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Real Lives

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Living in America, no matter your stats, is easy as hell. The game's starting to get somewhat repetitive. If you stay in school and devote your time to studying, eventually you can emigrate to America and the rest of your life is easy. FYI, if you just leave your family, you have so much more money to spend <_

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Living in America, no matter your stats, is easy as hell. The game's starting to get somewhat repetitive. If you stay in school and devote your time to studying, eventually you can emigrate to America and the rest of your life is easy. FYI, if you just leave your family, you have so much more money to spend <_<
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I like to emigrate to France, if you've gone to secondary school you can get a well paying job easily and the cost of living is quite low. I've moved entire families of 4 or more to France and been able to support them with no problems (as long as the wifey gets a job).

My last life was balls, I was born in the Congo and was a gay life-long soldier who died at 36 due to an asthma attack.

Edited by Simply Cloudy
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Just had a great game as a girl from Sudan. I ended up leaving home quite young because my parents didn't approve of my boyfriend (who then dumped me, the cunt), but then I met another man who I had two kids with. Then we decided to emigrate to Italy, where I attended college and graduate school, earning degrees in Psychology, and I became the head of department at a college. Had two more kids with the same bloke before I realised he wasn't bringing in enough cash, so I divorced him and started seeing an Italian salesman. We had a son called Luigi together, but he was never willing to commit to marriage, so I sent him on his way. After a whirlwind romance with another bloke, coincidentally called Luigi, we got married and settled down, having another son of our own and adopting two more kids.

My experience in heading college departments allowed me to move to the UK, where I became head of a department at a college in Oxford. Lived there happily until I reached seventy, then me and the four kids who were too lazy to move out, all moved over to Barbados. Retired, and spent ten years there before dying of diabetes at 80. Survived by my husband, eight kids and nine grandchildren.

Edited by Pesci Queen
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So I started in Australia, went through all kinds of schools you could go to(I think Trade School was the highest), became a lab technician at 23. Got my girlfriend pregnant than broke up with her at 37. Worked as a lab technician requesting a raise yearly until I was 75 and too old to continue, but by then I was making 27, 000 Australian dollars per month. I ended up having over 3 million Australian dollars and died at the age of 80 due to an infection.

See how well life goes without women? <_<

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Just tried it out. Was born in Albany, New York, second of four kids. Father committed suicide at age 45 when I was 17. Got engaged at 26 to a woman I had only been seeing for a year (fifth girlfriend; previous one I proposed to wasn't ready for marriage and broke up with me a year later), and had 3 kids (two girls and a boy). Died at age 49 from bladder cancer, with a wealth of $239,405 (Home had been burglarized at least 5 times and I had been robbed once)

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Best life ever.

Born in Yemen. Don't have much going for me, and because I was born in the Middle East and all, I decide to become a radical. Kicked out of school at 15 for political activism. Moved to Iraq aged 18 to fight a greater cause. Collectively, I spent nine years in prison over about twenty years of living in Iraq. Had ten kids. Eventually decided that my two decades of work in Iraq were enough to help the oppressed, so I tried emigrating to Iran. Got killed in the process. Awesome :shifty:

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I just had one as a boy in Iraq. Got my girl pregnant at 16, was kicked out of the household for continuing to see her, and led a life of political activitism that saw me executed at 29 by the secret police. >.

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Anyone else have mostly girls when they make babies? I've read it in this topic and been frustrated with it throughout my time playing the game. I want a son, dammit! One time, my wife & I continued having kids until I had a son. I didn't get my son, because I had like 8 daughters and there were no more slots available for sons.

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Living in America, no matter your stats, is easy as hell. The game's starting to get somewhat repetitive. If you stay in school and devote your time to studying, eventually you can emigrate to America and the rest of your life is easy. FYI, if you just leave your family, you have so much more money to spend <_<
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I was Chinese,female called Jing Shao, I lived till I was 89. I had 2 sisters (Wen & Ying) and a brother (Cheng-ho). I got married then emigrated to Juarez in Mexico for 6 years, where I adopted a daughter called Mercedes (I'm infertile, can't have kids). Then we emigrated to Liverpool, then adopted another daughter called Lisa. Got divorced at 43, got remarried to an English, he died the same year from diabetes. Got married again at 52, Mercedes moved out and turned into a whore, having 5 kids in about 6 years. Then I got sent to prison for 63 for anti-government activties. My 3rd husband died when I was 77, got married again at age 82, he died 3 years later, I spent the rest of my days as a scavenger of used goods :D

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