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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Grrr. Come back to Pleasantview, you feind :@

I think the aunt is Olive Spectre? I've played that house once for about 10 minutes, and not spent a huge amount of time in Strangetown to be honest.

I brought back the Tricou's, all of them, but now when they talk to each other and other sims no one shows up in their relationship bar, which just pissed me off. They're all technically alive now so may wander around, but I can't seem to get faces or relationships in the relationship section so unless I figure it out I've put them on hold and binned Sergei Yourraf.

Back to my 'proper' game, and I'm at the Broke's.. or is it Geike?

Chester Geike

Brandi Geike

Beau Broke

David Broke

and another one on the way. Beau is pathetic, he hasn't left the very bottom of his aspiration metre yet, and David is a bit of a cry baby meaning Chester and Brandi are always starved of fun or hunger or something. Plus with another baby on the way Brandi's hunger and energy are automatically taking a beating.

If it's a boy I may name it Chester Skip, after the new dad and the possibly-would-have-been dad. The family is pretty fucked up, with the new baby set to be an uncle upon his arrival to the world. Still, a fucked up world is fun and keeps me playing. I want to bring back Skip just to really fuck EVERYTHING up even for myself.

I much prefer not planning my games ahead too and just doing things on impulse.

Someone recommend someone to me to get impregnated by an alien, unfortunately I've never had it in game except for when I played the Curious family which is already programmed. So even if I have to cheat, I'd like to throw a few aliens into the mix of everything, or see what else I can come up with :)

Edited by IAceI
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To me Pleasantview is the soap opera with no weirdness (barring the Bella abduction), Strangetown is the place you run riot with oddities, Veronaville is designed for all out war, whether it just be two sides or more (jobs don't matter so long as your faithful to your family), Riverblossom or whatever it is is just to fuck around with and nobody gives a shit about.

As for a sim to choose, I'd say the Caliente sisters since those two already have alien bloodlines (see their gene tree).

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Yeah I know about the Caliente's and they would be the first choice.

However Nina has a baby called Kenwyne, Dina a baby called Gemma and a toddler called Finley. I'm not sure whether I'm ready to stick another kid in their just yet, but they would be the obvious choice.

Something I've always wondered about is can the Caliente's have natural part-alien children at all? I'm assuming no but I'd like it if I got a surprise and out popped a green sim one time.

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I'ma steal Hugar's layout


I haven't played as Don on his own yet, but he has woohooed with Kaylynn Langerak and Nina Caliente. I think he's knocked Nina up, but Daniel Pleasant had already impregnated Kaylynn.


Dina married Mortimer Goth, and is going to have his child, who will probably be named Mortimer Jr. or Mortina if it's a girl. Nina is doing well in her job, got fit and I'm not sure what else to do with her, I might make her a zombie again.


My created sim (Joseph Robertson) married Brandi, and has Skip Jr. (Skip's) who is now at uni along with Beau & Dustin. Then Brandi had two more children, this time by Joseph, named Lily & Josephina. Joseph got his golden gardening badge, and became a Plantsim and just for fun, I spored a plantchild and named it Pina. I'm unsure whether I shall change Pina back to a normal child before he grows up.


Angela & Lillith are at college. The Oldies moved in with the Pleasants and burned to death a few days later. Kaylynn got married to Daniel a few moments after Mary-Sue drowned in a pool with no ladders. Daniel's an old man now and they have Jack as their first male child.


Dirk is also at college, and will be hooked up with Meadow Thayer. Darren married Cassandra and now Cassandra's first child is on the way. Her next child will be Don Lothario's as I had her go on holiday and get rid of the furious relationship and then used Mr. Mickles from the Witch Doctor to make him fall back in love with her.


Mortimer married Dina and Cassandra was close to marrying Don, but he ran off as usual. Alex is still doing well, and will go to uni when he can, or when there's some space.


I'll have to check my college, but I did combine all the paperboys and paper girls of Pleasantview and put them in to a house together, under the name Papers, which should be fun.

Also for anyone wishing to kill off Sims - http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=231679

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Does Bella show up in Strangetown at all?

I played a season (Spring) in Pleasantview with the Goth family. Things are progressing nicely, although everyone got flu. I'll update you with everything else that's going on when I've done a season with all the families. Things are already a bit crazy and I've only had a go at one family.

One of my Sims is ready for University, so once again I ask, how should I go about fitting it in? I might get all the teenagers and send them off together, then send them all off to University and "pause" the town until everyone comes back as adults. Hmmmm.... I don't know.... Suggestions?

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Bella does show up in Strangetown, but it's a different Bella and she has no memories or anything. If you were to trickily import her back into Pleasantview she wouldn't recognise any of her 'family', it's just a different Bella Goth.

Maxis manage to do some weird and wonderfully fucked up things to confuse everyone.

Also death by fire is my preferred method of Oldie offing :)

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You people and your names, start using original ones rather than family names for everyone <_>

I knew two alien babies were due in the Curious house, the first was half-alien, the second was pure alien, so the first one was "Ohso Curious" because it's not quite sure what it is, and the second was "Notso Curious" because it's pretty fucking sure it's a pure 'Greenskin' :shifty:

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How do you move graves to the community graveyard? And where is the community graveyard?

I've played a season in most houses, so I'll update you.


What a place to start. We began with a lovely wedding between Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario. Don is only after a slice of the Goth fortune and is totally besotted with the Caliente sisters, Dina and Nina. After their wedding took place, Cassandra headed off to work (and was promoted - not too bad for one day) and Don stayed at home with his new father-in-law, Mortimer. Mortimer invited over Dina Caliente and she arrived with her sister. The pair quickly ended up in bed enjoying a nice bit of Woo-Hoo, but were caught by Don, who responded angrily and by having Woo-Hoo with Dina's sister Nina in the second bedroom. After bedding his new father-in-law's girlfriend's sister, he sent her home just as his new wife got home, so he Woo-Hoo'd her to end his own "successful" day. Don is continuing his affair with Nina, while Don and Dina seem to be moving into serious territory. Finally, Alex worked his way up to an A+ report card, and is now a teenager and will be heading to college soon.


I can't stop those bloody twins from beating each other up all the time. And it's always the nice one beating up the emo one. Any tips? Daniel and Mary-Sue's marriage continues to be on the rocks. Mary-Sue is obsessed with her political career and has been promoted two or three times, but this means the amount of time she spends with Daniel is dropping all the time. His feeling of lonliness is encouraging Daniel to continue his affair with the maid, Karulynn. More on that in a moment. Both of the twins have worked their way up to an A+ grade and have applied for scholarships and only have a few days before they become adults so university is very close for these girls. The season ended with a birthday party for Daniel, who became an Elder. His wife, unaware of his affair, invited Karylynn and was surprised when at the end of the party, she found the maid in bed with her husband. Mary-Sue will no longer share a bed, kiss, hug, or do most friendly things with Daniel, who is also hated by his two daughters. All this turmoil has resulted in Mary-Sue's parents moving into Pleasantview.


Dirk, desperate to get into private school, invited over a headteacher for dinner but failed to impress and remained in the public education system. A quick re-modelling of some of the house and a day later with a new headteacher, and Dirk got accepted into private school and now has his sights set on university. Darren was forced into getting a job in order to pay the bills, although was fired for his stance on grilled-chesse sandwiches, and is currently working evenings as a paramedic but continues to paint. Darren is still in love with Cassandra, and may be a shoulder to cry on if Cassandra ever finds out about her cheating husband. He has also taken quite a shine to Brandi Broke and oddly, Mary-Sue's mother - Coral Oldie.


Herb and Coral moved into Pleasantview after hearing about their son-in-law's infidelity to offer support to their daughter, Mary-Sue. Herb quickly got a low paying job in the journalism career to cover bills and food costs and spends most of his time having Woo-Hoo with Coral. Old people woo-hoo isn't pretty. Coral remains unemployed and spends most of her time working on her social life. Both parents have become close with Mary-Sue again, with Herb briefly thinking about proposing marriage at one stage. That is one flippin' odd family.


Dina and Nina have made a big impact on the neighbourhood. Both sisters remain unemployed, living off their savings and working only on their love lives. Dina and Mortimer Goth seem very much in love and the future is looking very rosy for them. Nina's affair with Don Goth (formerly Lothario) is still continuing but it is still kept secret from Cassandra - how long it remains secret is unknown.

So that's all I've done so far. I need to play the Broke family's first season but I need to bring a man into marry Brandy. Quick question... if I have them marry at the man's house (thereby changing Brandi's last name) will she bring the kids with her? I don't want to leave a baby behind...

Any suggestions for the name of the bloke I create for Brandi? Or where to go next?

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Whoever proposes marriage keeps the surname and the spouse takes the surname. Hence why I now have Don Goth, but after looking like he'd changed his ways he invited Nina over for some hot-tub loving while Cassandra slept. They have different hour jobs so someones always at home for Adriana, their new baby daughter - and gives him a chance to get his affairs with Kaylynn, Dina and any other woman in check. They will give him a total of 4 WooHoo's so I need one more for one of his aspirations :)

Also if Brandi moves into a house a menu should pop up giving you members of the family to move in with her. Also I have Brandi married with Chester Geike, so now Brandi Geike. Meh, he didn't have much to do and she wants to marry off 6 children. Well... one is, she has two more kids in Beau and David and a fourth on the way so that lifetime want is on track.

Also can you not just click on the grave and click move to community lot or anything? If not try putting it in the sims inventory and going to the place you want it to go.

After the Goths reach winter I only have the Larsons to catch up and then all the households are ready to brave the snowy conditions :)

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I just installed University which I "acquired" yesterday. I played a game for 3 sim days as Dwayne Dudeley, he's a teen who lives with his dad David Dudeley and I'm hoping to send him to college once he becomes a Young Adult which gives me time to get his grades/skills up. Right now, eh, I'm not doing too well, I can never get good grades because once he does his homework his stats are way down and his dad is always at work so I cant have him do the Play Red Hands to boost the social/fun bar and I'm broke.

How long does a Sim stay at college before he becomes an adult/graduates?

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The teenage boys I've played with ( :shifty: ) tend to get a lot of fun from watching TV or playing darts. Sometimes I try to get the stats high during the evening and then send them to bed so that when they wake up their stats are still pretty high and they're willing to get their homework done before school. At the same time, try to get the Dad promoted. His work hours will change and he'll be earning more money. Try to "Serve Meal" rather than "Have Meal". A well timed serving can last for breakfast and lunch (or lunch and dinner) for both sims so will save you some money. If you're really desperate, try selling some furniture you don't need.

In my game, I created a bloke for Brandi Broke called Jimmy Andrews. I created him a dad called George Andrews too so that if Brandi and Jimmy end up getting wed, George can act as a live-in-nanny while the parents work. But more on all that after I've played some more....

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Seasons. It's brilliant for getting the children meals quickly and easily without them resorting to Juice, Cookies or Chips too. Brandi Broke for example could cook a Pork Chops meal which is awesome for hunger I believe, then put the left overs away and one meal of it for the kids and your sorted. :)

Awesome feature, been much needed.

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Dirk's spent half of his teen years on the street after his dad beat him all day. He came back before and will grow up in 2 days before he'll leave the house to live on his own. He's currently kipping on a couch in the house and not talking to anyone because his old room has been turned into Chloe's room, Darren and Lillith Dreamer's child.

My created sim and one of the many Ivy Copurs had their first child together, Nikolas. That means he has Taro Sian to an unknown mother, Kenwyne to Nina and now Nikolas to Ivy. I'm playing the fact that Ivy doesn't know about Kenwyne as her husbands child with another woman. They bitch when they see a peck between their spouse and another woman, but if they come back and say "I'm going to be a dad to another womans child" they don't mind :o

The Ramiswami household has been thrown into absolute chaos with the arrival of Diah Ramiswami.. and Savana Ramiswami. Two twin girls who do not shut the fuck up ever. One day more and they grow up - and I have about 2 more days of Winter to play so they'll both be toddlers. However the family growing up in a small house (Don Lothario's old house) is going to be a problem, as it's not a place for 4 people. Will they have the money to move or will they have to make do in the cramped conditions? It's quite funny actually since they were both on good career tracks looking to advance quite far and be quite popular. Now with the arrival of their twin daughters it's all down the pan, they don't talk to each other let alone their friends and basically are either sleeping or looking after to their hellish annoying kids.

So the winter season is looking awesome so far in Pleasantview, 3 families played and 4 children have been born already. And those family bonds haven't been strengthened much in the Dreamer household as Dirk absolutely loathes his dad and his step-mam (ex-girlfriend). It's maaad.

I've decided after my exams at the end of January I'm going to treat myself to University. I'll need to do some revision too for my exams >_<

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