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SEGA Genesis


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This weekend I didn't have rides anywhere, so I spent a lot of time at home, downloading ROMs, specifically playing SEGA Genesis ROMs all weekend. I have downloaded like 20 games, and only a few have stuck out to me, that I play a lot of the time now, but will probably never play again come next week end.

True Lies: Basically like a third-person James Bond, based off the movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, this game is really simple and fun, and the replay value is great. Basically you are some James Bond-esque secret agent, that wears overalls, named Harry, and you have to kill a bunch of bad guys in suits. The gameplay is really simple, and you get to chose from five types of weapons, including grenades and mines (with timers overhead so you know when they explode!) It can be easy at times, but it also can be hard, because you may get stuck in a situation with a bunch of enemies and few bullets, and sometimes you may aim badly, and waste bullets, allowing yourself to get shot a bunch of times for three or four seconds, killing a fourth of your health. I really enjoyed playing this game so far, and plan to playing it some more.

Rating: 8.5/10

Super Baseball 2020: This game is also fucking sweet. Its a baseball game, based in the year 2020, where the teams are now have men, women, and robots on the teams, the baseball field is mostly glass and metal, the home run and foul zones have been decreased, and the American team sucks ass. It's actually a really fun game, where you have two leagues, each with five teams (my personal favorite are the Korea Dragons), and you can either play a season mode of 15 games, or play against another human player. Season mode is really fun, as the game makes it fun. Hitting is simple, as is pitching. You can easily control the location and speed, and pretty much the type of pitch all with the D-Pad. It's a little hard to hit a home run, but getting hits can be easy, it's just that bringing in runners from the bases is hard, because some players are ridiculously slow, and the fielders are really close the bases. Base running can also be tough at times, but you just have to get used to it. Also, every time you do something sweet, like catch a ball in mid-air, or even do some lame, like take a strike while batting, your team has money, which you gain and loss while playing the game. If you play good, and make money, and if you don't, you loss money. The money has an actual purpose though, as at any point in the game, you can buy robo-upgrades for your players, increasing their skills, and increasing your chances of winning. Also, one more thing, they have "crackers" now, which are pretty much land mines placed randomly all over the field, and if you hit one, it blows up, and your player flies in the air, and the base runner gets time to run to the next base. Also, I almost forgot, fielding can be a total bitch, as there is no radar, and it can be tough to find your player, but most of the time on a fly ball, the computer automatically goes to the ball, so you don't have to.

Rating: 8.5/10

R.B.I. Baseball 3: I haven't played it a lot, but what I have played is pretty fun. It's a baseball game with teams from 1990, so I don't even know any of the fucking players, but game play is simple and fun, much like the classic NES R.B.I. Baseball, except the graphics have improved, which can be good or bad, depending on if you like or dislike the classic block-type players.

Rating: 7/10

Rolling Thunder 2 & 3: Definite must-buys. These games are pure fun, and can be hard at times, which gives you satisfaction once you complete it. You are either a guy or girl agent, looking to take down a group of terrorists (in both games, I think.) Rolling Thunder 1 wasn't very good, but 2 and 3 are fucking awesome. The game play is really simple, and probably for some people, and little too simple. I have played Rolling Thunder 2 more than 3, and in 2, you either jump, shoot, and duck. You can't jump and shoot at the same time, which kind of sucks, but the game is all about timing your shots and ducks. There are also doors you go into, which have either nothing, health, new types of weapons, or guns. In Rolling Thunder 3, the graphics are much more advanced, as well as the game play, but still tries to keep it's Rolling Thunder 1 & 2 feel, and does a decent job. I would suggest Rolling Thunder 2 over 3 though, but that's just my opinion.

Rating: 8/10

Street Rage: This game I downloaded because I remember playing it as a kid, and having the time of my life. I am good now, but when I was little I was horrible, but still enjoyed it. Basically, the city is in chaos, and you are one of three ex-cops that decide they are going to do something about all the crime, and go out and fight enemies in the streets. It's a Genesis classic, and is really fun and simple to play. The game play is picture perfect, as well as the A.I., and placement of weapons and health, but sometimes you can cheat in a way, and always jump and kick your way around levels, which makes the game really easy, but boring at times. If you don't cheat, you can just play like you can't just jump and kick your way around, and it can be fun and challenging at times. This one is a must get.

Rating: 8.5/10

Also, are downloaded a few that are must-NOT'S. The list includes Spiderman & X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (because it is one of the stupidest and hardest games in the history of video games; watch this review to see how funny and dumb it is), X-Men (only because you cannot complete it, because it requires you to lightly tap your reset button at a point in the game, and you can't do that on an emulator), Ninja Gaiden (way to fucking easy), and Pocket Monsters 2 (it is the stupidest game I have almost-ever played, behind Spiderman & X-Men - Arcade's Revenge).

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Captain America And The Avengers was awesome. I wasted so many quarters/tokens in that every time I went to Chuck E. Cheese, it and the TMNT game were the only two arcade games I played there.

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