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Well I just beat Episode 2, even after everything that happened it seemed so anti-climatic to me still.

Episode 1's ending at least left you with a few questions, but this time around it's like you already know what comes next.

Portal isn't catching on with me very well, and Team Fortress isn't going to kill Halo, Gears Of War, or even Stranglehold.

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I disagree, everyone who's playing TF2 seems to like it much more than Halo.

For me, its a far superior game, but Gears is still the best multiplayer shooter on the 360 right now IMO

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I hope you and the rest of the gang will be on tonight, Maxx. Those were some good times in 2Fort last night. :)

Also, let me be quoted as saying Zan is the only other person I have ever seen play medic correctly (other than myself). <3

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TFC was one of my favourite experiences ever, and still the only ever time I've been in a gaming clan (excluding MMORPG guilds). Mostly because it's the only game I've ever been good at (including MMORPGs), but probably partly because of UK Team Fortress Radio, and the BYTFL and UKTFCL.

All of which, as far as I know, are dead :( In fact, I think BlueYonder Gaming as a whole died.

So, whether or not I'll get as involved this time around as I did last time (Team Fluffle ftw!) I dunno. Will definately still buy it though.

Oh, and Monkey_l was CLEARLY the best map. Ever. Don't know if they've redone it for TF2 though. Doubt it :(

Fuck 2fort. Fatty on the bridge, Sniper in the sniper nest, Sollies in each doorway and Scouts concjumping between forts. EVERY FUCKING GAME :@

Not that I cared. I was an engineer ¬_¬ 2Fort had(s?) the EASIEST flag room for an engineer. Ever.

For those lucky enough to have already played: Are Spies disguises still useless? Invisibility sounds nice though. I'm assuming you can still Feign Death? Taking that out would suck.

[Fluffle]D-Lyrium will ride again ¬_¬

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I disagree, everyone who's playing TF2 seems to like it much more than Halo.

For me, its a far superior game, but Gears is still the best multiplayer shooter on the 360 right now IMO

Perhaps the people you've encountered, I myself can't make an opinion as I haven't played Halo 3 yet and don't plan on it either as Halo 2 didn't do much for me.

I will agree that Gears is the best multiplayer expercience you can get on the 360 atm. It's a real shame though that there's only one mode of play.

Gears is probably one of the most horrid FPSes I've ever played but I won't get into that. :P
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Oh my god. Nearly every game of 2Fort I play is comprised of me and my friends playing offense and defense respectively, and then everyone else on our team running around our base doing nothing. Sometimes, literally nothing and other times, doing such helpful things as standing on the sniping post, trying to shoot rockets at a solider across the way, whilst the rest of the opposing team runs across the bridge unharmed.

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"We would like to remind you that the Companion Cube does not speak. If it does speak, please disregard its advice."

I love me my companion cube :wub:

Also, minor spoilers, the best taunt ever.

"There was even going to be a party for you. A big party, that all of your

friends were invited to. I invited your best friend, 'the Companion Cube'. Of

course, he couldn't come, because you murdered him. All your other friends

couldn't come either, because you don't have any other friends because of how

unlikable you are. It says so right here in your personnel file; 'Unlikable.

Liked by no one. A bitter unlikable loner whose passing shall not be mourned.'

SHALL NOT BE MOURNED. That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official.

It also says you were adopted. So that's funny too."

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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"Please place the Weighted Storage Cube on the 1500 megawatt Aperture Science

Heavy Duty Super-colliding Super-button."

"Perfect. Please move quickly to the chamber-lock, as the effects of prolonged

exposure to the button are... not part of this test."

"Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the

chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing

record. Followed by death. Good luck!"

"Momentum; A function of mass and velocity; is conserved between portals. In

layman's terms: Speedy-thing goes in, Speedy-thing comes out."

:wub: Portal.

Was Portal stolen from Prey, or the other way around? ¬_¬

Edited by Farmer Reil
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