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New Wrestling Simulator.....Your ideas


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First off, i didn't really know where this should go, so if it is in the wrong place i do apologize.


I plan on making a wrestling simulator game, it won't be commercial, as it's only a pet project kind of thing, but it will be available to the public when completed.

But i want ideas and such, like what would you like to see in a game, i have come up with some ideas, but i wanted to know what other people thought.

And also name idea's as i suck at coming up with names.

Thank you for any help you may give.

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Since this has happened about... oh at least four times that I can think of, perhaps you should answer some of the questions that are going to come up;

What experience do you have with coding?

What are you using to build the game?

What makes this different from all the other people who have come forward to say the same thing?

Etc, etc.

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Well i am currently doing a computer science degree, focusing on programming, i have been doing programming for about 4/5 years.

I am in the process of weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of each language, but i am thinking of using visual basic to create the program.

The reason that i will complete this game (it may not been next week, month, or even year, but it will be by the time i have finished my degree) is mainly as i know how competitive the computer industry is, so i want a advantage, i wanna take every advantage i can, and i know if i have a fully documented, working program that is used by people it will give me a advantage in my future career.

and scream14, a wrestling sim in like Ryland's TEW/EWR series

Edited by craig
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ahhh ok, i plan on using a Access database to store my data as SQL is another of my strong points

Also, one thing i wanted to know

do people think for menu's the way TEW/EWR/Wrespi/WMMA (graphics) get the user to go from one screen to another between or have drop down menu's (like Windows programs, Firefox that has the file, edit menu etc.)

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A good mixture of both would be nice, in my opinion. A couple drop-down lists at the top for more behind the scenes stuff, as in financial info, company info, world info, ect., and then buttons below it for more of the on-screen type stuff, as in roster, television/ppv, tag teams/stables, champions, ect.

A nice addition, i think, would be a track of win/loss records for wrestlers. If it'd be too difficult for a worldwide, every company record, perhaps just from your company?

I'd be up to do my best for some graphics for this.

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First off, i didn't really know where this should go, so if it is in the wrong place i do apologize.


I plan on making a wrestling simulator game, it won't be commercial, as it's only a pet project kind of thing, but it will be available to the public when completed.

But i want ideas and such, like what would you like to see in a game, i have come up with some ideas, but i wanted to know what other people thought.

And also name idea's as i suck at coming up with names.

Thank you for any help you may give.

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First off, i didn't really know where this should go, so if it is in the wrong place i do apologize.


I plan on making a wrestling simulator game, it won't be commercial, as it's only a pet project kind of thing, but it will be available to the public when completed.

But i want ideas and such, like what would you like to see in a game, i have come up with some ideas, but i wanted to know what other people thought.

And also name idea's as i suck at coming up with names.

Thank you for any help you may give.

And that is why this will never get off the ground. Fussing about the name before you've got a single line coded?

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Wrestling Freedom Sim? WFS. World of Wrestling, lol, WOW! As far as features, I'd like to see a notepad function in the section of the game where you're booking.

Umm, more options as far as storylines, not exactly sure. I'll post more after I've givin it more thought.

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Well i know alot of people games are started etc, but tbh i haven't seen someone do a proper approaching to making a program

i was traveling around alot the past couple of days, so alot of time on trains and i've drawn up at least 20 pages of algorithm design and system flowcharts, so don't be so harsh as to count me out it is possible that one day a game maybe completed ;)

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I think you're very adventurous and brave to even begin to plan a wrestling sim. You're going to get a lot of people encouraging you and a lot of people shitting on you with the whole, "never gonna get finished" thing, so don't let that get to you. Just make sure to let us know how it goes and good luck.

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It's not like I'm wishing him failure or anything, but don't make threads until you've at least got something going (because it will get dismissed as every other thread for a wrestling sim has died with nothing to show for it), and don't worry about a name, ever. I mean seriously, we went mad for a game called Extreme Wrestling Deluxe 7500/9000/etc. The name is not important.

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