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Derren Brown - Trick or Treat

Lord Nibbler

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Anyone else watching this? Second episode is on now. He just bought a $4500 diamond ring with a few blank pieces of paper.

I honestly don't know how he does this shit. I don't believe in all this hypnotism stuff, but I can't see any other way of doing it short of using plants (which he says he doesn't do, and which would pretty much make the whole thing pointless).

I did pick up on the thing with the cards, though.

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The money trick was good, he used the lines 'You think its unsafe', quickly followed up by 'take it, its fine. Take it' in his conversation about the subways just as he was giving over the money.

The guy at the end who though he was that doll was very freaky.

I love me some Derren Brown.

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THe ring thing is phenominal. I also like how the streetwise hotdog seller couldn't be tricked though as he'd obviously had to hustle for money all his life.

I got the "Trick" and "Treat" cards things too. In fact when he held up the second card I looked upside down at the TV cos it looked so strange as a font to use. Still, that's just a mere trifle..I just LOVE how he sets up the big long things to get the power of suggestion into the minds of those unsuspecting...

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I've watched both episodes, and even though he was before, I swear he has gotten quite a bit darker recently. The thing with the ring was excellent though.

Did you see his live show that was shown on Channel Four a while back? Where he walked across glass barefoot and didn't bleed, as well as hammering a nail up his nose? He's going down some weird roots with his shows but that makes them all the more intriguing. Plus, while doing all that, he still managed to do an entire trick on the audience that made that woman choose the right newspaper, the right page and the right word. Incredible.

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Yeah I caught the one with the doll and the fake money the other night. It's much better than that seance crap he did a few years ago. Anyone see the one where he recreated some video game and put some bloke into it, with zombies and everything? He's the sort of guy I can imagine practising dark magic at home.

What's the book called?

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From what I've just quickly looked at on Google and YouTube, Kriss Angel is some tosser that tries to be funny by pretending to do tricks. How anyone can think that Derren Brown's stunts are anything like that is beyond me. I mean sure there are times that some of the things he does do seem a little too convenient, but his live shows are incredible to watch and the stuff he does there could not be faked.

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I've watched both episodes, and even though he was before, I swear he has gotten quite a bit darker recently. The thing with the ring was excellent though.

Did you see his live show that was shown on Channel Four a while back? Where he walked across glass barefoot and didn't bleed, as well as hammering a nail up his nose? He's going down some weird roots with his shows but that makes them all the more intriguing. Plus, while doing all that, he still managed to do an entire trick on the audience that made that woman choose the right newspaper, the right page and the right word. Incredible.

No, I missed that somehow. Sounds pretty awesome though.

And yeah, I saw the one with the bloke thinking he was in a video game...really, really good.

I still maintain that the one where he did Russian Roulette was some of the best TV I'd seen in many a year...I was on the edge of my seat.

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