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The Anime Thread


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Very, very good.

In some of the recent mangas (around vol.15 onwards) it's trailed off a bit, but the anime series ends well before that, so it's all fine. >_>

Also, Shigure/Ayame/Hatori are awesome.

Edited by stokeriño
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When Lorina and I were watching Gurren Lagann, she was so pissed at Rossiu during his dick stages. Still though, following his character's development and progression through the second time arc is actually really, really interesting. There's alot of psychological depth there.

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Hahaha, my girlfriend's watching Project-Ako for the first time, in all its mid-80s parody-ness.

The aliens who look like big ugly men but are technically women and fight in bikinis scarred her mind. >_>

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We were commenting on this during Project-Ako (which has a massive alien spaceship in it).

"How many hours do you think it took them to draw that?"

"One guy, alone in his little office cubicle, chained to the desk? Oh, days."

When you watch mid-80s animation of ships/battles/etc., it's all so amazingly well done except usually for the frame rate being a bit slow. THAT'S what CG should be used for. Draw the stuff by hand then do all the copying/moving stuff with it that computers make easy. You don't have to draw them in CG from scratch, they just look shitter that way.

With all that said, I really can't compare Project-Ako with Akira in terms of animation. The former is a comedy pisstake OAV. The latter has a movie budget, so yeah. :P

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Code Geass Season Two spoiler images.

Especially interesting if you want to know the status of the Black Knights after Zero went "lol bye" and completely fucked them over, as the statuses of most of the important ones are given.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Damn my work firewall not allowing me onto GameFAQs. :shifty:

I did see some random pictures on its Japanese website...there appears to be some new guy, in a boy's school uniform, but looking decidedly androgynous. You know the sort.

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Here, I'll spoil what's been revealed for people who can't access the images;

- Ougi, Toudou, Tamaki, and Chiba, presumably along with most of the other order members, have been captured and imprisoned.

- Diethard and Rakshata, however, are both at large and wanted by the Britannian government.

- Kallen is safe. Also, in a bunnygirl outfit for some reason or other.

- Milly may still, inexplicably enough, be Student Council President possibly. Despite the whole supposed to graduate thing, or something.

- There also appears to be a Chinese-style character conducting some sort of feat of badassery.

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I have been reading the Death Note manga. I bought the first 2 books, then thought... fuck it, and have secured it through 'other means'.

What do people think of Afro Samurai?

Is it a blend of Samurai Champloo/Ninja Scroll?

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I've seen one of the episodes of the Gurren Lagann OVA, and boy howdy did it suck. It's a short episode about a beastman stealing the Gurren back, reportedly between episodes 5 and 6. I can't seem to find the other half of the OVA, an 'uncensored' version of episode 6 replacing the recaps with plot and more girls in hottubs, though.

Edited by Fanku Kaibutsu
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