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Roast of Flavor Flav


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At first I thought Carrot Top was there just for everyone to make fun of them. I've never heard him vulgar before, and he was pretty good. Jeff Ross disappointed me, he's usually much better than he was. Loved Giraldo, I always feel he is underrated at the roasts. Kimmel definitely had the line of the night with the Benoit joke, he was the MVP all together for his jokes, and for not bringing Sarah Silverman along.

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Greg Giraldo stole the roast, pure and simple.

Kimmell did pretty good but ripping off one-liners doesn't seem to be his thing. The Benoit line was in there just to be edgy and the crowd was just offended. But I did enjoy the entire crowd clapping for Mind of Mencia to be cancelled. Not because I care if he steals jokes but because he just sucks.

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Greg Giraldo stole the roast, pure and simple.

Kimmell did pretty good but ripping off one-liners doesn't seem to be his thing. The Benoit line was in there just to be edgy and the crowd was just offended. But I did enjoy the entire crowd clapping for Mind of Mencia to be cancelled. Not because I care if he steals jokes but because he just sucks.

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I hate how he tries to make it seems as if his comedy is so deep when really all he is doing is being a Mexican Chris Rock.

Which is a horrible insult to Chris Rock. Chris Rock is funny and his comedy is a sharp commentary on our society and pop culture. Carlos Mencia is just... the Honduran Cedric the Entertainer.

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I heard Carlos Mencia, isn't even Carlos Mencia? Something about him being white, growing up in a white family, and his whole show of being a "beaner" is really just an act. Is that what you're saying, when you talk about being half-Polish? What's the other half?

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His real name is Ned Arnel Mencia, he was born in Honduras. His mom is Mexican, father Honduran. He grew up in East LA, so no, it's not just a made up act... stolen act, but not a made up act. The "Carlos" is a stage name, but lots of entertainers use stage names, so you can't really hold that against him... just hold his horrible comedy against him.

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I hate how he tries to make it seems as if his comedy is so deep when really all he is doing is being a Mexican Chris Rock.

Which is a horrible insult to Chris Rock. Chris Rock is funny and his comedy is a sharp commentary on our society and pop culture. Carlos Mencia is just... the Honduran Cedric the Entertainer.

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I hate how he tries to make it seems as if his comedy is so deep when really all he is doing is being a Mexican Chris Rock.

Which is a horrible insult to Chris Rock. Chris Rock is funny and his comedy is a sharp commentary on our society and pop culture. Carlos Mencia is just... the Honduran Cedric the Entertainer.

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I hate how he tries to make it seems as if his comedy is so deep when really all he is doing is being a Mexican Chris Rock.

Which is a horrible insult to Chris Rock. Chris Rock is funny and his comedy is a sharp commentary on our society and pop culture. Carlos Mencia is just... the Honduran Cedric the Entertainer.

Chris Rock :thumbsdown:

Maybe once you get past the voice, but then all you're left with is a very predictiable act.

Once he starts a subject I already know what jokes he's going to make. My girlfriend and I were watching "I Think I Love My Wife" the other day and I swear the whole time I was like [insert black joke here], [compare blacks and mexicans here]. It's just meh.

Cedric The Entertainer is a fine comedian, he's nothing brilliant but he's somewhat original and his material is at least good enough that I don't have to be embrassed if someone finds out I have been watching him.

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Yeah, Chris Rock movies are one thing... although I did enjoy I Think I Love My Wife... mainly because it wasn't your standard "my wife drives me nuts, but oh well" movie, it was a "my wife drives me nuts, maybe i should start fucking someone else" kind of movie. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was definitely better than Head of State or Down to Earth.

Chris Rock the comedian though... that's a whole other ballgame, that man is brilliant on stage, which is why he always labels himself as a stand-up comic before anything else.

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The best line was, "Ice T is so old, when he got a record contract, the first thing he bought was his freedom."

Just because that's a lot like a joke I would probably make.

I thought the roast was pretty good. I hate Jimmy Kimmel, and the Chris Benoit line did seem like just a lame attempt to be edgy and mostly just offended the crowd. Nielson did all right, but it was obvious she was reading straight from her cards. I felt sorry for Carrot Top. He took so much shit all night, and then got almost no reaction when it was his turn.

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