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As I sit here and try and do some stuff to finish up one of my classes this past semester, I was curious. How many of you actually have experience in Flash? I say so because not only do I have some troubles with it (I'm relatively new to it and I was forced to miss a lot of this class), but also because there doesn't seem to be too much mentioned about it by the designers around here.

So yeah, if you do have any experience, do you know of any sites with good tutorials/tips?

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I tried it a while back but never could do anything worthwhile with it. Wish I could get better with it though cause you can do some great things with flash

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Oh I know. My friend in my class is pretty damn good at Flash. Granted he doesn't have the entire design aspect down pat, but he knows Flash like the back of his hand, it's ridiculous.

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I did flash at Uni. I probably still have the little booklets we worked through somewhere.

Flash is okay in the right place, but I'm not a huge fan.

As for sites, www.flashkit.com is the obvious one. Just google flash tutorials really.

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I've attempted to learn Flash a few times and am able to do a few things with the program, just not very well. The overall mechanics of how it works isn't too hard to figure out if you're using one of the newer versions. Just getting things to look good and figuring out some of the more advanced options is where it seems to get a bit tough.

www.flashkit.com as mentioned about is probably your best bet.

If you want to see what Flash is capable of, try www.2advanced.com, wow!

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