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Drunken Teenager Fatally Beats 7 Year Old Girl


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Really sad, It really is, But just you all watch, This is going to somehow be linked to Benoit and WWE, Bet ya.

Yep, was gonna say the same thing.

All these news outlets love bandwagon jumping. It should be a sport in the olympics.

With this story they've got two in one already with games and wrestling. Why not throw in that they were copying what they saw on Heroes, The Matrix, and what they heard Snoopy D-O-Double-Jizzle rapping about.

We all know it'll end up "Hey, that benoit guy killed people. They were doing wrestling type moves. Ergo, it's Benoits fault. Benoit kills from beyond the grave."

If they had half the brain, they'd realise that wrestling moves are just taken from jiu-jitsu etc., so blame ancient martial arts.

But, as someone said, Mortal Kombat? Seriously? Does anyone play that anymore? And from what I've read, the games they release now are just pumped out for the franchise, rather than the gameplay. I guess he's living in '93, at a time when the Mega Drive vs SNES war was at its height, Sonic vs Mario, hell, he'll break down in tears when he finds out that Kurt Cobain's dead. <_>

Edited by TheModernWay
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Wrestling moves in Mortal Kombat?! :o I DEMAND KODES!!!

At least an MK machine didn't fall on her :shifty:

Seriously though, I do hate how the media jumps all over this shit claiming that it is the fault of video games. How come it is only the more notoriously violent games that get blamed for this? Why is it "Mortal Kombat" moves and not "Street Fighter moves"? How come everyone (in the media) has to always assume that if it involves young people and violence, that video games are the sole cause of it?

Guys, if I ever stab somebody, I want you all to scream that I was imitating Link. That way people can see just how idiotic these statements are.

I have to go to the restroom. I blame The Sims 2 for this. :angry:

Edited by Santa Mick
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Someone either needs to run into traffic and blame it on Frogger, eat tons of little white pills and blame it on Pacman, or run into two walls for hours and blame it on Pong.

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Someone either needs to run into traffic and blame it on Frogger, eat tons of little white pills and blame it on Pacman, or run into two walls for hours and blame it on Pong.

Or someone can venture into the depths of Hell to defeat the Diablo and thus save the world from an eternity of damnation.

Yeah, what'd people say to that?

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There's something wrong with those responsible if they can batter a defenceless little girl and completley ignore any cries for help or attempt to escape. That's what gets me about these things, when the kids say they were just playing. Any rational kid would stop at the first sign of injury, I know me and my mates when we playfought as kids would inevitably get out of hand and someone would get hurt for real, but when that happened, we stopped and got help or whatever. If you can't recognise that and keep going, there's something wrong with you mentally that games cannot possibly account for.

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I've seen a couple of people argue that it's really the parents to blame, and I've seen a couple of people say that it's the kids fault. And of course the media is blaming this on the video game itself. The problem is that it is the parents fault, mostly. People nowadays don't accept the huge responsibility it is to have a kid. It used to be when you had a child, you were responsible for that child until that child was 18. As far as behaviors go, I'd say 99% of the time you can blame parents in one way or another. Society, especially American society, has become so hands off when it comes to raising kids it isn't even funny. You can't spank your kids. You send your kids off to a place with hundreds and even thousands of other kids to educate them and socially integrate them, so much so that the main influence in a child's life isn't mom or dad any more. So now there are a bunch of people running around now that have no respect for their parents and no respect for much else.

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