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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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Biggz isn't available at the moment, so allow me to fill in:


LSU deserves to be in the national championship but instead of having to play a playoff to confirm it, I'd rather see either an undefeated Pac-10 team or an undefeated Boston College be screwed out of the shot because three teams isn't two teams and only two teams are good enough to be playing for a championship so everybody else sucks even though they went unbeaten and the good guys didn't but that's because LSU is tougher and USC lost games so they aren't as good as the SEC because Vanderbilt and Miss. State Kentucky Ole Miss are quality when compared to, uh Stanford Washington State?

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Yeah, they kinda are. They're mediocre teams.

The Big XII has one good, but not elite, team (Oklahoma), two decent teams that aren't anything special (Kansas, Texas), and a bunch of mediocrity (everyone else). Its arguable the worst, or second worst, BCS conference.

Yet, you claim the Pac 10 is overrated, despite having an undefeated team (Arizona St.), something the Big XII dosen't, a very, very good one loss team (Oregon) who's, almost certainly, better than anyone in the Big XII, a solid, but beaten up power (USC), a few teams that are interchangeable, but better than most of the Big XII (Cal, UCLA, at a stretch Oregon St.), and the rest are mediocre, but none as bad as the worst Big XII team. Its just funny, thats all.

Am I the only one who's starting to think that maybe the SEC isn't 'the best top to bottom', and instead is just 'a bunch of teams that are at about the same level, beat up on each other, and can't beat anyone else' and LSU? Seriously, they're 2-4 out of conference, with the only good win being LSU over Virginia Tech. The other win is, I believe over Oklahoma State, who got ran out of the stadium by Troy.

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You just described the SEC every year. I hate the fact that they get props for being such a tough conference when the fact is that their best team is often on par with the best in the country, but the rest of their teams would likely finish in the same spots if you moved them to the Big East, Big 10, Pac 10 etc.

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Funny, you didn't even mention 7-1 Mizzou. Oh, and Kansas is undefeated there bud.

I don't go on personal opinion though, I go on observation. I would take my chances with Oklahoma/Mizzou against ASU/Org any day. The Pac-10 undefeated team (just like the big 12 undefeated team) hasn't really played anyone (yet you give them automatic cred why ?). Last night, BOTH of the undefeated teams from the two conferences played their best opponent of the year thus far. Neither looked overly amazing, but they won. That's the bottom line.

The Pac-10 is riddled with teams that can't be either good, nor bad. That's mediocre. Oregon St beats Cal, but gets smoked by Cincy ? Don't get me started on UCLA. Arizona and Stanford are bad (despite Stanford beating USC which only proves my point further). USC is still a good team yes, but the sure as hell aren't scaring anyone. In fact, they had to do everything they could just to beat two of the worst teams in the Pac, and LOST to the worst team in the Pac. Hell, the BOTTOM of the conference is either beating or giving the top of the conference every bit of a fit that they can (that's mediocrity). At least in the Big 12, the bottom teams are the bottom teams. Seperation goes further in showing top teir teams as opposed to showing all around strength.

Hell, with less teams, the Pac has one more losing team than the Big 12. Shit, UCLA is at the top of the conference and they lost to Notre Dame. I'd take any of the top 6 Big 12 teams against any of the top 6 teams in the Pac.

The reason that the SEC is regarded as the toughest, is because the "bottom" teir teams still have a winning record on the season, something that the bottom teams in the Pac and Big 12 can't say. Only Miss doesn't have a winning record on the season at this moment (and it isn't because they've played shit football this year either.)

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What makes a team good, at the bottom line level ? Winning games.

Actually, simple research will show you that the SEC has a winning record all time against all but a single major football conference.

big 10 ? beat em

big 12 ? beat em

pac 10 ? beat em

acc ? beat em

big east .... nope

The SEC also has the most bowl wins, and second hights bowl win % behind only the ACC (which got the influx of FSU and the glam of adding Miami/BC/VT's bowl records recently)

Edited by HailtotheKing
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Yeah, forgot about Mizzou, sorry. Not as good as Oregon. Oregon would run Kansas out of the stadium. Also, Cal is MUCH better than TAMU, making ASU better than Kansas. The Big XII just isn't that good.

Its easy to have winning records when you don't play anyone, in regards to the SEC. They've played 6 BCS conference opponents. They're 2-4. Not exactly overwhelming superiority, is it?

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Curios ... you base that off of ? I could run off some random crap like that about Oklahoma. Doesn't mean anything though.

The Pac is 5-3 against BCS schools. Fair enough. The SEC is actually 4-5 this year. Slight advantage to the Pac. Fine. The Big 12 is 5-6, however they at least schedule more BCS schools than either of the other two. That says something for them.

Lets go into the era of the BCS. Number of titles, title game appearances, and different teams.

SEC = 3 titles, 3 appearances, 3 teams.

Pac = 1 title, 2 apperances, 1 team.

Big 12 = 2 titles, 4 appearances, 3 teams.

HHHHMMMMMM .... interesting.

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Curios ... you base that off of ? I could run off some random crap like that about Oklahoma. Doesn't mean anything though.

The Pac is 5-3 against BCS schools. Fair enough. The SEC is actually 4-5 this year. Slight advantage to the Pac. Fine. The Big 12 is 5-6, however they at least schedule more BCS schools than either of the other two. That says something for them.

Lets go into the era of the BCS. Number of titles, title game appearances, and different teams.

SEC = 3 titles, 3 appearances, 3 teams.

Pac = 1 title, 2 apperances, 1 team.

Big 12 = 2 titles, 4 appearances, 3 teams.

HHHHMMMMMM .... interesting.

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