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Anyone know who this girl is


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So, my friend Lisa met this "girl" on yahoo. This "girl" claims to be 38..yet looks to be all of about 18. Lis won't listen to logic...honestly beleive this girl can'tfind a phone to call her..that her webcam and digital camera are convieniently broken...does she look familiar to anyone?




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I've known women in their early 30's who look younger than her (last two photos, in the first photo she looks under 20 but it's incredibly washed out) so her age is plausible IMO. I'd personally be worried about someone who was over 30 and wearing that make-up, the clothes and the necklace padlock combo though. I wouldn't want much to do with her if she was real.

Edit. I think it quite probably could be the same person. The eyebrows are close as is the general face shape and the mouth is spot-on. If they are different people she spent a lot of time searching for a look alike/trying to look like her. If anything I'd say that the first photo had been touched up, but like I originally said it's so washed out she might have just got lucky.

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its really kinda scary..Lisa had a absolutely terrible upbringing, molested etc..so she's really vulnerable and accepting of what people say..its gotten the point where her roommate wants to kick her out cuz Lisa does nothing but sleep and chat wuth this "girl"

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which is why I wanna find out who the hell this model is...so hopefully snap her outta it before she does something she'll regret and would hurt her friends..she's already taken nude pictures of herself and sentthem to this "girl"..it makes me sick as shit thinking about it and I'm scared to death fr her

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which is why I wanna find out who the hell this model is...so hopefully snap her outta it before she does something she'll regret and would hurt her friends..she's already taken nude pictures of herself and sentthem to this "girl"..it makes me sick as shit thinking about it and I'm scared to death fr her
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she's not asying she's a model..she's saying she's a nurse up in Maine..but come on..some of her pictures look way to good to be from a amatuer digital camera..here is "her" flickr page I lifted Lisa's favorites...


Edited by Lint6
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Those photo's were only uploaded onto the flickr page three days ago, and on that she claims she's Anastasia Koskova from Moscow (whatever that has to do with anything). No way is she 38 though.

Well, there is a large Russian population in Maine, so she could technically be from Russia, but living in Maine now. Still, it's probably all a big hoax. That doesn't explain two names though. She almost covered all of her bases. :shifty:

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Well, it all came unraveled...this "girl' Ana emailed Lisa a poem she wrote for her...Lisa showed it to me. While she was away, I forwarded it to myself and did a google search on the first line...found it. She confronted "Ana" with this, plus some other things..and the ball of lies came undone..admitted "she" was a he etc...

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Well, it all came unraveled...this "girl' Ana emailed Lisa a poem she wrote for her...Lisa showed it to me. While she was away, I forwarded it to myself and did a google search on the first line...found it. She confronted "Ana" with this, plus some other things..and the ball of lies came undone..admitted "she" was a he etc...
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Well, it all came unraveled...this "girl' Ana emailed Lisa a poem she wrote for her...Lisa showed it to me. While she was away, I forwarded it to myself and did a google search on the first line...found it. She confronted "Ana" with this, plus some other things..and the ball of lies came undone..admitted "she" was a he etc...

Damn I am glad you got everything solved before any harm could be done, your friend is lucky that he wasn't one of those persitent guys that keeps their cover under every circumstance.

Considering she's been talking to him for about a year..and he's kept the cover up this long, he was pretty damn good..I thought it was only a month or so..fuond out differently tonight

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Well, it all came unraveled...this "girl' Ana emailed Lisa a poem she wrote for her...Lisa showed it to me. While she was away, I forwarded it to myself and did a google search on the first line...found it. She confronted "Ana" with this, plus some other things..and the ball of lies came undone..admitted "she" was a he etc...

Damn I am glad you got everything solved before any harm could be done, your friend is lucky that he wasn't one of those persitent guys that keeps their cover under every circumstance.

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