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I picked this up today and EB Games despite numerous poor reviews and even the guys at the counter hinting that the game was rather shitty and I'm damn sure glad I didn't listen.

Everyone's big complaint seemed to be that the controls were difficult and unresponsive. Honestly I think using the Sixaxis tilt functionality makes controlling your dragon feel so much more natural. It's a bit tricky when you first start out but after going through the tutorials everything smooths out quite well. People seem to expect this three ton lizard to turn and move like a modern jet fighter.

The targeting and camera can be a bit wonky and there's a some slowdown here or there but overall I'm shocked at how bad a rap this game is getting in the press. It's not as good as I'd hoped but still solid overall.

Anyone else pick this up?

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I picked this up today and EB Games despite numerous poor reviews and even the guys at the counter hinting that the game was rather shitty and I'm damn sure glad I didn't listen.

Everyone's big complaint seemed to be that the controls were difficult and unresponsive. Honestly I think using the Sixaxis tilt functionality makes controlling your dragon feel so much more natural. It's a bit tricky when you first start out but after going through the tutorials everything smooths out quite well. People seem to expect this three ton lizard to turn and move like a modern jet fighter.

The targeting and camera can be a bit wonky and there's a some slowdown here or there but overall I'm shocked at how bad a rap this game is getting in the press. It's not as good as I'd hoped but still solid overall.

Anyone else pick this up?

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I was really looking forward to this game, as was my girlfriend and we were thinking of picking it right up... But, after seeing so many of the dismal reviews it's kind of worrisome.

It does seem that the only reason anyone has a problem with it is the controls (the game is given extreme credit in all other areas, except for some graphical annoyances).

I'll likely rent it to check it out and then say screw it if it does suck, but otherwise maybe buy.

I really wish Sony was like Microsoft and released more demos for some things. Ah well.

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A rental is a good call CKN and Duin. The overall presentation is fantastic (although I've noticed some screen tear and SLOW DOWN which is unacceptable at this stage in video games), loads of extras (there's actually more extras with this game than with most Collector's Editions people waste money on) but the controls have their moments.

Anyways give it a rental hopefully you'll both be pleasantly surprised like I was was.

...and are we like the only three people here who own a PS3? lol

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Is anyone really suprised by the negative response to yet another sony product? C'mon, what part of the PS3 so far hasn't been a disappointment or vastly underwhelming.

They better get their stuff together quick, if they don't get a few killer apps soon, they're never going to catch up

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Is anyone really suprised by the negative response to yet another sony product? C'mon, what part of the PS3 so far hasn't been a disappointment or vastly underwhelming.

They better get their stuff together quick, if they don't get a few killer apps soon, they're never going to catch up

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Wii Bowling is great fun and Trauma Centre is an entertaining experience but other than that, after playing pretty much every game in store, I'm still underawed by it.

The problem with the PS3 is that after a very strong release game line-up (the most of any console ever apparantly) the games haven't yet been flowing quickly enough and releases such as DIRT and Tiger Woods are coming out weeks AFTER the 360 versions - which isn't good.

Still, some great games coming up and I'm still loving F1.

Also we've had two Elites returned faulty already. Looks like all the problems haven't been sorted out. Grrr, I hate having to continuously swap over 360s - at least 6 a week.

Compare that to the Wii (Of which we've sold many more) of which one has come back (split wire leading to the set-top remote reader) and we've had to swap one Wii-mote, and the PS3 - erm, no faults so far.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Well after deliberating a lot and reading up on a few more reviews...

I finally simply watched

and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUjL0k0pU6E,

And decided to go buy it since I could get it for $50 at Blockbuster for some reason.

Gotta say, I'm impressed. It is a very pretty game, and it controls just as I suspected. I don't know how it did before the firmware update though as I installed that before I played, but I don't have many complains with the controls. It can take a bit getting used to but they work very well, and a lot of complaints seem redundant (like having to take wide turns... do what you do in another Factor 5 game, like say, Rogue Squadron, "brake" and turn).

I'm more irritated at the black foggy border around cutscenes and such, and the overall murkiness of the game. Very dark (as with all PS3 games it seems).

But yeah, i can't comprehend the utter negative backlash. That said, I only beat the third mission (with the big tower and boats) so maybe it gets more irritating, but as it stands, quite fun. The plethora of extras and the presentation of it all is very impressive though. Other companies should take notice.

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Let me warn you now Duin...be prepared to throw your controller in frustration during 'Ravine of No Return' or whatever it's called...the fifth mission I believe. Wow, I found it frustrating.

Glad someone else liked the game too. It seems that the 'player reviews' have been higher than the 'professional reviews' in general.

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Finally got around to Crossing At Dawn, what I assume people mean as the infamous "bridge level". What a bunch of whiny gits. I got a silver medal first try, it is easy as pie to grab the tauros and rhinos. And turning is a cinch.

Got through Serpent Strait, and by jove what a great boss fight. That's all I really have to say. Ravine of No Return is tricky but very much like similar missions in the Rogue Squadron games. Fly low, avoid spotlights, get to destination... In this case though, it's simply best to take out the pipes for all three generators and THEN take those out, or else you'll be swarming in enemies. Still quite fun.

Albeit I can honestly see people having difficulty with the game. It's not the greatest game ever, but it certainly doesn't deserve the revilement it has received and is very much enjoyable if the style appeals to you. It does have some annoying camera issues, as did Factor 5's previous games...Actually, all of it's problems have been inherent in their previous efforts. Ridiculous difficulty in time based objectives, spastic camera on occasion, trouble figuring out who is an enemy or not, ridiculous requirements for medals and occasionally odd mission objectives that take some figuring out.

The only big differences for instance I really see between Lair and Rebel Strike for instance are the lack of a targeting reticule and subsequently your dragon somewhat auto-aims a bit. But honestly, stick your dragon in the direction of what you want it to take out and it's done.

Eh well, I'm having fun. But honestly, it isn't for everyone. Especially people with no patience, and definitely not for those who will have trouble adapting to the controls (I'm still actually catching myself on occasion trying to turn with the analog stick). It's an arcady flight sim with motion controls and a medieval dragon theme.

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