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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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I'm a bit biased because I go to the University of Nevada, but the game tonight at Boise was one of the best games of the season.

You sure you didn't go and see a basketball game? With that score, it should be.

For those of you who haven't seen, and I just went to look this up. 69-67, 4 OT, Boise won.

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BC/USF for BCS. It'll be great.

It is kinda sad that these are two actually good teams that are most likely going to play for the national title, only to have the BCS potentially get scrapped on account of the "bad" national title game. Neither team is bad enough to warrant the "Bad teams like this playing for a national title is what finally killed the BCS" trashing they'll get should it come to fruition.

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I wish people would stop complaining about every little thing. I personally think USF should be ahead of OSU, but it's no problem. There are still 5-6 games left on every ones schedule and things will work itself out. OSU still has MSU, PSU, Illinois, and Michigan left to go through. BC has VT, FSU, Miami, ACC Championship. USF has Louisville, Rutgers, Cincinnati. And the one loss teams still have a long road to haul. After it is all said and done then we can see how it'll go, and let's face it...the human polls are the ones that have the most power.

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USF lost the game, plently of chances to win. But still the one rule that I see needs changed in the NCAA is the reviewing. I have no idea when it started that you could review penalties... but apprenlty you can. They are judgement calls, if you miss it... you miss it. Now are they going to review for holding? pass interference? every call? I dunno, but that was a judgement call and they didn't call it during the play, I don't know how they can go back and then throw a flag on it.

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For the third time in two seasons, the Rutgers Scarlet Knights get a "big win" that effectually ruins the Big East's credibility. Congratulations, Rutgers, you beat a team that everyone now says was overrated. USF looks overrated, that lowers Rutgers own ranking for having defeated them, and once again the Big East comes with a good football team that loses to Rutgers and it'll be another embarrassing bowl season for us.

For the third time in two seasons, fuck Rutgers. You were the birthplace of college football, but if you keep getting lucky in games that have BCS title implications you're going to finish the burial of the Big East.

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Why are you mad at Rutgers? They're a nice program. Not a great program, but a nice one.

You should be more pissed at West Virginia. They're supposed to be the Big East's bellcow.

I'm loving it, though. The more this happens, the closer we get to LSU/USC anyway ;)

Not that USC is going to get out of the Pac 10 without another loss. They're too banged up, Cal, Oregon, 'Zona St., or UCLA will get them.

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USF lost the game, plently of chances to win. But still the one rule that I see needs changed in the NCAA is the reviewing. I have no idea when it started that you could review penalties... but apprenlty you can. They are judgement calls, if you miss it... you miss it. Now are they going to review for holding? pass interference? every call? I dunno, but that was a judgement call and they didn't call it during the play, I don't know how they can go back and then throw a flag on it.

Couldn't agree more. How that was reviewed I'll never understand, and no one will be able to explain it with any sense. That affectively took the game from USF. After that call they simply fell flat. USF is a 'striking' kind of team, and they struck at that moment. The 'reviewed penalty' took it from them. After that, they just didn't have 'it.'

Still, with Rice's fumble, how the hell do you not get at least 3 from that ? Damnit to hell.

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Why are you mad at Rutgers? They're a nice program. Not a great program, but a nice one.

You should be more pissed at West Virginia. They're supposed to be the Big East's bellcow.

I'm loving it, though. The more this happens, the closer we get to LSU/USC anyway ;)

Not that USC is going to get out of the Pac 10 without another loss. They're too banged up, Cal, Oregon, 'Zona St., or UCLA will get them.

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It wasn't put the right way, but he's got a point. Michigan isn't the only team this year (or the past few) that lost to a Div 1-AA team. The thing is, is that it was MICHIGAN. Everyone here knows that they are in the top 25 teams in the nation. It isn't that they are back in the rankings, but that App St isn't even getting votes. App St showed that they can play with anyone. One off or not, they beat MICHIGAN .... that says everything right there (of course, the fact that it was in the Big House just adds to it.) App St should at least be getting votes for the top 25, if not ranked in it.

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Not a lifetime ban, but putting them back in this season is kinda wonky. If you rank the divisions thusly:

1) FBS

2) FCS

3) Div II

and so on, then you're saying that App State can be no higher than #120 (#121 if you count the Hilltoppers as FBS already). Which is fine, I can understand not voting between the divisions, as it would mean nothing to them. But how can you say Michigan is better than over 150 FBS teams when they lost to an FCS team? How could you say the Red Sox are better than 20 MLB teams if they lost to an A ball squad?

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