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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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I don't have pets so a Werewolf would be of no use to me :)

So Jennifer Burb is in her last stage of pregnancy and despite about 15 times a day i see or hear a name and think "that's cool I'm going to use that for my Sim", I always seem to shit myself when the name box pops up after birth and I just type in "Bob" or "Jim" or something equally as unamusing or boring. So to solve it, the notepad save of names where I list names for boys and girls as I think of them ready for use >_>

I decided that what I have with pleasantview isn't something I'm willing to give up for creating a neighbourhood with self made houses and sims for something I may never enjoy. If I want to create a character I'll just make one and stick them in Pleasantview.

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I'm frustrated now, I moved out Nina and Kenwyne from the household since the big house and 6 sims + gardeners/maids/passers by were slowing it down, so I built Nina and Kenwyne a rather nice, swish house, but now I have to start with them in Summer. So to sim them all the way to spring will take a while, and also fuck my ages up. Kenwyne shared his birthday with Gemma in the game, now he's going to end up a lifeform ahead of her when I catch everything up.

I can't really seem to find a way around it so I guess I just have to deal with it. But I'm not happy >_<

Edited by TheArsenal
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I may start that EWB neighbourhood, but I have all the expansion packs, so may add some stuff people can't download unless there's a list of what items came in each expansion pack and then I'll try and limit it.

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1. People here should post some pictures, sims, lots anything.

2. Go to a sims forum where they post pictures, look at the houses and buildings and what they look like and stuff like that.

I'd say look on youtube too since some people upload videos of them making houses. But they're often extravagant - but I guess you can get some nice design tips and stuff like that :)

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Not it's real name, I found a good island neighbourhood so it's Extreme Warfare Battle Islands. I forgot to set up the storytelling thing, so can someone else do theirs first?

My family is the Trainer family. Add yours as well!

It's taking a while to upload. Give me some time...

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I'm tempted to install the game again.....bah!

Just wondering, what exactly is different when people are zombies/warewolves/vampires/plant people? Besides the color of their skin that is.

Werewolves can bite others and turn them in to werewolves. Werewolves stats drop quickly in the day.

Zombies are pretty much normal Sims with a limp.

Vampires die in sunlight and have to sleep in coffins, but can bite others and make them vampires.

Plantsims only have Sunlight, Water and Love as their stats and skip the baby and Young Adult and Teen stages. They can also spore a plantchild as well as having normal children via woohoo.

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Hope the neighbourhood works out J, I haven't got some of the expansions needed so I won't be involved but (Y)

And you lot are useless. Anyways, my exams are over, so I'm donning The Sims 2 once more and will try and get into the swing of things again. It's quite tough to get back into a game like this after a sudden break for a week or so I'll be looking to try and get things going :)

Lets see what you people have all been doing. You can't all have not played?

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I've been playing my legacy family, trying out the bon voyage expansion. nothing much to report. Zombie gran'ma died after a week without food. Ada(greenskin woman) got fired from her job, then immediately got rehired. That's about all I have going on.

I also spent 6 hours not so much 'playing' but going to great lengths to construct screenshots for The Real World: Strong Style

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