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Songs Of Hope In Times Of War


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Anyone know any good songs that are about hope in times of war? I'm not sure I'm wording that right so I'll post a couple examples to show what I mean

Riding With Private Malone

I was just out of the service

Thumbin' through the classifieds

When an ad that said "Old Chevy"

Somehow caught my eye

The lady didn't know the year

Or even if it ran

But I had that thousand dollars in my hand

It was way back in the corner of this old ramshackle barn

With thirty years of dust and dirt on that green army tarp

And when I pulled the cover off

It took away my breath

What she called a Chevy

Was a sixty-six Corvette

And I felt a little guilty as I counted out the bills

But what a thrill I got

When I sat behind the wheel

I opened up the glovebox

And that's when I found the note

The date was 1966 and this is what he wrote

He said my name is Private Andrew Malone

And if your readin' this, then I didn't make it home

But for every dream that's shattered

Another one comes true

This car was once a dream of mine

Now it belongs to you

Though you may take her and make her your own

You'll always be riding with Private Malone

Well it didn't take me long at all

I had her runnin' good

I loved to hear those horses thunder underneath her hood

I had her shinin' like a diamond and I put the rag top down

All the pretty girls would stop and stare as I drove her through town

The buttons on the radio didn't seem to work quite right

But it picked up that Oldie's Show

Especially late at night

I'd get the feeling sometimes

If I'd turn real quick I'd see

A soldier ridin' shotgun

In the seat right next to me

He was a young man named Private Andrew Malone

Who fought for his country and never made it home

But for every dream that's shattered

Another one comes true

This car was once a dream of his back when it was new

He told me to take her and make her my own

And I was proud to be riding with Private Malone

One night it was rainin' hard

I took the curve too fast

i still dont remember much about that fireycrash

But someone said they thought they saw a soldier pull me out

They didn't get his name

But I know without a doubt

It was a young man named Private Andrew Malone

Who fought for his country and never made it home

But for every dream that's shattered

Another one comes true

This car was once a dream of his back when it was new

And I know I wouldn't be here if he hadn't tagged along

Oh thank God I was riding with Private Malone


Letters From Home

"My dearest son, it's almost June

I hope this letter catches up with you

And finds you well

It's been dry but they're calling for rain

And everything's the same ol' same in Johnsonville

Your stubborn old daddy ain't said too much

But, I'm sure you know he sends his love"

And she goes on, in a letter from home


I hold it up and show my buddies

Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy

And they all laugh

Like there's something funny

'Bout the way I talk

When I say, Mama sends her best y'all

I fold it up and put it in my shirt

Pick up my gun and get back to work

And it keeps me drivin' on

Waitin' on letters from home

"My dearest love, it's almost dawn

I've been lyin' here all night long

Wonderin' where you might be

I saw your mama and

I showed her the ring

Man on the television said something

So I couldn't sleep

But I'll be alright

I'm just missin' you

And this is me kissin' you

X's and O's"

In a letter from home


I hold it up and show my buddies

Like we ain't scared and our boots ain't muddy

And they all laugh

Cause she calls me honey

But they take it hard

Cause I don't read the good parts

I fold it up and put it in my shirt

Pick up my gun and get back to work

And it keeps me drivin' on

Waitin' on letters from home

"Dear son, I know I ain't written

But sittin' here tonight

Alone in the kitchen

It occurs to me

I might not have said this

So I'll say it now

Son you make me proud"


I hold it up and show my buddies

Like we ain't scared

And our boots ain't muddy

But no one laughs

Cause there ain't nothin' funny

When a soldier cries

And I just wipe my eyes

I fold it up and put it in my shirt

Pick up my gun and get back to work

And it keeps me drivin' on

Waitin' on letters from home

These are both country songs, but I'm looking for anything along these lines.

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"Johnny Come Lately" by Steve Earle & The Pogues, maybe? Up until about the last two or three verses, that is.

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War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again, y'all

War, huh, good God

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

Ohhh, war, I despise

Because it means destruction

Of innocent lives

War means tears

To thousands of mothers eyes

When their sons go to fight

And lose their lives

I said, war, huh

Good God, y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again

War, whoa, Lord

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing

But a heartbreaker

War, friend only to the undertaker

Ooooh, war

It's an enemy to all mankind

The point of war blows my mind

War has caused unrest

Within the younger generation

Induction then destruction

Who wants to die

Aaaaah, war-huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it, say it, say it

War, huh

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again y'all

War, huh, good God

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, it's got one friend

That's the undertaker

Ooooh, war, has shattered

Many a young mans dreams

Made him disabled, bitter and mean

Life is much to short and precious

To spend fighting wars these days

War can't give life

It can only take it away

Ooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again

War, whoa, Lord

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, friend only to the undertaker

Peace, love and understanding

Tell me, is there no place for them today

They say we must fight to keep our freedom

But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

Ooooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

You tell me

Say it, say it, say it, say it

War, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Stand up and shout it


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