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Wolfwood ftw indeed, mystikz. Wolfwood ftw indeed.

On the Naruto topic: Naruto cosplayers are the worst of the cosplaying breed as a whole. Only on rare occasion does one find a good looking Naruto cosplayer, and when one does, they should cherish it as a child cherishes their favorite toy, for these people are the ones who break the mold. They do not conform to being grotesquely large, they do not rely on smelling worse then the aftermath of a Smalce visit to the bathroom, they do not believe that they have to have the absolute worst kind-of acne possible.

They are the ones who, for even just a few fleeting nanoseconds, make you think "You know, Naruto might not be as bad as I thought it was."

But when you turn, and you see the preteenaged Sasuke cosplayer with the overfed stomach and triple chin, thinking she's cute in her mammoth-sized outfit with a poorly done pink wig... these thoughts you had only moments before will shatter into nothingness before your very eyes, and you will soon forget you'd ever thought them.

The extremist fandom of Naruto, at least in America, are among the worst in the anime community, and can make ones opinion of the show itself even worse than the terrible voice-acting already does.

No offense, Ruki >_>

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Yeah, when I was at SakuraCon I had the good fortune of seeing an absolutely amazing Sakura on Day One (like, this was a girl who was actually in really good shape and had an outfit that looked good to boot) with a fairly good Sasuke. And then for the rest of the weekend pretty much every Naruto cosplay I saw was absolutely atrocious (aside from maybe this father who must have been in his mid-to-late thirties at least who did Jiraiya alright).

Bleach also tends to attract really lazy cosplayers who don't so much cosplay anyone from Bleach as much as go "oh man this is me if I were in SOUL SOCIETY" or some bullshit. I got sick of that really quick.

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I sit down to watch Naruto at 7AM (Well, used to, until the season ended) expecting some light-hearted entertainment, and I got exactly what I expected to. My brain doesn't have to be at 100% yet just to keep in touch with the storyline, and i'm entertained watching it.

Anyone who goes into it anticipating anything else is EPIC. FAILZ. And it's not Naruto's fault that you had these expectations.

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Naruto has good supporting characters and fight scenes that are usually plotted out fairly well pre-timeskip. The main characters are rather annoying (except for Sasuke, who is INCREDIBLY annoying), the MAJOR fights are usually overwrought and overlong, and the main plot is completely uninteresting, but generally what Kishimoto does well he does very well, as long as you don't mind shounen retard series' in general. That's pretty much my stance on it, all things considered.

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Oh don't get me wrong, Plubster... I don't go looking for the meaning of life when I watch Naruto. In fact, the first time I watched it, I was bored out of my mind and just wanted to watch *something*.

The problem I found with Naruto at first was the voice acting: seriously, they picked the worst possible voice-actors ever. Naruto, the main character himself, was probably the worst cast of the whole lot. Every word that comes from his mouth sounds atrocious-- not just the lines themselves, but the delivery of them, and the voice of the person to begin with isn't all that brilliant.

Honestly, I think actually I *might* be able to tolerate Naruto as a "just sit down and watch to pass the time" kind-of anime-- nothing to be OBSESSED over, as so many of its dedicated fans are-- but certainly something I might actually enjoy a little, if I were to watch the original, unedited Japanese version. But even then, the story itself isn't all that appealing to me, and the characters themselves feel contrived and unenjoyable, so I don't know.

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... wait. Norro, are you watching the dub?

I watched a few eps of the subs, they were (as I'd said before) pretty decent, but still un-enjoyable on the whole. My WORST experience (as counted in my post) was with the dub though, yes.

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So, the first 12 episodes of Trigun....I've really enjoyed this series! The Wolfwood is awesome, Milly is cutely awesome, and serious Vash is amazing. He is way too nice for his own good! Here's hoping the next 14 episodes are just as good!

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Legato's honestly one of my favourite villains from any entertainment realm be it gaming, anime, live action TV, movies.. he's just fucking badass. Way more so than the other central villain, though he's not bad.

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Isn't episode 12 the first Legato episode?

That episode is greatness for so many reasons.

Who's Legato? The blue haired (he has blue hair, right?) guy who can speak into Vash's head? Or the guy in the purple jumpsuit?

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The first one (didn't you pay any attention to names when you watched?). The second guy's just a pointless goon.

Legato doesn't achieve full greatness until episode 24, of course. He >>> Knives for Trigun villains.

Edited by stokeriño
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The first one (didn't you pay any attention to names when you watched?). The second guy's just a pointless goon.

Legato doesn't achieve full greatness until episode 24, of course. He >>> Knives for Trigun villains.

I can't remember what happens in 24 :( It's been soooooo long since I've seen Trigun. I used to be able to fall back on Adult Swim reruns of it because it was so popular, but now Adult Swim has shit like Trinity Blood and Blood Plus playing in repeats. Bastards SAID they were bringing BEBOP back but that lasted all of something like a week before they were like "Hey, let's stick some of our shitty new vampire anime on! They gobble that shit up!"

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A reminder of Trigun episode 24 for Cloudy:

Legato forces Vash to kill him in cold blood, so as to make Vash suffer in the greatest way possible.

DING! Yeah. Oh god, I'm just now remebering how awesome that was. Isn't that also the episode where Wolfwood bites the bullet?
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A reminder of Trigun episode 24 for Cloudy:

Legato forces Vash to kill him in cold blood, so as to make Vash suffer in the greatest way possible.

DING! Yeah. Oh god, I'm just now remebering how awesome that was. Isn't that also the episode where Wolfwood bites the bullet?

Nah, that was episode 23.

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