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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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I haven't felt this sick since the Raiders got their asses handed to them in the Super Bowl. I don't want to take anything away from Notre Dame, their D played out of their heads, but if Ben Olsen dosen't go down, UCLA wins that game. The defense played too well, but Bethel-Thompson was in way over his head. If Patrick Cowan was healthy, UCLA wins that game as well.

At least USC lost, and UCLA, depending on the QB situation, can still win the Pac 10.

My rankings, for what it's worth...

1. LSU

2. California

3. Ohio State

4. Boston College

5. Oregon

I'm not sold on USF as a national title contender, and I think Oregon is better than the rest of the one-loss teams, and Cincinatti.

Edited by DMN
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I know better than to look down on Sun Belt teams. Troy is probably my second favorite team.

However, I think Oregon would wreck USF's shit. I would argue that a close loss to Cal, in a game that easily could have gone the other way is better than beating an always overrated West Virginia squad, and, honestly, Auburn just isn't that good. The win at Florida was nice, but thats a conference game, and a bit of a rivalry game, plus I think Florida was looking ahead to LSU. Overall, I think Oregon is just the better team.

Top tennish...



Ohio State

Boston College




Arizona State




The last four are interchangeable. I can't really see Cincy beating anyone above them with the possible execptions of USF and Arizona State, although that would hinge on which USC team showed up if they did play. I'm not sold on ASU, they'll lose at least two, and probably three in Pac 10 play, USC can beat anyone and lose to anyone, Mizzou is legit good, I think Colorado was a fluke for OU, and the top 5 could beat anyone.

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I know better than to look down on Sun Belt teams. Troy is probably my second favorite team.

However, I think Oregon would wreck USF's shit. I would argue that a close loss to Cal, in a game that easily could have gone the other way is better than beating an always overrated West Virginia squad, and, honestly, Auburn just isn't that good. The win at Florida was nice, but thats a conference game, and a bit of a rivalry game, plus I think Florida was looking ahead to LSU. Overall, I think Oregon is just the better team.

Um, USF is in the Big East. And sure WV always seems to drop one, but they've won 11 games each of the last two years and beaten so called 'Power Conference' BCS teams in bowls (Georgia/Georgia Tech). Auburn, is that good, just not as good as people thought at the start of the year.

USF has the speed to stay with teams like Oregon/Cal etc .... They play good defense and are underrated on offense. They've got playmakers all over the field and are well coached.

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They thing is they have speed on defense, witch could keep them in a game with a team like Oregon. Team speed is proving to be one of the most important things this year. if they can wing out, I think they be in a good position because i see all but one team having a loss this year. not counting if USF can do it.

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Um, USF is in the Big East. And sure WV always seems to drop one, but they've won 11 games each of the last two years and beaten so called 'Power Conference' BCS teams in bowls (Georgia/Georgia Tech). Auburn, is that good, just not as good as people thought at the start of the year.

USF has the speed to stay with teams like Oregon/Cal etc .... They play good defense and are underrated on offense. They've got playmakers all over the field and are well coached.

I know they're in the Big East, I was talking about underrating FAU.

West Virginia is COMPLETELY and utterly overrated. Their entire reputation is made with wins over Georgia and Georgia Tech? Thats like saying that a team is good because they can beat UCLA, and I'm a UCLA fan. Georgia Tech hasn't done anything in about 15 years worth mentioning, and Georgia is good, but not amazing.

USF is good, but they aren't in Cal or Oregon's class. The Pac 10 is arguably the best conference in the country, with the SEC being the only one in the arguement. USF is the WORST top 5 team I've ever seen.

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West Virginia is COMPLETELY and utterly overrated. Their entire reputation is made with wins over Georgia and Georgia Tech? Thats like saying that a team is good because they can beat UCLA, and I'm a UCLA fan. Georgia Tech hasn't done anything in about 15 years worth mentioning, and Georgia is good, but not amazing.

USF is good, but they aren't in Cal or Oregon's class. The Pac 10 is arguably the best conference in the country, with the SEC being the only one in the arguement. USF is the WORST top 5 team I've ever seen.

WV went 22-3 the last two years which included wins over Georgia and Georgia Tech in bowl games. Did you even see the Sugar Bowl in which the destroyed Georgia ? Yeah, the final score says it was a different game, but WV owned Georgia in every way in that game. Georgia Tech is a quality opponent and is consistantly in the top of the list when it comes to D. Is their reputation based solely on those two games ? I never said that. They've also beaten Maryland the last two years, which is another quality win. Say what you want about GT, but they were in the ACC Title game last year.

Until the teams meet on the field, there is no way you can say that a team isn't in another's class. Just take a look at OSU/Florida for the national title last year. You know how many people made your exact comment about the Gators not being in the same class as Ohio State ? Ooops. Hell, Stanford isn't in USC's class, nor is App State in Michigan's ...... right, the point is made. USF has been beating good teams for a few years now, it isn't like they just showed up this year.

Say what you will about the Pac-10 as a conference. The SEC IS the best conference. I don't care how good a team gets, but when you have someone running through a conference like USC has the last 5 years (including the unblemished 04 and 05 seasons) it doesn't exactly help make the argument that the conference is the best out there. It's so good that last year the CO champions each had two conference losses ? That sounds like mediocrity to me, in which case the Big 12 just got much better as a conference.

Besides, with what you're saying about WV ... wouldn't THEY be the worst top 5 team you've ever seen ?

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East Coast/Southern bias is bullshit.

Maryland is a quality win? I guess that means Oregon State is too. Well, except, Oregon State was a 10 win team last year, and Maryland hasn't done anything in about 3 years.

Yes, USC has ran the table in the Pac 10, but, the point stands that the Pac 10 has been the ONLY teams that have even been able to play with USC, let alone beat them. The SEC is good, and I would say that the SEC and Pac 10 are 1a and 1b, and clearly above the other conferences, but for all the 'The Pac 10 has no defense' one can answer with 'the SEC has no offense'.

Saying that Georgia Tech was in the ACC Championship Game last year means little to me, because the ACC last year was arguably the worst BCS conference EVER. Wake Forest would have lost 4 games in the Pac 10, and at least that many in the SEC.

I also don't see how conference losses mean a conference is bad. You say that the Pac 10 isn't any good because USC has dominated it, and ran the table in recent years, then say its not any good because the teams beat each other. Which one is it? Nevermind the fact that USC absolutely KILLED Arkansas last year, who was in the SEC Championship Game. Kinda blows that theory out of the water.

USF is a good team, but in any other year they're lucky to be in the top 10, let alone the top 5. The beat a West Virginia team that has been overrated for years now, never plays anyone outside of conference, is in a weak conference to begin with, and played its worst game this season against them. Its not impressive, and I don't see USF being undefeated in the Pac 10 or SEC, which means, to me, that they aren't as good as a team like Oregon, who very easily could be, except for two feet against the number two team in the country, who, in most years, would more than likely be ranked anywhere from 5-8.

Its a crazy year, and that means that many of the highly ranked teams really don't deserve to be there. I don't think there will be an undefeated at the end of the year, and if there is, it won't be someone like LSU, it'll likely be someone like Cincinatti, who won't play for the National Title, and will likely get blown out by a one-two loss conference champion in a BCS bowl.

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How is Maryland not a quality win ? They were 9-4 last year ... one less win than Oregon State.

I definately don't have East Coast Bias, and any Southern bias I have certainly wouldn't be for the SEC. I'm from the heart of Big 12 land. So, you can throw that shit out the window now. As for the no offense/no defense, you can bark at that all you want but I'm not getting into it because the conferences play two entirely different styles of football. Too bad McFadden didn't play in the USC game last year.

Wake Forest would have lost 4 games in the Pac or SEC ? Who knows ... maybe, maybe not. We KNOW they'd at least have been in the middle of the pack, as they handled Ole Miss easily. But, who did Oregon State beat last year in route to their 10 wins ? I looked, didn't see anyone any good outside of the Pac teams they faced. Who did Cal face last year outside of the Pac ? Their 10 wins aren't exactly impressive either. Hell, Oregon and UCLA both went from 10 wins to 7 in the last two years. Oregon State has done the same shit. That's MEDIOCRITY .... They constantly fluxuate like that because no one outside of maybe the top two teams are THAT GOOD.

Georgia has won 9 or more games for 5 years now ... Auburn has won 9 or more 4/5 years .... LSU had done it 5/6 years ... The teams at the top of the SEC are GOOD, EVERY YEAR ..... in the Pac, it's USC and whomever is good this year.

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UCLA goes up and down every year, especially since Bob Toledo got fired. It's called mediocre coaching. The Pac 10 is NOT 'USC and whoever is second best'. The only teams who have beaten, or come close to beating, USC, are Pac 10 teams. The same 3-5 teams are at the top of the conference every year, in USC, Oregon, UCLA, Cal, and one out of either Oregon State or Arizona State.

You ever think the reason that top SEC teams win so many games every year is because they NEVER play anyone out of conference? I'm sure if UCLA played The Citadel every year, they'd be able to add an easy win to their schedule, but Pac 10 teams don't do that, they play people. No one in the SEC, outside of Tennessee, seems willing to do that consistently.

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Alabama- Florida State

Arkansas- We don't really like them so they don't count

Auburn- Kansas State, South Florida

Florida- Florida State

Georgia- Georgia Tech

Kentucky- Louisville

LSU- Virgina Tech

Ole Miss- Missouri

Mississippi State- They are Mississippi State... They need all the wins they can get.

South Carolina- Clemson

Tennessee- California

Vanderbilt- They also need all the wins they can get

Nope SEC doesn't play anyone... oh wait...

Also let us mention that playing at an elite program earns you a lot of dollars that can pay for your schools sports program so smaller schools want to play elite schools so that they can earn that money.

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Half of those are rivalry games, which are basically the same as conference games. They HAVE to play those games. It's like USC playing Notre Dame, that game isn't going anywhere.

I already gave Tennessee credit, and I do credit LSU for playing VaTech. Ole Miss playing Mizzou is nice, but thats not really a case of a good team playing another good team, its more of two equals, or hell, Mizzou playing a lesser opponent. Alabama/FSU is nice, I'll give you that. This is the first time in years that Auburn has played anyone, and I'd wager that they signed on for those games when K-State was down, and didn't expect USF to be anyone.

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Lets look at the Pac-10

Arizona- No one decent

Arizona State- No one decent

California- Tennessee

Oregon- Michigan

Oregon State- Cincinnati

Stanford- No one decent

UCLA- No one decent

USC- Nebraska

Washington- Boise State, Ohio State, Hawaii(Can someone tell me why they have 13 games scheduled?)

Washington State- Wisconsin

Hmm so 9/12 SEC teams play ranked opponents so that is 75% while Pac-10 have 6/10 playing ranked teams which is 60% You proved your point DMN.

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