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Eli Roth Blames Piraters for Death of Hostel Part II


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I saw Hostel in theaters, and I thought it was ok. Ok enough that I went and bought it on it's release date. The thing that turns me off about Hostel 2 (and why I haven't seen it) is, it's essentially the exact same movie, just with chicks this time. I can not stand seeing remakes or something, cause the ending is always the same. That's why I didn't care to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that's why I don't care to see the newer Bond flicks, etc. If it's the same story arch, and the same ending, why waste the money twice? I know what's going to happen!

Hostel II spoilers ahead!

Not to mention, the Paxton character getting killed off in the first 10 minutes of the film ruins it. You'd think he'd have a bigger part or something, you know, so that his surviving the previous film actually meant something. I know a few of my friends who didn't see it cause it is a waste of the character.
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I saw Hostel in theaters, and I thought it was ok. Ok enough that I went and bought it on it's release date. The thing that turns me off about Hostel 2 (and why I haven't seen it) is, it's essentially the exact same movie, just with chicks this time. I can not stand seeing remakes or something, cause the ending is always the same. That's why I didn't care to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that's why I don't care to see the newer Bond flicks, etc. If it's the same story arch, and the same ending, why waste the money twice? I know what's going to happen!

Hostel II spoilers ahead!

Not to mention, the Paxton character getting killed off in the first 10 minutes of the film ruins it. You'd think he'd have a bigger part or something, you know, so that his surviving the previous film actually meant something. I know a few of my friends who didn't see it cause it is a waste of the character.

Ditto the reasons I've not seen it, and having read that spoiler, I doubt I'll buy it on DVD as I intended, I loved Paxton, he was really well developed in the first film.

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I saw Hostel in theaters, and I thought it was ok. Ok enough that I went and bought it on it's release date. The thing that turns me off about Hostel 2 (and why I haven't seen it) is, it's essentially the exact same movie, just with chicks this time. I can not stand seeing remakes or something, cause the ending is always the same. That's why I didn't care to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that's why I don't care to see the newer Bond flicks, etc. If it's the same story arch, and the same ending, why waste the money twice? I know what's going to happen!

Hostel II spoilers ahead!

Not to mention, the Paxton character getting killed off in the first 10 minutes of the film ruins it. You'd think he'd have a bigger part or something, you know, so that his surviving the previous film actually meant something. I know a few of my friends who didn't see it cause it is a waste of the character.
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The one thing I did like about Hostel 2 is that they go much more in-depth regarding the actual pay-to-slay network. Very cool look at it.

I thought the double turn at the end was very good too, and made a lot of sense. I remember reading a review that said it made no sense at all because there was no foreshadowing or build, and completely ignored the character's personality, but that was why it made sense. As soon as the guy hellbent on killing someone accidentally hits the girl in the face with the circular saw and discovers the reality of it, he realises how wrong he was. On the other hand, the quiet normal one snaps because his wife treated him like shit. That showed that deep down inside, a regular suburban family guy can be just as insane as someone else.
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The one thing I did like about Hostel 2 is that they go much more in-depth regarding the actual pay-to-slay network. Very cool look at it.

I thought the double turn at the end was very good too, and made a lot of sense. I remember reading a review that said it made no sense at all because there was no foreshadowing or build, and completely ignored the character's personality, but that was why it made sense. As soon as the guy hellbent on killing someone accidentally hits the girl in the face with the circular saw and discovers the reality of it, he realises how wrong he was. On the other hand, the quiet normal one snaps because his wife treated him like shit. That showed that deep down inside, a regular suburban family guy can be just as insane as someone else.
Edited by Mr. Nic Offer
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The one thing I did like about Hostel 2 is that they go much more in-depth regarding the actual pay-to-slay network. Very cool look at it.

I thought the double turn at the end was very good too, and made a lot of sense. I remember reading a review that said it made no sense at all because there was no foreshadowing or build, and completely ignored the character's personality, but that was why it made sense. As soon as the guy hellbent on killing someone accidentally hits the girl in the face with the circular saw and discovers the reality of it, he realises how wrong he was. On the other hand, the quiet normal one snaps because his wife treated him like shit. That showed that deep down inside, a regular suburban family guy can be just as insane as someone else.

I did like that but

the rest of the ending with him playing his repressed version of a macho badass all leading to his dick getting cut off too me out of it fast. I mean, I guess I understand why he acts that way, but it as well as all of the third act, is still weird as all shit in the movie.

Edited by EndOfAnEra
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God, i fucking hate Eli Roth. He did an interview over here on the Movie show, he says something about people who were 12 to 14 during the September 11th attacks and says that as they grew up they were being told "you are going to get blown up" and for some reason that is why they should be watching Hostel. He reminds me of somebody who thinks he is smart and thinks that the 'public' are just a bunch of idiots.

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To his credit, though, he does seem to be the only horror director nowadays that willingly pushes things and is one of the only ones to have his movies stay rated R, which is a rarity in movies nowadays. He oversteps his bounds when he talks about anything unrelated to a horror movie though.

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The man said that Hostel II was for the ladies this time around as it had more penis shots.

He honestly believed he would net a greater female audience to come and see a gruesome torture film because it had dangling cocks on the big screen.

He thinks that movie piracy killed his movie, because had movie piracy not occurred, surely, the movie would have been a smash hit to be remembered for years to come.

He is a fantastic retard.

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I agree, blaming the movie on piracy is stupid because it probably sucks in general. But Hostel was an okay movie and I guess I'm in the minority in that I thought Cabin Fever was a actually a pretty decent horror movie and think he has a lot of potential as long as he keeps to making horror movies and not commenting on random stuff about why this or why that.

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I thought Cabin Fever was a actually a pretty decent horror movie and think he has a lot of potential as long as he keeps to making horror movies and not commenting on random stuff about why this or why that.
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I'm now more tempted to see it if there is full frontal male nudity so he's somewhat correct. Altough I'll still wait until it comes out on DVD as I thought the first one was really slow paced with shitty acting and sub-par dialogue.

Edit- I do somewhat agree on the 9/11 aspect of what he says (provided it's what has been paraphrased) I do believe a lot of innocence was taken away and replaced with fear for children. However I think I grew up in a quiet period as I think things were somewhat similar during the cold war era.

Edited by Quom
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I'm now more tempted to see it if there is full frontal male nudity so he's somewhat correct. Altough I'll still wait until it comes out on DVD as I thought the first one was really slow paced with shitty acting and sub-par dialogue.

And there's the key to the films success, it's just the type of film people would prefer to watch on DVD, I would almost never make a point of seeing it in cinema, but it's certainly something I would pick up on DVD since it's been given the right hype.

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I like Cabin Fever and Hostel... but Eli Roth isn't the only director who will stick with a hard R rating for their vision. That's going to hurt him in the long run, because the other guy is Rob fucking Zombie. Zombie's movies have been great. Corpses was questionable, but if you look at it for what it is instead of what you want it to be, it's a tremendous film.

Cabin Fever was better than House of 1000 Corpses... 1-0 Roth over Zombie.

Devil's Rejects edges out Hostel because the characters are better, the gore is better, and Zombie fucks with your mind by making you care about a band of murderers... tie game.

Halloween will more than likely rape the shit out of Hostel 2.

If Zombie wasn't around, Roth would be able to get away with mindless violence for the sake of mindless violence... but as it stands, Zombie's supplying us with violence on the same level (or above) in movies that bring the viewer in emotionally and take you on a ride from minute one.

Eli Roth has tons of potential, but he seems like the kind of guy who see's dollar signs and agrees to whatever change is asked for or suggested. For example: "We need more female viewers. What do women like? John?" ... "Women like cock." ... "Exactly! We'll put a bunch of penises in the movie! That's fucking brilliant!"

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To his credit, though, he does seem to be the only horror director nowadays that willingly pushes things and is one of the only ones to have his movies stay rated R, which is a rarity in movies nowadays. He oversteps his bounds when he talks about anything unrelated to a horror movie though.
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Yeah, I know he does. I completely forgot about Zombie for some reason, even though I loved The Devil's Rejects and for some reason House of 1000 Corpses was weird as all hell, it made me want to see a sequel or something. But yeah, Zombie is one, but other than that, can you think of a modern day director that is willingly able to push even the R rating? As most "horror" movies nowadays are cheap PG-13 shills that don't scare little kids, even. I mean, there's a few out there, but for the most part, Roth and Zombie seem to be the only ones continually doing it. If there are others, point them out, because I'm more than willing to be wrong at the expense that I find some good horror movies.

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