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Jorden Snow

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About Jorden Snow

  • Birthday 16/08/1985

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  • Location
    Robinson, Illinois
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Enhancement Talent

Enhancement Talent (3/12)




  2. Looks very good so far, I've taken upon myself to do some work on it though as I feel like there's certain inflated stats and very deflated stats as well. I'd like to send you the text document of some changes I feel like could improve it even further if you're interested in reading through it. Send me a pm with ur email if you want too.
  3. I didn't even notice the picture of Davey Andrews in the picture pack for the iDom game, so color me stupid. I didn't read it very well either, just saw "Davey" and thought it was Richards.
  4. Hayden Avery, would love to have this on KyKy.
  5. Sharp actually looks fine, thing is he has it set to "none."
  6. Heh, looks good, I saw a more complete version on EWZine though.
  7. Paul Turner Todd Sinclair D-Ray 3000 Heath Ledger as Joker
  8. You could create a "guest" login for you photobucket account. I'm almost positive that would allow people to search for a specific picture.
  9. Thanks guys, if you can find any more of them, I'll be very greatful, but for now, those three are excellent.
  10. I need a few things for my game, not sure if anyone has them or if they are available. I need pictures of the following guys and girls. They are all on the very very low side of the talent pool in the first July release by Bill. If any of the pictures can't be found, wasn't there someone who had a photobucket full of like random people pictures? Thanks for the help. Aaron Stride Alex Chamberlain Brian Fury Chris Ewing James Ewing El Blanco Negro Dragon Even Colder Mike Austin Hypnosis James Ewing Jamie Eternal Keiichi Ooba Liberty Kid Lince Dorado MosCOW Scotty Vegas Shawn Stylez Also, these women; Amanda Shae Princess Jade Nicky Van Kunder
  11. I've got it, if he doesn't get back to posting it, I'll upload it for you. I might still have the link bookmarked actually. GFX - http://rapidshare.com/files/129371859/GFX.rar.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=709AT1T6 Logos - http://rapidshare.com/files/129372101/Logos.rar.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H53JXSYV RAW - http://rapidshare.com/files/129372201/Raw.rar.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W11EYBDQ Or, ALL 3! http://rapidshare.com/files/129373007/EWR_Items.rar.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QZQ9OAIK
  12. If that fails to work, you can try this javascript version of the "same" script. --- <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // ============================================== // Copyright 2003 by jsCode.com // Source: jsCode.com // Author: etLux // Free for all; but please leave in the header. // ============================================== // Set up the image files to be used. var theImages = new Array() // do not change this // To add more image files, continue with the // pattern below, adding to the array. Rememeber // to increment the theImages[x] index! theImages[0] = '100.jpg' theImages[1] = '200.jpg' theImages[2] = '300.jpg' theImages[3] = '400.jpg' theImages[4] = '500.jpg' // ====================================== // do not change anything below this line // ====================================== var j = 0 var p = theImages.length; var preBuffer = new Array() for (i = 0; i < p; i++){ preBuffer = new Image() preBuffer.src = theImages } var whichImage = Math.round(Math.random()*(p-1)); function showImage(){ document.write('<img src="'+theImages[whichImage]+'">'); } //--> </script> Same idea as before with changing what's inside the " " area.
  13. You can try the following; <?php $file_array = array ('http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_home.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_mit.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_music.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_music2.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_tv.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_orange.gif', 'http://www.kirupa.com/me/footer/footer_game.gif'); $total = count($file_array); $random = (mt_rand()%$total); $file = "$file_array[$random]"; print("<img src=$file></a>"); ?> Replace the links inside the ' ' with the address to your pictures. That should work, not 100% sure if it will since it's a .php script though.
  14. My girlfriend just said "I want to play!" so . . . maybe I'll but this, lol.
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