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Triple H has made his return to WWE television, and he's decided to create a new version of his Evolution stable. Your job is to create a header graphic for their page on WWE.com (in the style of this one). The wrestlers involved (other than Triple H) is up to you.

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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can we make this a triple threat?

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I like it. Just one thing, can I make Triple H in the graphic making it like an Evolution Profile thing with all members in the group including the leader, HHH.

Also, Chip, what do you say, due Wednesday and first to 3 votes?

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congrats evansfan.. i wasnt happy with my entry so i didnt expect to win..

up for another round?

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I don't know if you want to stick to wrestling rules or not so I'll provide two...

Wrestling Rules - Create a dvd cover for the upcoming Curt Hennig "Mr. Perfect" DVD being released by the WWE. It must include a summary on the back (like found on all dvd's) as well as a few matches, etc. The size is 1200x800, and if you wish you can use the IMANDIX Cover software to show off a 3d version of your product as well.

Non Wrasslin' Rules - Create a promotional poster for an upcoming tour of a 3 of your favorite musical groups. The poster must include tour details, band information, and a created logo for the tour (so rather than just plain text, an actual logo) The size should be 300x400.

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