to root for, I am worried about one essential thing:

how often will they use "the walk-on character that is actually in on the race" plot device? If they use it every single episode, then I don't see Drive lasting, but if they play it smart and stay on character building then it has a shot. Of course, it won't matter if the ratings stink.

One more thing...Drive needs to only last one season, and they need to tie everything up. If it takes 26 episodes to do that instead of 13, then so be it, but it shouldn't go the route of Lost, and have a cliffhanger every stinking season.

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This really is my kind of show. A bit far-fetched, but I love the concept of a bunch of people being brought together for unknown reasons by mysterious organizers, it's just damn fun.

As for people involved showing up, posing as someone else, I'm sure it will probably decrease as the show goes on. In these early episodes, they need to illustrate that the organizers have eyes and ears everywhere.

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I think it would be cool if after this season, they do it again but bring in a different cast. They said that the race has been going on for awhile right? Why not? I know its unrealistic that they would, but it would make things interesting

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haven't watched episode 3 yet (3000 word essay due in tomorrow - words written so far 351) but I'm liking the first two...

I can't not think of thingy as Mal though...he owned that role...

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I hate the chick with the baby more than anyone else I've ever seen on TV. Fuck you and fuck your child.

I was hoping the blonde put a bullet through her by now. All she does is cry like a little bitch about her baby. The part about the car seat needing to be up front, she's sick in the fucking head.

**I've only seen the first three episodes so far, haven't got to last night's yet**

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It seems inevitable that she will be killed off. She just strikes me as the character they made intentionally as annoying as possible, and will eventually be killed.

The show still hasn't really impressed me. It has it's moments which make me continue to watch, but still needs to get more interesting. Alex Tully is the only character I care about at this point, they need to focus a bit more on other people.

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Oh, has anyone noticed so far they aren't even shooting on location? This blatently looks like California or something next to it and not Florida or Georgia.

That just seems to bother me for some reason. A mountain off in the distance sitting next to "I-95" in "Florida", where no point in Florida is above 350 feet.

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The show still hasn't really impressed me. It has it's moments which make me continue to watch, but still needs to get more interesting. Alex Tully is the only character I care about at this point, they need to focus a bit more on other people.
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The show still hasn't really impressed me. It has it's moments which make me continue to watch, but still needs to get more interesting. Alex Tully is the only character I care about at this point, they need to focus a bit more on other people.

Right now, the only characters that are worth a damn in my view are Tully, his partner, the ghetto kid and his half brother. Everyone else is expendable. I think the father and daughter are creeping up as well, although I think that the father will die halfway through the season.

He'll probably die in the season finale, or an episode or two before it.

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