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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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I would have assumed that would have been considered in the rules already. How can deliberately swinging a blade in player's face not be cause for an unsportsmanlike?

I'm no Rangers, Devils, or Avery fan in the first place, but it bothers me that such cheesy tactics can be let go. Not the screening or even the disregard for the actual play, but the stick waving. That's retarded. It's all cute to say "look, no contact! He's just being an annoying dick! Nothing illegal in that", but the whole thing reeked of being shady and lame. Being a pest is one thing, but nobody should be able to get away with that shit.

If Sean Avery wasn't so damn effective, I'd curse him. I'd kill to have him play in Toronto. So there.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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If nothing else, it's funny?

That situation is another glass of fuel we can add to the fire for people who want to get rid of the instigator rule.

Seriously... if there was no instigator rule, or it didn't impact so much, somebody would have beat the shit out Avery for doing that. Hell, 10 years ago, if someone tried that, Scott Stevens would have beat the shit out of the guy.

The idea of screening the goalie like that is fine with me... what makes this situation something that should be penalized, in my view, is that the player using those tactics is essentially also trying to bait the goalie or the defenders into taking a penalty to stop him from doing it. It's no better in my eyes than diving to try and draw a tripping call when there wasn't one.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
If nothing else, it's funny?

Seriously... if there was no instigator rule, or it didn't impact so much, somebody would have beat the shit out Avery for doing that. Hell, 10 years ago, if someone tried that, Scott Stevens would have beat the shit out of the guy.

How're your endorsement deals with Quiznos and ColdFX? :shifty:

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Goodbye Dave Nonis!

The GM of the Vancouver Canucks, Dave Nonis, is now without a job. He failed over the last two seasons to get some more firepower for his team and that led to them missing the playoffs this season. I don't think Nonis made any bad moves, just not enough of them. Whoever gets the job in Vancouver is stepping into a good situation though - with Luongo in place, you don't need to do a lot, just tweaking.

Oh, and Crosby just scored for Ottawa, and I am now cheering for the Senators to come back. Screw the Penguins!

Tyler Kennedy just scored, so the Senators need to score twice in the final period or they are as good as done.

Edited by Toe
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If nothing else, it's funny?

Seriously... if there was no instigator rule, or it didn't impact so much, somebody would have beat the shit out Avery for doing that. Hell, 10 years ago, if someone tried that, Scott Stevens would have beat the shit out of the guy.

How're your endorsement deals with Quiznos and ColdFX? :shifty:

Man, I wish... I fucking love Quizno's. I have ColdFX in my medicine cupboard, but I've never used it before, so I'm not sure how it got there.

YES! Crosby scores! 2 to 1 now for Pittsburgh. Ottawa's playing a pretty good game, but they just don't look like a good team anymore. And as I say this, Staal scores, and it's 3-1.

Gerber's been huge for Ottawa in these three games this post-season. It's too bad for him that he got hot again when the rest of the team couldn't get him any wins.

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I've been watching all the games I've needed to on sweet, sweet CBC.

I'm glad they did something about Avery though, that shit doesn't belong in the game at all. As the rule now states, there's a difference between doing something to make a play and just... being a fucking idiot. Although... the rule states it a bit better I guess. I mean, it's not even funny... if this was like, a high school game, then sure but not in the NHL... ugh.

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I'm still really amused by this...why all the uproar?

^^ My opinion too. Don't change the rule, just let it slide when he inevitably gets blindsided and pasted into the boards or something.

Also, fuck Minnesota. Avs are boned tonight, need the old timers to get their rest, not play back to backs. Who gives a shit about basketball anyway?

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I'm still really amused by this...why all the uproar?

^^ My opinion too. Don't change the rule, just let it slide when he inevitably gets blindsided and pasted into the boards or something.

Also, fuck Minnesota. Avs are boned tonight, need the old timers to get their rest, not play back to backs. Who gives a shit about basketball anyway?

The problem is, they can't just pick and choose which dirty hits to call penalties on or suspend people for.

This is why having the current instigator rule in effect is a problem. They've allowed pests like Avery to get away with things that they shouldn't be, at the expense of penalizing a player who starts a fight. Honestly, I'd rather let the boys police it themselves by nixing the instigator rule. Once it's gone, you won't see assholes like Avery doing half the shit they do, because they'll be too afraid of taking the punches that rightfully come along with most of their antics.

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