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Cast Your Own Movie


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Here's an interesting little game, take any pre-existing franchise/story, be it from games, books, other films, television or whatever, and make a film out of it (it can be a sequel if that's what you feel like doing) by casting the main roles and giving a brief synopsis of the story

I'll edit one in in a moment, I want to see good films fast :shifty:

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The Dark Knight Returns...

Clint Eastwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman is somewhere north of 65 in this tale)

Jack Nicholson reprises his former role of The Joker

Billy Connolly as an equally aged Green Arrow

Michael Clarke Duncan in considerable make up as The Mutant Leader

Gary Oldman can be aged ala Dracula into keeping his previous role of Gordon

Ellen Page could ride her recent popularity into the role of Robin

The only person I don't know who I'd cast as is a slightly aged Superman who would be key to the plot.

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The Dark Knight Returns...

Clint Eastwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman is somewhere north of 65 in this tale)

Jack Nicholson reprises his former role of The Joker

Billy Connolly as an equally aged Green Arrow

Michael Clarke Duncan in considerable make up as The Mutant Leader

Gary Oldman can be aged ala Dracula into keeping his previous role of Gordon

Ellen Page could ride her recent popularity into the role of Robin

The only person I don't know who I'd cast as is a slightly aged Superman who would be key to the plot.

Bruce Campbell? :blush:

Can't believe I didn't notice this thread earlier. Here's my cast for an adaptation of the first Metal Gear Solid game.

Metal Gear Solid

Solid Snake - Christian Bale

Liquid Snake - Sean Bean

Meryl Silverburgh - Mary Elizabeth Winstead

GrayFox - Liam Neeson

Revolver Ocelot - Jon Voight

Roy Campbell - Chris Cooper

Otacon - Robert Carradine

Vulcan Raven - Nathan Jones

Sniper Wolf - Milla Jovovich

Naomi Hunter - Rachel Weisz

I know Solid and Liquid are meant to be twins, but Liquid always reminded me of Sean Bean. I'm sure there would be a way around casting Liquid as a different actor without fucking around with the dynamics too much. Even I'm not too sure about Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Meryl, but she has a similiar innocent quality that Meryl has. Also, this would be a huge blockbuster and no blockbuster is complete without a hot chick.

Edited by brenchill
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I considered putting Bale, Cruise or Viggo down for the Solid Snake role, but ending up going with Bale in the end. With a few weeks worth of stubble and a gruff voice, I don't see why Cruise couldn't pull it off. I don't think it would go down too well with the fanboys, though.

Edited by brenchill
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Pokemon (and by Pokemon, I mean Pokemon as if it were envisaged by Frank Miller)


Ash Ketchum (An orphan with a tortured past and nothing left to lose) - Ashton Kutcher

Professor Oak (One of the men that created Mewtwo, in hiding from the ancient Pokemon's wrath) - Robin Williams

Gary Oak (The Professor's adopted son, who took it upon himself to protect his father) - Matt Damon

Jessie and James (Two members of Team Rocket, an international group of assassins, currently tasked with finding the Professor) - Kristen Bell and Jason Dohring (because seriously. James is rather fruity and Dohring is a role in a musical away being utterly flaming)

The voice of Alakazam (The Professor's Pokemon that accompanies Ash) - Alan Rickman

The voice of Hitmonchan (A wandering Pokemon interested only with finding a battle up to his standards) - Samuel L. Jackson

Shut the fuck up. You KNOW this would rock.

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The Dark Knight Returns- (I know this has just been done, but as I'm actually reading it right at this exact moment, I thought I'd chip in. And Bruce Wayne is "pushing sixty", according to the The Dark Knight Strikes Again, the sequel. Although he also says Batman has been around for 40 years, so that would have made him rather young when he first donned the mask. Anyway, pedantic geekiness aside.......

Batman/Bruce Wayne- A tough one. Tempted to go with Bruce Willis, but I think I'll settle on Harrison Ford as the aging action star of choice.

Joker- Willem Dafoe

Commisioner Gordon- Ian McKellen

Superman- Brandon Routh (Superman is older, but I think it'd be a nice touch if he didn't look TOO much older)

Carrie Kelly/Robin- I'd probably cast an unknown to be honest

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow- Billy Connolly (what can I say, that is too perfect not to steal)

Mutant Leader- Ron Perlman

Harvey Dent/Two Face- Hugo Weaving

Just looking at the cast, this film would have to have a budget of about a billion..............

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I'll fill the rest up when I can think of people....

Final Fantasy VIII

Squall Leonhart:


Laguna Loire:


Seifer Almasy:


Quistis Trepe:


Rinoa Heartilly: Camilla Belle



Selphie Tilmitt:


Zell Dincht: Toby Hemingway (the guy in the picture... obviously)



Irvine Kinneas: Taylor Kitsch



Kiros Seagill: William Romeo



Ward Zabac:


Edea Kramer: Marion Cotillard





Cid Kramer: Kelsey Grammer



Ellone: some random child actor (girl)


Fujin: Natassia Malthe



Raijin: Daniel Cudmore



Ultimecia: Michelle Pfeiffer



Biggs (Red): who cares


Wedge (Blue): who cares


General Caraway:


Vizor Deling: Dan Hedaya



Zone (Blue): unknown


Watts (Yellow): unknown


Julia Heartilly:


Raine Loire:


Martine: Nicolas Cage



NORG: Steve Pemberton (voice only)


Dr. Odine:


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Kurt Russell is one of those actors who I will watch in every single movie he is in, and enjoy, no matter how shitty it is (ahem Sky High.) He certainly would make a badass Batman, and an equally good Bruce Wayne.

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The Dark Knight Returns...

Clint Eastwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman is somewhere north of 65 in this tale)

Jack Nicholson reprises his former role of The Joker

Billy Connolly as an equally aged Green Arrow

Michael Clarke Duncan in considerable make up as The Mutant Leader

Gary Oldman can be aged ala Dracula into keeping his previous role of Gordon

Ellen Page could ride her recent popularity into the role of Robin

The only person I don't know who I'd cast as is a slightly aged Superman who would be key to the plot.

Bruce Campbell? :blush:

Can't believe I didn't notice this thread earlier. Here's my cast for an adaptation of the first Metal Gear Solid game.

Metal Gear Solid

Solid Snake - Christian Bale

Liquid Snake - Sean Bean

Meryl Silverburgh - Mary Elizabeth Winstead

GrayFox - Liam Neeson

Revolver Ocelot - Jon Voight

Roy Campbell - Chris Cooper

Otacon - Robert Carradine

Vulcan Raven - Nathan Jones

Sniper Wolf - Milla Jovovich

Naomi Hunter - Rachel Weisz

I know Solid and Liquid are meant to be twins, but Liquid always reminded me of Sean Bean. I'm sure there would be a way around casting Liquid as a different actor without fucking around with the dynamics too much. Even I'm not too sure about Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Meryl, but she has a similiar innocent quality that Meryl has. Also, this would be a huge blockbuster and no blockbuster is complete without a hot chick.

Most of those choices are inspired, but how can you look past Rade Serbedgia as Ocelot? I mean, Voight isn't bad, but Rade Serbedgia?! He IS Ocelot :P

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The Dark Knight Returns...

Clint Eastwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman is somewhere north of 65 in this tale)

Jack Nicholson reprises his former role of The Joker

Billy Connolly as an equally aged Green Arrow

Michael Clarke Duncan in considerable make up as The Mutant Leader

Gary Oldman can be aged ala Dracula into keeping his previous role of Gordon

Ellen Page could ride her recent popularity into the role of Robin

The only person I don't know who I'd cast as is a slightly aged Superman who would be key to the plot.

Bruce Campbell? :blush:

Can't believe I didn't notice this thread earlier. Here's my cast for an adaptation of the first Metal Gear Solid game.

Metal Gear Solid

Solid Snake - Christian Bale

Liquid Snake - Sean Bean

Meryl Silverburgh - Mary Elizabeth Winstead

GrayFox - Liam Neeson

Revolver Ocelot - Jon Voight

Roy Campbell - Chris Cooper

Otacon - Robert Carradine

Vulcan Raven - Nathan Jones

Sniper Wolf - Milla Jovovich

Naomi Hunter - Rachel Weisz

I know Solid and Liquid are meant to be twins, but Liquid always reminded me of Sean Bean. I'm sure there would be a way around casting Liquid as a different actor without fucking around with the dynamics too much. Even I'm not too sure about Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Meryl, but she has a similiar innocent quality that Meryl has. Also, this would be a huge blockbuster and no blockbuster is complete without a hot chick.

Most of those choices are inspired, but how can you look past Rade Serbedgia as Ocelot? I mean, Voight isn't bad, but Rade Serbedgia?! He IS Ocelot :P

Forgot about him actually. I was thinking either Voight or Donald Sutherland while I was writing it up originally.

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