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I just finished watching the fourth season of "Yuyu Hakusho".

I always tought that this was the best series (before when I only watched the first two seasons).

But after watching the third and the fourth; this anime came out as great.

Maybe because I could relate to every character; and the way they all evolved and got closure in the last chapter.

I sincerely felt that I grew with the series.

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What is it about? It can be added to the huge pile of things to watch.

And I watched the babysitting episode of Tiger and Bunny last night...really liked it! I like Dragon Kid (and up until last night, I thought she was a guy).

I'm only just over half way through it at the minute, and I know it's only going to get better.

A synopsis from A-O-D is: "Steins; Gate follows an eclectic group of individuals who have the ability to send text messages to the past. However throughout their experimentation process, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down. Now it’s a careful game of cat and mouse to not get caught and moreover, try to survive."

SERN/CERN being the science lab in Switzerland. There's utilisation of the Large Hadron Collider. A mysterious man called "Titor" who seems to have some link to a part-time warrior/worker at the TV shop below the lab. A cosplay making girl called Mayuri who seems far too simple and innocent to actually be a person. Okarin is the mad scientist protagonist, with his crazy manic laugh and just brilliant antics (randomly talking into his phone when no one is on the other end) etc.

It manages to weave together massive humour and the seriousness we call crave in anime to make it worth our while in a way I don't think Gurren Lagann came close to achieving, a bit of fanservice and just some general mind-bending-fuckery splashed in too and you have what is being dubbed by some as 'anime of the year'. It's really well worth the watch. Like I say, I'm half way through it and really want to watch more but need to do a bit of catching up on Gurren Lagann first.

As an aside, I finished Code Geass (forgot about the bitch of a cliff hanger ending to the first series and now do i wait for anime legends boxset of R2 or just shell out for the normal versions?) also Gundam 00 Series 1 arrived yesterday but I'm yet to dig into it.

Edited by IAceI
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Downloading now.

And Tiger will never get to see his kid :(

Edit: Ooooo....it's really starting to get good with Jake out of prison. Really like the 1 vs 1 battle idea.

He kinda reminds me of The Joker with his sidekick being very Harley Quinn-ish.

Edit 2:

What? He's dead already? :/

He could have been a great villian

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Edit 2:

What? He's dead already? :/

He could have been a great villian

In response to the spoiler:

Just keep watching, I was saddened at first and figured he would be back but it's more a 'means-to-an-ends' kind of thing. Plus I've learned to block all those old school 100 episodes to kill a bad guy thing out of my head. I mean, it only took one episode for Simon to kill the Spiral King/Lord Genome in Gurren Lagann afterall!

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I'm finding Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to be highly entertaining. Definitely not your typical high school anime.

I have that downloaded...that's in my list of anime that 'I downloaded, but I know nothing about it and I can't tell anything about it by the title.'

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I'm finding Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to be highly entertaining. Definitely not your typical high school anime.

I have that downloaded...that's in my list of anime that 'I downloaded, but I know nothing about it and I can't tell anything about it by the title.'

Suicidal, overly dramatic, depressed high school teacher who's name translates to Mr. Despair. Hilarity ensues.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is finished! Going to watch the second season over the weekend, then watch Samurai Champloo next week.

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He does!

edit: Spoilers for episode 19-20

Totally called Mr. Maverik having a power of mindwiping! And holy crap...turning Tiger into a villian?! What a heel...

But wouldn't the random citizens be all 'wtf?'

Edit 2:

Episode 21

Vintage Wild Tiger!!!! ^_^

....but yay Ben remembering him! I thought Blue Rose would, but nooooo. Oh well.

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Tiger & Bunny spoiler that probably only Ruki can read:

Maverick being a villain was so blatantly obvious but so well done at the same time. It gets better between him and the scientist (another thing you can see a mile off but it so brilliant too. Just a total despicable bastard

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Holy shit, the anime of Mirai Nikki comes out today! av-553.gif

For those that want to know what it's about, it translates to Future Diary. 12 people have diaries that can tell the future. In the end, there can be only one. GO.

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How do they murder one another?

There still needs to be a Battle Royale anime.

Basically, "God" for lack of better words is dying, and he wants a successor. So, he chooses 12 people, each of which is given a variant of a type of diary they use, the variation being that said diaries now have information about the future. The idea is to kill each other and destroy the other diaries. The winner gets "God's" power and position.

Produced one of my favorite images:


The series is full of plenty of twists and turns. So, I'm slightly happy to see it as an anime now.

One of my favorite parts of Tiger and Bunny:

The teasers for the next episode. "This is Tiger, the member of Tiger and Bunny that prefers boxers over briefs!"

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